Dream decoding simple spread


Thanks for the Spread

I had quite a nightmare and woke to search for a traslation spread and this was the first one that popped up. It really helped me figure out what's going on so I thank you. If not for this decoding spread, I would have had some horrible images in my head but now I see it in such a different light. It was awful enought to wake me up and deal on figuring it out. ;)

I'd been wary of doing a 'real' reading because the deck is so new so this dream kinda forced me to jump in and I'm so glad I did!


Thank you for this spread. I had a dream I was yelling at my students at the top of my lungs and they still wouldn't pay attention. making sure it wasn't a prophetic dream, I used this spread and it totally makes sense now.


Thank you all so much for your kind words :) I am very glad to see that my simple spread really makes sense and may be useful.

Sonia Doris

hey :-D, great spread, I'll certainly try it out and let you know how it worked :-D


Thanks for this helpful, accurate spread!

I just tried this spread and it is AMAZING! I got exactly what I needed out of it. It helped me realize what my dream meant almost immediately! Thank you so much amaretta for posting this spread! It will definitely be one that I keep in my spreads!



Thank you very much :)


I know this is an old thread, but just want to thank you for the spread.

While I believe the real life issues that caused the dream could match several different things, card 1 was bang on in terms of what I was feeling in the dream.


Thank you for this spread. I've trained myself to not remember dreams unless there is something there I need to know and I had two big dreams this past week that needed interpretation.
Thanks again.


Why do you train yourself not to remember dreams? Are you sure that's healthy? Dreams are designed to help us figure out things we can't do consciously and help us cope with stress.

Anyway, I use this spread all the time. I have this thread listed on my "Watched Threads" so I can get back to it easily whenever I need it. I love it, too!


I tried this spread this morning for a dream I had and I can say that it was very useful! I feel it really brought out the issues I'm working on now!
