
Hello Daniel,

I had a few dreams for you. Here they are:

1. A Buddhist priest wants to give me a medallion that, for some reason, signifies marriage. I ask the priest to give it to a woman standing next to me. I say I don't need such a thing, but I'm really only pretending I don't.

2. I'm looking at a website that tells you about an occupational re-training programme that enables you to change careers and become a teacher.

3. I'm on the internet and use a computer that other people also have access to. I realize that they all can see my browsing history and I feel slightly uneasy about it. Not that I've looked at anything unacceptable, I just don't want to feel so exposed.

4. In the next dream, I'm moving out of the apartment I lived in as a student. I realize that the place looks rather run-down and shabby. All the furniture is already gone, but there is a large potted plant in one corner. I think to myself "My god, I had completely forgotten about this plant, I haven't watered it in YEARS, it's a miracle that it's still alive." And the plant is not only alive, it's actually rather healthy, the earth in the pot is dry and cracked, but only a few leaves are withered, most of it is still nice and green.
My mother is there, too, to help me move the washing-machine, and I feel resentful towards her, but I don't remember why.

5. In the last dream, I wake up and feel there is some crumbly material in my mouth. I worry that my teeth are broken, but they are okay. The material is some kind of black plastic. I panic slightly because I realise someone has put a sleep-inducing drug into my mouth to put me into a really deep sleep. The plastic is the remains of the bag that the drug was in.

I think the first and the third dream suggest that you don't feel too comfortable showing how you feel. Perhaps you don't like to admit, even to yourself, that you have emotional needs. You say you've been focusing on your spiritual development but neglected your emotions - I think there are some spiritual traditions, Buddhism for example, that may foster misunderstandings about this area because they stress the importance of non-attachment. I don't believe this concept means you aren't allowed to have any desires or needs anymore. I think it only means that you can achieve a state of joy that comes from within rather than without. So it's better to admit that you do have emotional needs - we all do.

The fourth and the fifth dream indicate that you are worried about your emotional health because you neglected it for so long, but you don't have to be too worried. Your emotional health is better than you think now, it only needs some nurturing. You mentioned an inner child meditation - I wonder if there are also emotional issues you need to look at that stem from the time when you were a young adult. Perhaps there were some conflicts with your mother about becoming independent?

In the fifth dream, the drug that made you unconscious was given to you by someone else. So I think you should ask yourself why you repressed your emotions for such a long time. Probably you wanted to protect not only yourself, but also the people who hurt you - it must have seemed less painful to you to forget about your hurts than to confront those people. Maybe now is the time to do so.

I think the second dream might mean that any training programme involving pedagogics and/or psychology might help you. If you learn how to help others access their emotional needs, you will have an easier time connecting with your own.

I hope there was something in those dreams that helps you, Daniel :)! Please let me know what you think.



I first dreamt that I was trying to ride a bicycle on a pathway full of tar. It seemed silly because right across the way there was a brand new bike path, but I chose the much more difficult route.

In the second dream, I dreamt of my painting teacher. I dream I was by my easel, and he was over my shoulder scolding me. I was painting a new painting straight on top of an older one and that was something he always warned against. Painting a good painting over an older, bad one just risks doing good work and seeing it ruined because underneath is bad. (People would want to do this to save money)In his class there was only one way to do a painting, all at once. Don't go and touch up something months later, it will just crack. If you didn't get a painting right within a few weeks, he would say, move on or throw it away. Things dry up, and the paint starts to look tortured.

I think both of these dreams have to do with leaving behind things that didn't work out. Or even, leaving behind things that aren't working right now. In the bike dream, why do things the difficult way? Sometimes your path ahead is both easy and obvious and that's ok. Sometimes you have to abandon one way of thinking and doing things and just start all over. Get out of your tar, don't try and force it. Maybe its emotional tar. Especially the painting dream, you have to cut your loses and let the past be the past. Don't try to fix it, just throw it away. Its all about starting with a clean slate.

I hope something makes sense here. : D


I really love all your dreams this time around. They all fit my life and shall go through them this weekend with feedback :heart:


Feedback for Mell

Daniel, I had a dream for you - and get this, you starred in the dream! When I first woke up and pondered the dream I thought maybe my psy powers were improving, but then I remembered that I do know what you look like - your piccie is in your profile! Still, I think it says something for your astral presence that you were able to enter into my dream.

I love that! also funny that you thought you saw what I looked like. A lot of people dream about my in life, I am not sure why that happens. I think you are the first person from AT though ;) :thumbsup: Almost on a monthly basis someone tells me I was in their dream (in a totally innocent and normally positive way). I don't try to appear in the dreams or think about the person when it happens. Must research into this more :) I am sure it's a cute thing!

I'm titling the dream "Music Lessons". In the dream, I've decided I want to take music lessons and I make an appointment with a well-known local teacher. I remember thinking that I only just now have the time and patience for these lessons; I could not have done them before in my life. I am quite eager so I arrive at the studio early, hoping to get started but the teacher is with another student, so I wait in a sort of anteroom outside the studio.

As I wait, YOU enter, Daniel and we begin to chat about what turns out to be our mutual budding interest in music. Upon further conversation, we realize that we both see the music as a form of therapy. I confess that I've written a poem and wish to set it to music but before you could reply, I woke up.
I told you already by PM but I was taken in this dream round that many of the things in the dreams for me are things have happened in the last month. They seem topical. I posted a long post in another thread here about if people are psychic or not by birth or it's 'learnt' and I posted a comparison to learning to play the piano. I remember what I wrote out and it was a little similar to your dream. I was taken by the comparison. I decided to edit out of the post the stuff with the piano comparison. I thought it was a bit stupid and didn't really fit.

When I was a child I had piano lessons and it was exactly like this dream. I really am not skilled in music and I think I did the lessons for about a year. The teacher was really strict and it just wasn't for me but I tried.

My key words in this dream are lessons, music, therapy, and poetry. I see the notion of lessons as life - along with my thought that I only just now could do the music lessons - acknowledging that I am ready to tackle the emotional stuff now. The music itself is the metaphor for the emotional harmony that you seek (that we all seek, actually!) To view this very creative process as therapy - I think in a simple way this dream may urge you to go to the heart of your creative self and be open to the process of creating in any form. Creation = love = expansion and can help to move you away from any state of anxiety or self doubt you may be experiencing.

The poetry is a profound form of self-expression, and indeed, when you stop and think about it our emotions are just exactly that. Maybe if we thought of emotions as we might a musical instrument, one that required care and diligent practice in order to produce beautiful music, we can be a little more open to our emotional life. There are skills we can learn! Now we might see it as a little more doable and less daunting.

The key will be 'going to the studio' - eg, life itself - and meeting other students who are also learning how to play their own instruments as well.

Just a few thoughts; I hope there is something you can use here. It's early in the week, I may yet have another. Always a pleasure dreaming for you!
I liked there is a literal meaning to me in this dream as well as a symbolic meaning. It's interesting because music and poetry are not big skills in my life but they are both things in the past I took a risk and spent time time and patience on. I think I created and read a poem for my English Literature course years ago. They are both things I have not continued but I had a go at them.

I think there is a message here about finding passions and what I like and then spending more time and patience on them. Creating could help me with emotion healing! Find a outlet for expression in the creative arts. I really am a fan of art and music therapy. I know someone who had a studio for adults with lifelong disabilities in New York. They do amazing things and the art is not judged. They can create whatever they want. Some of it is sold and some is just personal to the person. I am not naturally artistically gifted at all or musically, my skill is more in writing. But perhaps I should try that creative expression, just to get things out on paper or draw digitally. As well as just having a go creatively, perhaps it would mean a group or something in that area. However bad I am at it :)

In one of the dream circles for last year, someone dreamt multiple times in a week for me, musical dreams. They are a musical person (I think it might have been Linnie or someone else, but it was about a year ago). They dreamt that specific notes have a special meaning for me. I wrote down the notes they posted about and I was going to look at buying bells or something in that "note". They were sure emotional healing for me was about those frequencies. It was interesting at the time but also interesting in relation to this dream :)

I have to have a serious think about adding more creation to my life! even just doodling what is currently in my mind :thumbsup: thanks Mell


Feedback for Liralen

sorry for the break in feedback, was just starting to reply to everyone and then the day turned out quite unexpectedly (but nice). okay finishing all the feedback now :) apologises for the delay.

on to Liralen's interesting dreams.
Something interesting about your dreams Liralen is that like Mell, some are symbolic but they are literal to me on another level. Also they are experiences I have had too!

I have edited the dream and the interpretations together for each feedback, but not changed your words in any way, just to make it easier to refer to :)

Hello Daniel,

I had a few dreams for you. Here they are:

1. A Buddhist priest wants to give me a medallion that, for some reason, signifies marriage. I ask the priest to give it to a woman standing next to me. I say I don't need such a thing, but I'm really only pretending I don't.

3. I'm on the internet and use a computer that other people also have access to. I realize that they all can see my browsing history and I feel slightly uneasy about it. Not that I've looked at anything unacceptable, I just don't want to feel so exposed.

I think the first and the third dream suggest that you don't feel too comfortable showing how you feel. Perhaps you don't like to admit, even to yourself, that you have emotional needs. You say you've been focusing on your spiritual development but neglected your emotions - I think there are some spiritual traditions, Buddhism for example, that may foster misunderstandings about this area because they stress the importance of non-attachment. I don't believe this concept means you aren't allowed to have any desires or needs anymore. I think it only means that you can achieve a state of joy that comes from within rather than without. So it's better to admit that you do have emotional needs - we all do.

on a literal level these dreams are fascinating. I am interested in Buddhism and the meditation parts of it. The part about marriage is really true about my life, but keep it quiet :D In March in the UK, gay and lesbian people could get married instead of just having a civil union. I really believe personally in equality and pleased for everyone that will benefit from this now. But I have a friend in my life who is an influence and been listening to him go on about marriage and his issues about union. I love that I have the choice but in recent months I have decided that I never want to marry, it's just too conventional. I don't want to do something to be acceptable or to conform to society. So recently I would have asked for that medallion to be handed to someone else. But in the last month I have realised my friend might be very biased against long term unions. I'm single if I want to marry someone that it was going really well with, I would turn it down because it's too conforming? I could make a marriage my own way and my own style which is both legal and something a little different :D This dream surprised me, it's so representative of my thinking at the moment about relationships. I should add this is my personal marriage issues and happy for anyone else if they want to marry or what they want to do :) So now I am keeping my options open, see what happens!

The 3rd dream in literal terms. Well I do consider what I browse for on the internet private but recently I downloaded a funny internet meme photo to my phone. It was not offensive or porn but a friend was flicking through photos on my phone and started going through more than what we were talking about and swiped to the meme picture. It was awkward, I really felt exposed. People could accidentally see something and take it out of context.

on to your symbolic interpretation of the dreams, you are so right about the not showing how I feel. Also the emotional needs. Another part of the marriage issues I have is that it's an emotional need. The things I download off the internet is in some way an emotional need. The history of my visits to here is saved, someone could read through them but I love coming to AT, why should I be ashamed? I download that meme photo to my phone for a laugh and to send to someone else. You are really right on this. my friend and influence is perhaps so into non-attachment he has gone the other way, you exactly right about it :)

2. I'm looking at a website that tells you about an occupational re-training programme that enables you to change careers and become a teacher.

I think the second dream might mean that any training programme involving pedagogics and/or psychology might help you. If you learn how to help others access their emotional needs, you will have an easier time connecting with your own.
I come from a family of a lot of teachers :) I have never really thought it could be for me. My Father was the head of a faculty in a university and now is retired but still teaches some days a week! But his way of facing a class and teaching always makes me proud. The confidence he has. But never say never, perhaps that is my career path. It has taken me many many years and career choices but I think psychology is something I want to do and eventually become a counsellor / therapist. I have heard before about the saying that if you teach something, it helps you with that area yourself. I have found in tarot that learning and then teaching the same thing to someone on here makes you so good at it! passing it on!

I do want to go into this area and help others in this way. Interesting about the retraining though and how it featured. I had to look up what pedagogics was in English and now educated about a whole new word! your English is better than mine Liralen :)

4. In the next dream, I'm moving out of the apartment I lived in as a student. I realize that the place looks rather run-down and shabby. All the furniture is already gone, but there is a large potted plant in one corner. I think to myself "My god, I had completely forgotten about this plant, I haven't watered it in YEARS, it's a miracle that it's still alive." And the plant is not only alive, it's actually rather healthy, the earth in the pot is dry and cracked, but only a few leaves are withered, most of it is still nice and green.
My mother is there, too, to help me move the washing-machine, and I feel resentful towards her, but I don't remember why.

5. In the last dream, I wake up and feel there is some crumbly material in my mouth. I worry that my teeth are broken, but they are okay. The material is some kind of black plastic. I panic slightly because I realise someone has put a sleep-inducing drug into my mouth to put me into a really deep sleep. The plastic is the remains of the bag that the drug was in.

The fourth and the fifth dream indicate that you are worried about your emotional health because you neglected it for so long, but you don't have to be too worried. Your emotional health is better than you think now, it only needs some nurturing. You mentioned an inner child meditation - I wonder if there are also emotional issues you need to look at that stem from the time when you were a young adult. Perhaps there were some conflicts with your mother about becoming independent?

In the fifth dream, the drug that made you unconscious was given to you by someone else. So I think you should ask yourself why you repressed your emotions for such a long time. Probably you wanted to protect not only yourself, but also the people who hurt you - it must have seemed less painful to you to forget about your hurts than to confront those people. Maybe now is the time to do so.
Your plant left in the corner dream is so about my inner child meditation dream. I even wrote about that in the question post about my dream week. There was anxiety that I had totally ignored this area of my life, how could that have happened?

The 5th dream, another really interesting one. I have actually had dreams of both things in this repeatedly. When I get very stressed I clinch my teeth at night and grind. Sometimes during this period I wake up and think "are they broken?" it's an anxiety about them. I have dreamt of this and then woken up. I have also had rather sinister dreams about the sleeping tablet. I haven't had the bag part left in my mouth but I have had dreams about that. I researched into it and I think it is about losing control.

True about the worry about the neglect to my emotional health and it's not really as bad as I think. you are right about the repression and youth areas. I also have issues with my parents in this area I am working on (see your dream with my Mum). I have almost been suffocated by them emotionally, see the house dream and the drug dream. The exciting thing about this area is it's something I am really working on currently. Breaking out and getting my own independence! The emotional realisations in the dreams are big ones!

I hope there was something in those dreams that helps you, Daniel :)! Please let me know what you think.
my feedback is so long (apologises) but your dreams were really fitting with my life and give me lots of things about my life. Really loved them :heart: accurate and revelatory!


Bleu's Feedback


I first dreamt that I was trying to ride a bicycle on a pathway full of tar. It seemed silly because right across the way there was a brand new bike path, but I chose the much more difficult route.

In the second dream, I dreamt of my painting teacher. I dream I was by my easel, and he was over my shoulder scolding me. I was painting a new painting straight on top of an older one and that was something he always warned against. Painting a good painting over an older, bad one just risks doing good work and seeing it ruined because underneath is bad. (People would want to do this to save money)In his class there was only one way to do a painting, all at once. Don't go and touch up something months later, it will just crack. If you didn't get a painting right within a few weeks, he would say, move on or throw it away. Things dry up, and the paint starts to look tortured.

I think both of these dreams have to do with leaving behind things that didn't work out. Or even, leaving behind things that aren't working right now. In the bike dream, why do things the difficult way? Sometimes your path ahead is both easy and obvious and that's ok. Sometimes you have to abandon one way of thinking and doing things and just start all over. Get out of your tar, don't try and force it. Maybe its emotional tar. Especially the painting dream, you have to cut your loses and let the past be the past. Don't try to fix it, just throw it away. Its all about starting with a clean slate.

I hope something makes sense here. : D

More dreams with important messages I think :) 2 situations where I should just move on. Really true with the bicycle and the tar, why would anyone keep pushing through. I think that is an important message that when I am not making progress or things are stagnating, to find a new way of progressing.

I just realised there is a link between the two dreams. They are both about a good firm foundation. The tar is wet and not set, but there is another option there. The second dream is painting on a used canvas but better to start with a nice clean one. Start from a blank canvas (perhaps literally). Also there is creative elements in this dream like Mell's dream.

Interesting about the second dream with the painting. I do have critical people in my life. Perhaps I don't want a canvas to go to waste or I want to fix something later on. Some things I just have to move on from!

This does have meaning in my life, start with a clean slate or find a whole new way when things are not working out. I am not very good at abandoning things ;) thanks Bleu!


thanks for all your dreams! I felt they touched on parts of my life and were meaningful! will use their messages to work on my emotional health. Very enlightening this time for me :)

I hope everyone had a good dream week this week and have found something to take from it! :thumbsup: :heart: