Experimental Oracle Reading for...Sagitarian!


Sorry again for the delay.
It's becuase I tend to get really involved in the typing, and seeing at the same time, and it can take me several hours to get all my thoughts out!

I liked the decks that volunteered themselves for your reading! They are all interesting...and some are my favotrites!

So, I have had some time to sit on this reading and think...here goes...

POSITION 1 (Center, Heart of the Reading, Present)
Planetary Influence: The Sun
Oracle Deck: Psycards
Oracle card: The Liar

So...we start in the center...with an appropriate planet, the Sun. The Sun is about willpower, self-reliance and self assurance, and the motto is To Direct, Take Action, Be Strong, Lead Others.
My first thought is..."I don't want to tell the girl that she is a liar!"
But I realize that this card means more than that.

The image shows a smirking jester in cap and bells, holding a mask in front of him,and my intuitive response is that you are currently in a leadship or "boss" type of position that you don't really want. The mask says that you are putting on a mask, or show,of liking this position, and making nice with others, but really you want out.
Or I can even see that there is a way you keep decieving yourself and telling yourself that everything is great...or at least not that bad...when inside you may feel miserable.
There may also be someone else around you that is lying, or cheating, and making you feel uncomfortable, becuase intuitively, you KNOW that something is wrong, but nothing has come to light yet. And in this case, I see you with a feeling that you are responsible for this person in some way...if not for thier actions, then for protecting them, and teaching them not to lie. trust in your feelings, that if something is not right than it probably isn't...and don't stay with a place or person, or position, just because you want to be nice and don't want to hurt anyone...in this way you may be hurting yourself.

POSITION 2 (Past. What Influences You)
Planetary Influence: Venus
Oracle Deck: Medicine Cards Just for Today
Oracle Card: Beaver

This is what you are passing out of, but which is still with you, so to speak. Venus is To Feel,Trust in Others, Love Unconditionaly, Live in Joy.
On the card itself,( besides the Beaver!) are the words: Make today count, Build toward manifesting your dreams & goals.

So here in the past, you have made some serious decisions recently to build towards what you want in life, in regards to peace, love and happiness. In some ways, you already have these things, and in other ways you want more of these things!
And you are steadily gaining ground, in building your dreams...and are comming ever closer to your bliss...what you were meant to do in this lifetime, and what makes you happiest.
And somewhere in here...I just get this idea that it involves working or teaching young people in spiritual, life affirming wisdom. Suddenly I got a picture that this might relate to the second part of what I said in Position 1...(a young person lying?)but I could be way off here too.
I also get a sense of a recent "new Love" in your life...but it's difficult for me to see if it's a person or a thing or a job...Beaver medicine is about going places and DOING...building new foundations and new relationships as well.
Overall, this strikes me as a powerful combination of card oracle and planetary oracle!
Beaver is also about teamwork,the group mind and about practicality. Whatever projects you have been involved in, especially with others that you love, to build your dream are taking off now, and taking shape for tomorrow!

POSITION 3 ( Past. What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Position: Jupiter
Oracle Deck: The Faerie Oracle
Oracle Card:The Soul Shrinker

Here is the position of Jupiter, whose motto is To Know, Understand the Situation, Speak from a Higher Source, Judge Fairly, and also influences honor, friendship, wisdom and moral values.
And here is a grinning Fae, who I didn't expect at all! I admit, when he first appeared in this reading, I didn't know how to judge this, and so I asked him why he was here, and in this particular position.
His answer didn't come right away...but he smiled at my use of the word "judge". So...this is in the recent past, and has something to do with your influence. I really get the feeling that you may have said something about someone, judged them unfairly (however unintentionally) and caused some hurtful feelings in the process. The Soul Shrinker told me that you don't do this often...but something critical was spoken, possibly originally as a joke, and has left some bad energy that is just hanging there like a big black raincloud. Because of the position I would think that there may be something like honor at stake, or a friendship may be on the line...

But I really also got the weird feeling that the Soul Shrinker was messing with me, in this reading, and that things are not nearly so big and doomy as it appears. This is probably a very little thing that slipped out in the recent past, and is some sort of test in a way. Whatever may have happened or been said, I feel may at this time have already blown over...or been resolved...but that you might still be feeling bad about it, for no good reason.
I don't know...this was a hard one for me to call..

On to ...
POSITION 4 (Present. What Influences You)
Planetary Position: Mars
Oracle Deck:Morgan's Tarot
Oracle card: Nobody here but us Folk

The position of Mars is To Confront, Be Agressive, Fight To Win, Act Courageous, and drive, determination, and decision making are all part of his rule as well.
This is a trippy little deck, and although it is called Morgan's Tarot, it has no correlation to tarot...or any other oracle I have seen. It has a dadaist, random, existential New Age hippy vibe to it.

The card...Nobody here but us Folk...is a black and white drawing of a bunch of people just sitting around, hanging out.
There is a great feeling of commune, and community here...and I can see you involved with an extended family of people who may not be related to you, but who you consider your family nonetheless.
There is a strange feeling of this card not fitting in with its position...but I can see it meaning that you don't need to be agressive, or confrontational, because that is not the role you play in this group. I do see, however that if there is a present fight or competition, or confrontation that needs to be addressed, that you have absolutely the right people behind you to help you out, fight for you, and do what needs to be done. Like a wall of supporters, you know where to turn when help is needed, or there is some injustice to take care of.

I decided (against my better judgement and experience!) to have a peek at what the LWB that comes with this deck has to say. I warn you, it rarely has anything helpful to add...
It says:
NOBODY HERE BUT US FOLK..."On levels of incomprehensible enlightenment, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva have acheived self-forgetfulness, as have Venus, Kali, Maya, Zeus, Hera, Poseidan. Anubis, Thoth, Osiris, Horus, hermes, Tara, The Dolphin, Ra, saturn, Mars, Christ, Buddha, Jehova, The Devas, Ahura Mazda, the ninety-nine attributes of Allah, the White Goddess, etc...etc...etc"

Um...Yeah...so anyway, I do really like this deck, and perhaps you have uncovered a message here that I have missed!

The next three are continued in the next post, as I don't want to lose what has already been written!


experiment continued...

Continuing on...

POSITION 5 (Present. What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Influence: The Moon
Oracle Deck: Card Captor Sakura CLOW cards
Oracle Card: The Change

The Moon here is To Explore, Find Yourself, Be Inspired, Believe In Your Own Power. It also rules emotions, home and family, mystery, journeys and psychic things.

The deck is the CLOW cards (formerlly known as "My unknown anime deck!") And the card features a red-eyed, spikey-backed, Pokemon type critter with a long curled tail. He is very cute, and rather like a chameleon. having no book for this deck, I am forced to intuitively read this as you are making changes in your life, to get to know yourself better.
Remember, this is the present time, but something that you are influencing...and the chameleon suggests that you are challenging yourself, by doing new things that you wouldn't normally try. I see you jumping with two feet, out of your comfort zone and into a different environment just to see how you adapt. And adaptability here is the key word...like a chameleon, you are seeing if you can blend in, or if you stand out. Either way is actually good, since it gives you more info on where to go next.

Are you involved in a new community of people in regards to spiritual, or psychic phenom? it could be a new forum on the internet, or a new group face-to face...but I really see you alternately blending into the backround, and then surprising everyone by showing off your new colors!
There is also a journalling issue here...and a change in how you do it. Or perhaps you have not written down your Journey so far...and that is the new change that I see? A start of a new journey into your subconcious and exploring the Mysteries?

Regardless of the meanings...you are definately in control in this card...so whatever changes ypou make now, are due to your own need, and in your own time, and do not heed to any outside influences. Change is a good thing, as is leaping into the unknown, out of one's comfort area. Without change in our outer life, we can become depressed or stagnant...and in our inner life...which the Moon rules, we can become too relient on old thought patterns and old out-dated beliefs. I see this as a nice way to remind you that your decisions to make a change are good ones, and that they lead you down the path of new discoveries.

POSITION 6 (Future.What Influences You)
Planetary Position:Mercury
Oracle Deck:Madame Endora's Fortune Cards
Oracle Card: The Sheild

This was a hard one for me to decipher...because Mercury rules a host of different, seemingly unrelated things...Mercury is To Think, Speak Your Mind, Learn New Things, Travel The Distance. It also can encompass the areas of travel by ground and air, communication, health issues, education and technology.

The card shows a shield, with a very European looking eagle design. It has these 5 simple words on it..."You are safe from harm."

I can't help but think that this ties in with a few of the other cards, in the other positions...like the Soul Shrinker, and miss-communication, and the Mars support group building in Nobody here but us folk...(shielding yourself from harm)I also can see where it might tie in with the central card and the liar. (another card associated with communication)
I guess what I see here most is that you should have no worries about anything you may have said or done...or anything that you are afraid you might say in the future. This card is influencing you...which to me says that you have Divine protection from a higher source watching out for you on any changes and new beginnings you wish to make. there is also, since this is the future position, a really good possibility of travel in the next few months, and fears about health and travel being eliminated.

A shield is a powerful weapon of defence. And so you may be hiding your thoughts from others as well. You find protection can often cause you not to open up, and expose yourself to friends as well as strangers. Mostly, though...this is very positive card for the future...I also see that a health concearn may come up soon, that has you very worried...just remember this card, when it happens. You are safe, you are protected. There is no reason for worry, as worry and stress only make you feel worse.

POSITION 7 (Future.What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Position: Saturn
Oracle deck: Archetypal Reiki
Oracle card:Grounding and Balance:Foundation

This is an interesting combination:
A deck that normally deals with the Present, in a position of the Future, influenced by the planet of the Past!
Saturn's motto is To BE, Prepare For the Inevitable, Make An End, Trust Your Destiny...it rules past lives, destinies, endings, conservation, experience and maturity.

Saturn in the Future is about facing those things that are inevitable, and Karmic.Your journey from the past to the present now leads here. And this card tells of finding your balance and not to be overwelmed. It all sounds so serious! Honestly, I can't tell what the message is from this card...and I don't feel that it relates to anything so Big. But what I do see, is a need for grounding techniques...possibly new ones. I can sense very soon, a period where you feel as if you are scattering your energies, which does no one, least of all you, any good.

As I am out of ideas for the meanings here...I go to the book:
it says"Grounding is an important principle in all energy work. Balance is the goal of all spiritual practice." "Only When we are grounded can we be present, focused, and dynamic. only when we are rooted in sensation, feeling, action, and in the solidity of the material world, can we begin to raise our consciousness."

hmmm...I hope that sheds a litle more light on this card.

To sum up the whole reading...I originally felt that there was some negativity surrounding various issues in your life....my initial feeling was to scrap all the cards and pull new ones! But on further investigation, this reading really isn't that bad at all. It speaks of lessons that are learned and decisions that have been made, and changes that have, and will occur. I did get the feeling with this one..as opposed to Ros' reading...that all of it was related in some way with everything else.

This is, of course, an experiment...and I don't know if anything here has any meaning for you, or indeed relates to you at all! I actually saw a lot of my own issues come up in here, as I was typing it all out....
So...feedback...especially detailed feedback... would be a blessing!
If any of this rings true, let me know...and if any of it sounds completely off the mark...let me know that too!

there is probably a lot more insight hidden in here...especially with the addition of planetary influences into the positions and oracles...but I feel exhausted at the moment, so I am having trouble seeing them all.
But if you have any questions about any of this...feel free to ask me!

Thanks Sag, for being my guina pig #2!

Peace, and Blessings,



I just wanted to let you know that I have read the reading that you did, don't worry, it's more right on then you think, and I can't wait to explain soul shrinker to you...and you're right, he was challenging you. I'm sorry that had happend, smiles a faery mischievious smile and winks to ya. In any case, I don't have the time right now to give detail feedbacks, but rest assured, I will when I have the time to do it. Either late tonight, or monday I should be able to do this.

I wanted to thank you so much for doing this reading for me, it looks like a very complicated reading, and it didn't help that a lot of the cards that came up didn't seem to fit to you. I'm glad you got the experience of reading a more complicated reading, and I commend you on stretching your reading abilities and doing this experiment.

Take care hon, I'll get back to this soon.



Awesome! I am just glad that something here made sense to you!

Some Oracles work harder than others, and it's not often that I do a "blind" Oracle reading...in other words... one that doesn't have a question!

Thanks! Take your time for feedback, I am in no rush!

(and say "hi" to the Soul Shrinker for me!)


Chronata said:
POSITION 1 (Center, Heart of the Reading, Present)
Planetary Influence: The Sun
Oracle Deck: Psycards
Oracle card: The Liar

So...we start in the center...with an appropriate planet, the Sun. The Sun is about willpower, self-reliance and self assurance, and the motto is To Direct, Take Action, Be Strong, Lead Others.
My first thought is..."I don't want to tell the girl that she is a liar!"
But I realize that this card means more than that.

The image shows a smirking jester in cap and bells, holding a mask in front of him,and my intuitive response is that you are currently in a leadship or "boss" type of position that you don't really want. The mask says that you are putting on a mask, or show,of liking this position, and making nice with others, but really you want out.
Or I can even see that there is a way you keep decieving yourself and telling yourself that everything is great...or at least not that bad...when inside you may feel miserable.
There may also be someone else around you that is lying, or cheating, and making you feel uncomfortable, becuase intuitively, you KNOW that something is wrong, but nothing has come to light yet. And in this case, I see you with a feeling that you are responsible for this person in some way...if not for thier actions, then for protecting them, and teaching them not to lie. trust in your feelings, that if something is not right than it probably isn't...and don't stay with a place or person, or position, just because you want to be nice and don't want to hurt anyone...in this way you may be hurting yourself.

Most of this was completely off, except for the last paragraph, about somone around me lying. My mother has a serious problem dealing with an addiction of sorts, and recently asked me to "if it were to come up, please cover me and back me up in the lie I am telling my live in boyfriend". This has really really unsettled me, and I talked to her about is as much as she would allow. In the end, the conversation ended as "You tell him what you feel you need to tell him, and I hope you will find the courage and the wisdom to tell him the truth. If he were to call me and ask, no I'm not going to lie to him". I feel awful that I won't back up my own mom, but this is a problem that she has recently seeked counseling and a support group for. It's really troubled me, but I know that I made the right decision in this one.

Chronata said:
POSITION 2 (Past. What Influences You)
Planetary Influence: Venus
Oracle Deck: Medicine Cards Just for Today
Oracle Card: Beaver

This is what you are passing out of, but which is still with you, so to speak. Venus is To Feel,Trust in Others, Love Unconditionaly, Live in Joy.
On the card itself,( besides the Beaver!) are the words: Make today count, Build toward manifesting your dreams & goals.

So here in the past, you have made some serious decisions recently to build towards what you want in life, in regards to peace, love and happiness. In some ways, you already have these things, and in other ways you want more of these things!
And you are steadily gaining ground, in building your dreams...and are comming ever closer to your bliss...what you were meant to do in this lifetime, and what makes you happiest.
And somewhere in here...I just get this idea that it involves working or teaching young people in spiritual, life affirming wisdom. Suddenly I got a picture that this might relate to the second part of what I said in Position 1...(a young person lying?)but I could be way off here too.
I also get a sense of a recent "new Love" in your life...but it's difficult for me to see if it's a person or a thing or a job...Beaver medicine is about going places and DOING...building new foundations and new relationships as well.
Overall, this strikes me as a powerful combination of card oracle and planetary oracle!
Beaver is also about teamwork,the group mind and about practicality. Whatever projects you have been involved in, especially with others that you love, to build your dream are taking off now, and taking shape for tomorrow!

This is exactly right in all of it's aspects. There is a new love, but this subject is personal, so forgive me in not sharing the details here. There is also a new project going on, and inside the project, it involves teaching others. I'm currently working on a book about Faery Magic, what it is, the concepts, and how to basic instructions in such a way that you can incorporate these practices and add them to what one already practices, or choose it for a spiritual life path on it's own. Either way, my intent is to teach people about faeries, and how to incorporate this energy and the fae into their spiritual endeavors. I am also in the middle of writing a book on Tarot. My Jobs I adore. I have two of them. 1. is being a stay at home mom, and 2. is on Saturdays I work as a psychic spiritual counselor and teacher. Both have brought so much more into my spiritual life, and both give me a way to share my spirituality with so many others. AND...smiles, the Goddess that I used to work with on a regular basis is Venus, and although I will always have a special spiritual connection and love for her, I feel she was the base that lead me into the spiritual path that I am meant to carry out in this lifetime.

Chronata said:
POSITION 3 ( Past. What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Position: Jupiter
Oracle Deck: The Faerie Oracle
Oracle Card:The Soul Shrinker

Here is the position of Jupiter, whose motto is To Know, Understand the Situation, Speak from a Higher Source, Judge Fairly, and also influences honor, friendship, wisdom and moral values.
And here is a grinning Fae, who I didn't expect at all! I admit, when he first appeared in this reading, I didn't know how to judge this, and so I asked him why he was here, and in this particular position.
His answer didn't come right away...but he smiled at my use of the word "judge". So...this is in the recent past, and has something to do with your influence. I really get the feeling that you may have said something about someone, judged them unfairly (however unintentionally) and caused some hurtful feelings in the process. The Soul Shrinker told me that you don't do this often...but something critical was spoken, possibly originally as a joke, and has left some bad energy that is just hanging there like a big black raincloud. Because of the position I would think that there may be something like honor at stake, or a friendship may be on the line...

But I really also got the weird feeling that the Soul Shrinker was messing with me, in this reading, and that things are not nearly so big and doomy as it appears. This is probably a very little thing that slipped out in the recent past, and is some sort of test in a way. Whatever may have happened or been said, I feel may at this time have already blown over...or been resolved...but that you might still be feeling bad about it, for no good reason.
I don't know...this was a hard one for me to call..

Soul Shrinker and I have been buds since I first got the FAery Oracle cards by Brian Froud a yr ago. I've worked very closely with this faery, he's been my friend, confidant, an angel to help heal and soothe me at times that I've been hurt or cruelly judged by others, and to help me find my own self encouragement to continue on. I have an odd story about him though...here it goes.

A few months ago, I recently got in touch with a person who is very talented with a computer, and does a really good job making buisness cards. I had seen a flyer he did using Froud faeries, and I was floored by the artistic ability. Immediately I ran to him to ask him to make me some buisness cards with a specific faery on it (spirit dancer, and there's a story about her too of why her). When I recieved my buisness cards, he pointed out that he was able to mix the two faeries that I had asked for together, and showed me soul shrinker in the card. I thought it to be brilliant and beautiful, and I especially found it inspiring but all the sudden, I realized, I had never asked for soul shrinker to be on there. He says that I did, he swears to it. I spent a few more days thinking about this, and finally asked soul shrinker about it. He had told me the reason why he wanted to be on the card is b/c that is why people seek out psychics, the seek psychics for answers to things that "make their soul shrink". They want confirmation about cheating partners, contact with spirits that they once knew here, advise in what to do now after loosing a job, and encouragement to face a troubling situation, and a variety of other questions as well. With talking to him, it made me realize the truth in this, and then I really found it an honor. The way it's done is, spirit dancer is obvious, but soul shrinker is a very faint outline and can only be seen after being pointed out. Which I thought that as well to be soooo fitting, the underlying reasons of why people really come to psychics.

I can't recall a situation that I had judged someone harshly, except myself. Due to an odd situation with were I work, to make a long story short, I had lied to my boss (the owner) out of fear of loosing my job. I couldn't stand it, and about 5 hrs later, I blurted the truth out confessing that I had lied to her. This was close to 7 or more months ago, and I still wonder if she trusts me, if she forgives me (even though she says she has, and hardly remembers it at all). In any case, I'm having a hard time letting it go within myself, but I know it is ridiculous to hold on to it like this.

I think soul shrinker came up also b/c I "make excuses" for people. I offer people the benefit of the doubt, and provide another outlook on things to help them come to terms with others. I don't judge people, or try extremely hard not to, and been told that i'm one of few people that can fit in with just about anyone. I'm very curious in general, and instead of judging people, I want to understand them and help them, more that I want to help them help themselves by changing their outlook on things. Soul Shrinker is a positive influence in what I feel is my goal in this life. This is why I said he is testing you, and I"m glad to see that you did so well in precieving a part of his message here.

Chronata said:
On to ...
POSITION 4 (Present. What Influences You)
Planetary Position: Mars
Oracle Deck:Morgan's Tarot
Oracle card: Nobody here but us Folk

The position of Mars is To Confront, Be Agressive, Fight To Win, Act Courageous, and drive, determination, and decision making are all part of his rule as well.
This is a trippy little deck, and although it is called Morgan's Tarot, it has no correlation to tarot...or any other oracle I have seen. It has a dadaist, random, existential New Age hippy vibe to it.

The card...Nobody here but us Folk...is a black and white drawing of a bunch of people just sitting around, hanging out.
There is a great feeling of commune, and community here...and I can see you involved with an extended family of people who may not be related to you, but who you consider your family nonetheless.
There is a strange feeling of this card not fitting in with its position...but I can see it meaning that you don't need to be agressive, or confrontational, because that is not the role you play in this group. I do see, however that if there is a present fight or competition, or confrontation that needs to be addressed, that you have absolutely the right people behind you to help you out, fight for you, and do what needs to be done. Like a wall of supporters, you know where to turn when help is needed, or there is some injustice to take care of.

I decided (against my better judgement and experience!) to have a peek at what the LWB that comes with this deck has to say. I warn you, it rarely has anything helpful to add...
It says:
NOBODY HERE BUT US FOLK..."On levels of incomprehensible enlightenment, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva have acheived self-forgetfulness, as have Venus, Kali, Maya, Zeus, Hera, Poseidan. Anubis, Thoth, Osiris, Horus, hermes, Tara, The Dolphin, Ra, saturn, Mars, Christ, Buddha, Jehova, The Devas, Ahura Mazda, the ninety-nine attributes of Allah, the White Goddess, etc...etc...etc"

You are so right on with this one. I'm not an agressive person at all, in fact, as I said, I strive to help others get along. right now, I am so comfortable in my life with both work and social aspects (I just really want to get a house now...smiles). My connections with the people in my life though are at its best, and I"m having the time of my life, and you're right, either i"m surrounded by my family (Husband and 3 kids) or I'm surrounded around spiritual family (My boss is like our spiritual mother, and we her children, and all of us like siblings). We belong together, and have been brought together for reasons, some known, some unknown. Regardless, we're have the time of our life being together and sharing our spirituality with each other!

I'll continue on with my next post.


Re: experiment continued...

Chronata said:
Continuing on...

POSITION 5 (Present. What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Influence: The Moon
Oracle Deck: Card Captor Sakura CLOW cards
Oracle Card: The Change

The Moon here is To Explore, Find Yourself, Be Inspired, Believe In Your Own Power. It also rules emotions, home and family, mystery, journeys and psychic things.

The deck is the CLOW cards (formerlly known as "My unknown anime deck!") And the card features a red-eyed, spikey-backed, Pokemon type critter with a long curled tail. He is very cute, and rather like a chameleon. having no book for this deck, I am forced to intuitively read this as you are making changes in your life, to get to know yourself better.
Remember, this is the present time, but something that you are influencing...and the chameleon suggests that you are challenging yourself, by doing new things that you wouldn't normally try. I see you jumping with two feet, out of your comfort zone and into a different environment just to see how you adapt. And adaptability here is the key word...like a chameleon, you are seeing if you can blend in, or if you stand out. Either way is actually good, since it gives you more info on where to go next.

Are you involved in a new community of people in regards to spiritual, or psychic phenom? it could be a new forum on the internet, or a new group face-to face...but I really see you alternately blending into the backround, and then surprising everyone by showing off your new colors!
There is also a journalling issue here...and a change in how you do it. Or perhaps you have not written down your Journey so far...and that is the new change that I see? A start of a new journey into your subconcious and exploring the Mysteries?

Regardless of the meanings...you are definately in control in this card...so whatever changes you make now, are due to your own need, and in your own time, and do not heed to any outside influences. Change is a good thing, as is leaping into the unknown, out of one's comfort area. Without change in our outer life, we can become depressed or stagnant...and in our inner life...which the Moon rules, we can become too relient on old thought patterns and old out-dated beliefs. I see this as a nice way to remind you that your decisions to make a change are good ones, and that they lead you down the path of new discoveries.

This is right on as well, and it all speaks about the faery magic book that I"m writing. I've never done automatic writing before, but I have multiple direct messages from multiple people, and my own internal self and guides that "they" (being the fae) want to write this book, not me. They do NOT want me to use other people's concepts, or study the history of faery either. They want to write what faery magic is, how to use the magic in a earthly way. They have told me (and other psychics around me) that they are sick of not being included, that the information out there isn't "good enough" and there seriously needs to be some updates to the concepts of serveral things. Under strict instructions, I can not share this now, but I promise that when this book gets published, you better believe I will be posting all about it, and you can read about it then. I believe in them, and I believe in my ability to do this, and it's always been my life purpose to do this. It's just scary to jump in with two feet and do it without feeling like I know enough to write anything...then again, as they keep saying "you're not the one writing it, we are, and we are the fae, we know what we're talking about, you are just a tool for us to get it out, as now is the time, and it's vital that this is done". So I recently started it (on last monday to be exact) and it's in the works. Hopefully it will be done, and sent off to some publishing companies for consideration by the end of this year, and published, in print and on the market by this time next year. (this is the goal anyways, we'll see).

Chronata said:
POSITION 6 (Future.What Influences You)
Planetary Position:Mercury
Oracle Deck:Madame Endora's Fortune Cards
Oracle Card: The Sheild

This was a hard one for me to decipher...because Mercury rules a host of different, seemingly unrelated things...Mercury is To Think, Speak Your Mind, Learn New Things, Travel The Distance. It also can encompass the areas of travel by ground and air, communication, health issues, education and technology.

The card shows a shield, with a very European looking eagle design. It has these 5 simple words on it..."You are safe from harm."

I can't help but think that this ties in with a few of the other cards, in the other positions...like the Soul Shrinker, and miss-communication, and the Mars support group building in Nobody here but us folk...(shielding yourself from harm)I also can see where it might tie in with the central card and the liar. (another card associated with communication)
I guess what I see here most is that you should have no worries about anything you may have said or done...or anything that you are afraid you might say in the future. This card is influencing you...which to me says that you have Divine protection from a higher source watching out for you on any changes and new beginnings you wish to make. there is also, since this is the future position, a really good possibility of travel in the next few months, and fears about health and travel being eliminated.

A shield is a powerful weapon of defence. And so you may be hiding your thoughts from others as well. You find protection can often cause you not to open up, and expose yourself to friends as well as strangers. Mostly, though...this is very positive card for the future...I also see that a health concearn may come up soon, that has you very worried...just remember this card, when it happens. You are safe, you are protected. There is no reason for worry, as worry and stress only make you feel worse.

Everything here is spot on as well (with the exception of what I don't know yet). THis is a card of encouragment, to not be worried about being judged by this book (the lack of history of faery being involved). I've been told (crosses her fingers) that it will be a best seller, and so on. WHich is fine if it is, but I won't be discouraged if it's not. Protection from the divine source is there I know, but still my fear is there as well, which is why I say it's a card for encouragement.

I've recently been told by another psychic (saturday evening actually) that I will be traveling later this year as well (I am planning on going to England with my sister Alissa to the Aeclectic Gathering in England).

This other psychic had also told me that it won't be for a while, but I will be developing some kind of health problem in the brain, that doctors will be able to "fix it" before it gets too dangerour or deadly. However, I will be having to go under some type of radiation medication (but the sickness isn't cancer nor tumor) that will cause my hair to fall out. This other psychic had no knowledge of this reading, and was completely uninfluenced by anything else other then his own intuition. So I think you have something here, and confirmed by another psychic.

Chronata said:
POSITION 7 (Future.What You Are Influencing)
Planetary Position: Saturn
Oracle deck: Archetypal Reiki
Oracle card:Grounding and Balance:Foundation

This is an interesting combination:
A deck that normally deals with the Present, in a position of the Future, influenced by the planet of the Past!
Saturn's motto is To BE, Prepare For the Inevitable, Make An End, Trust Your Destiny...it rules past lives, destinies, endings, conservation, experience and maturity.

Saturn in the Future is about facing those things that are inevitable, and Karmic.Your journey from the past to the present now leads here. And this card tells of finding your balance and not to be overwelmed. It all sounds so serious! Honestly, I can't tell what the message is from this card...and I don't feel that it relates to anything so Big. But what I do see, is a need for grounding techniques...possibly new ones. I can sense very soon, a period where you feel as if you are scattering your energies, which does no one, least of all you, any good.

As I am out of ideas for the meanings here...I go to the book:
it says"Grounding is an important principle in all energy work. Balance is the goal of all spiritual practice." "Only When we are grounded can we be present, focused, and dynamic. only when we are rooted in sensation, feeling, action, and in the solidity of the material world, can we begin to raise our consciousness."

hmmm...I hope that sheds a litle more light on this card.

Here I ask you, do you think instead of it being "grounding" that it may be relating to my channeling work with automatic writing? Transfering energy in order to inform others of what fae is? In the present, channeling energies, transforming them into writing in order to provide spiritual teachings and information in the future, in an effort to also overcome the past history of what the fae is? It's a thought, and seems to make sense, but I'm not sure how fitting this would be. I definitely don't "feel" like I'm not grounding, but I also don't want to contradict what you feel the message is. Not sure on this one either.

Chronata said:
To sum up the whole reading...I originally felt that there was some negativity surrounding various issues in your life....my initial feeling was to scrap all the cards and pull new ones! But on further investigation, this reading really isn't that bad at all. It speaks of lessons that are learned and decisions that have been made, and changes that have, and will occur. I did get the feeling with this one..as opposed to Ros' reading...that all of it was related in some way with everything else.

This is, of course, an experiment...and I don't know if anything here has any meaning for you, or indeed relates to you at all! I actually saw a lot of my own issues come up in here, as I was typing it all out....
So...feedback...especially detailed feedback... would be a blessing!
If any of this rings true, let me know...and if any of it sounds completely off the mark...let me know that too!

there is probably a lot more insight hidden in here...especially with the addition of planetary influences into the positions and oracles...but I feel exhausted at the moment, so I am having trouble seeing them all.
But if you have any questions about any of this...feel free to ask me!

Thanks Sag, for being my guina pig #2!

Peace, and Blessings,

I believe that you did a WONDERFUL job. Again, I commend you on stretching your gifts, exploring, and creating new ways of reading for others. It's great to come up with something new, and even better when you find out that "it works". Only a few areas that were "wrong" and even then, not completely so. Most of them were right on the money (I think). But I did want to tell you that I think you doubt your intuition way too much. The best job you did in this reading was with the one card that you said there is no book for this deck, so you have to go on intuition alone. There wasn't a single thing wrong with that interpretation. I really encourage you to close the books and look at the imagery on the cards. What stands out, what does it mean to you, get in connection with your own set of symbolisms and allow your internal truths work with your intuition through the symbols. Let it flow, after all, the reading isn't for you to understand, you are but the messenger. Even if it sounds bizarre, say it anyways, 9 out of 10 times, you'll be more correct then you had ever thought you could be. Thank you so much for sharing your special gift with me, and allowing me to be a guinea pig! I am also so glad that you did not "start over" with another reading, as I feel this is the message(s) that you were meant to bring me. Keep up with the excercises, the readings, using your gifts, the more you do, the more in touch you are with yourself and your higher power. It's a message that is coming through me and I feel it needs to be said to you.

Take care honey! Again, thank You!


Thank you thank you, Sagitarian!

Your insight was fabulous! And Feedback was wonderful! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

As this was an experiment in a new reading style, I didn't really know what to expect.
If it were a tarot reading, I would have just whizzed through it, but the oracles put a new spin on things, and really challenge me to look at things differently.

And I think you are right. I do doubt my abilities. :) I think it has to do with the nature of the Oracles themselves. Since I usually use them for readings for me...I often rely on the books rather than my intuition, (intuition not being objective enough sometimes)
And for this reading, I tried to combine the intuitive responses, and the combing of influences..AND what the book says!

But I really do appreciate the feedback...and now I am really excited for you about the Faery Magic book project! What an amazing undertaking! I too believe that this will be a big seller, though more importantly, you are on a creative journey whose end result will be a comfort and help to many many people!
I am so honored to know you, and to know about this great idea that you are working on! I am sending you some inspiring energy ! (not that you need it, with all those faeries around you! LOL!)

Now for some detail on the reading...
the card in position 1 had me hung up, because I was trying too hard to fit the idea of "self" from the sun influence into the "Lier"
I really had the feeling that this wasn't you that was lying at all! I should just go with my first, and most powerful thoughts...and then...add the other concepts.

Position 2 is just such a great affirmation! I am so happy to hear that you are finding your bliss! It's funny...but everytime I get a picture of you, I see these young...yet ageless, cherubic faces that surround you. Of course, I always think of them as Faeries...but now I am seeing them more and more as children!

Position3 Thank you so much for clearing up the message from Soul Shrinker! I have not yet had much time to talk with him, as he doesn't appear as often as some other fae. But I do really like him. He was winking at me, as I finished the typing, and asked if I got the message yet. He was referring to the fact that many of the cards in this reading seemed to be about events and questions I had about my OWN life. And he was right. I got the message. And thanked him very much for showing up and helping.

The story about the business card is very cool...and would be amazing...except that I am really getting to know the faeries well, and this sort of thing seems to happen more often than not! You have such a great connection with the Otherworld, and I see that you share this blessing with others! It is so inspiring and so...marvelous! You truly are blessed and talented!

Position4 was funny, because as much as I love this deck, the messages are often colored by the creator's (probably) substance-induced hazy, trippy view of the Universe!
But I do see you in this great group of people (not unlike a hippy commune, in its sharing and unconditional love for humanity and nature!) And I think, with your project nears comletion, you will find that your" family "group has expanded. (both in universal conciousness, and in numbers!)

Position5 Yep. I do read best when not encombered by the little books. But then, this is a pretty special deck that right away, I found I could read with! change is wonderful...and I see no growing pains here during this very creative cocoon stage that you are in. I can't wait to see what you are like when you have those beautiful butterfly wings at the end of the transformation! You really will look like a faerie! :D

Position6 Protection is a wonderful thing! I am glad to hear that you will be travelling, as I believe that travel is good for the soul! And that's a pretty awesome place to visit! You will have to let me know how it went...as I likely will not be able to go!
I was a bit surprised at the confirmation that another psychic had of possible health concearns. But sometimes I think being aware of the posssibility of a problem, can make it dissolve before it even occurs! I guess because I do believe that health and body issues are related to emotional, intellectual and spiritual issues. And sometimes, if we resolve an issue on one level, it does not show up in the physical level.

Position7 This card was difficult for interpretation, becuase it mentioned the concept of being off balanced and not grounded...and I KNOW that anyone who works as closely with the faeries as you do, would always be very well grounded and earthed...so I do believe this could refer to opening a different channel, and I think, yes, it might refer to automatic writing and channeling. The Reiki cards are usually very clear, but then I have never used them like this before! :)
In retrospect, I think it was really simply a reminder of foundations...and that with any kind of energy work, or opening to higher or different planes, you need to have a solid footing and a solid foundation to work from...otherwise you may lose youself in the astral, and have so much fun flying around, that you do not want to come back down to earth. Not that I forsee any problems with this...but it is nice to examine our foundations, and be aware of how solid our footing is on any kind of new undertaking!

Thank you again for such detailed feedback! you have given me hope that this might be a new method of reading that I can add to my existing repetoire!
Blessings, and Peace!