An inspiring spread...


I thought I would like to do a spread on beginning a tarot website, and the Faeries called to be read, so I got them out and the reading went like this:

4.What ties them altogether

1. A Collection of Pixies - 48
2. The Faery Godmother - 25
3. Spirit Dancer - 36
4. Faeries of the Future - 33

I am no expert with these cards, but what a beautiful spread :)

Any imput with this spread or thoughts or guidance greatfully received :D:D:D



1. Collection of pixies ~ Past ~ I see this card as past influences. In your past (growing up) you got use to being let down, pushed down, or other people shunning your ideas. You had (what you thought) was wonderful ideas about what you wanted to do, however, as an impressionable young child, you let the opinons of others hold you back. If you haven't truly worked through this yet, then you may want to review this past and make sure it stays behind you. Perhaps you didn't get the approval that you were searching for from your parents about tarot, and still have left over feelings and wonder of wether tarot is "evil" or not.

2. Faerie God Mother ~ Present ~ Currently you're being blessed with gifts from your spirit guides. Remember to thank them for what they bring.

3. Spirit Dancer ~ Future ~ Doing a website would involve a lot of your time. Be prepared to be completely dedicated to the website if you do.

4. What ties them all together ~ Future FAeries ~ It's going to involve multuple people (or opinions) in doing so. This may of course be you asking others their opinions on the web site. If you are ready to do this, then it will take some time until you achieve what you want to out of it, however, if you are prepared to dedicate yourself to the site, then go for it. The only way you're going to know if it works out or not is to try it, but it will take some time. This isn't a project that you should give up within 6 months or even a year if it doesn't work out. You should give it ample time for it to work out the way you want it to.

Not sure if this helped at all or not, but please either submit a reply or pm me to let me know how well this interpretation fit. It's always good to get feedback.


sagitarian said:
1. Collection of pixies ~ Past ~ I see this card as past influences. In your past (growing up) you got use to being let down, pushed down, or other people shunning your ideas. You had (what you thought) was wonderful ideas about what you wanted to do, however, as an impressionable young child, you let the opinons of others hold you back. If you haven't truly worked through this yet, then you may want to review this past and make sure it stays behind you. Perhaps you didn't get the approval that you were searching for from your parents about tarot, and still have left over feelings and wonder of wether tarot is "evil" or not.
Oh yes, very true, except the part about parents approval!

2. Faerie God Mother ~ Present ~ Currently you're being blessed with gifts from your spirit guides. Remember to thank them for what they bring.
Oh, I do, every day, usually twice :)

3. Spirit Dancer ~ Future ~ Doing a website would involve a lot of your time. Be prepared to be completely dedicated to the website if you do.
Sound advice!

4. What ties them all together ~ Future FAeries ~ It's going to involve multuple people (or opinions) in doing so. This may of course be you asking others their opinions on the web site. If you are ready to do this, then it will take some time until you achieve what you want to out of it, however, if you are prepared to dedicate yourself to the site, then go for it. The only way you're going to know if it works out or not is to try it, but it will take some time. This isn't a project that you should give up within 6 months or even a year if it doesn't work out. You should give it ample time for it to work out the way you want it to.
Aaahhh yes of course, there will be a few people involved and it is the beginning of a much larger picture :D[/B]

Not sure if this helped at all or not, but please either submit a reply or pm me to let me know how well this interpretation fit. It's always good to get feedback.

Thanks for help, greatly appreciated :) XTAX


I wondered if anyone else would like to check over this?
sagitarian's look was interesting, but I felt this reading to be much more inspiring than maybe sagitarian did.

Anyone else want to have a go? Please!!! :D XTAX


1.Past- A Collection of Pixies - 48
2.Present - The Faery Godmother - 25
3.Future - Spirit Dancer - 36
4.What ties them altogether -Faeries of the Future - 33
I'll have a go... :D

The past was a time of conflicting influences. You may have strongly felt the need to blend in to your crowd, to be one of a group. The need to feel acceptance likely precipitated the inclination.

Interestly, before I go on, I'm getting that by doing this, you found your own identity. In other words, by taking on the belief systems of those around you, at least for a time, you were doing so to test your own metal.

The present. You may feel right now you are facing two choices. One may focus more on material concerns, the other more spiritual and/or emotionally based.

The Godmother comes to give us gifts. Our guides are always with us, if we only reach out for Them.

The owl is speaking to me, could be a paternal voice of wisdom in current situations. The owl sometimes represents such a voice of wisdom internalized by a Teacher that comes forward when the pupil is ready.

The future is alive with spirit. Your possibilities seem to be opening up in the spring. Are you looking to move, or relocate? I see things growing around you, and dont know if it's a reference, again, to the spring (future obviously) or more literal than that.

Also, don't take everything so heavy. Skip through your day more often. Walk lightly. Don't be burdened ... choose not to be and you will lighten your daily load.

The Faeries of the Future will require some discriminating internal insight as to structuring the world you truly want for yourself. You may need to take a good (cold, sober) look at certain situations in your current world, and follow them out to their logical conclusions in the near future? Are they doing the things you want to be doing? What would you change?

Change it now. Actions now pave our future. Our thoughts and intentions do as well.

Best wishes....


Hey Alissa, wow, you and sagitarian are sisters, yes? And very talented ones indeed....

I never knew the Fae could be so thought provoking. you have struck a chord with that interpretation :)

As for Spring, do you mean Autumn here? Being the Southern Hemisphere things are different.

Thank you :* TA :*


Please forgive my northern hemisphere bias. It would appear my interpretation of it as Spring=near future is incorrect.

I could see growing things, new shoots of growth in my mind while writing that post, and thought it was a reference to the future, as mentioned, (and for us, that's spring).

However, given that it's the fall for you, you may wish to watch for different kinds of growth that may occur around you.

And yes, sagitarian and I are really sisters. :D


yup, somehow I got stuck with her in this life as my big sister...LOL. Hugs her big sis tightly and gives her a BIG faery kiss (rasberry kiss on the cheek).


Alissa said:
I could see growing things, new shoots of growth in my mind while writing that post, and thought it was a reference to the future, as mentioned, (and for us, that's spring).

However, given that it's the fall for you, you may wish to watch for different kinds of growth that may occur around you.
Sounds interesting, I will look :) XTAX


i do a spread that i dont know if anyone else uses it just kinda came to me the other night i think by guidance of the faeries!
i pull my guide card out which for me happens to be honesty and i speperate the remaning cards into two piles

***!**** ****2***

then i simply ask my guide card what i want to know and if i have no question ill ask him what he wants to tell me..i place him face down for about 30 seconds on top of each pile like hes asking them to talk then i place him the opposite way in the deck and put on pile on top of the other. i place both my hands over it for about 25 seconds and then i begin the reading. i ask what i need to know (i do a lot of talking outloud to the fae now) i deal out a spread

***1*** ***4***
***2*** ***5***


card 1 means: how i feel now
card 2 shows: the underlying reason i feel this way
card 3 shows: an action i should make, or have made
card 4 shows: what happens if i make this action, or stick with it
card 5 shows: what happens if i dont make this action or dont stick with it

it all really veries on the question but the other night when i asked what i needed to know card 3 was the journeyman, 4 was Ibe the retriever, he was showing me that i have the oppertunity to have a chance i missed becuase i wasnt ready to move, now that i am hes showing me to take the journey and get back that chance, card 5 was O that Gnome! who alwasy causes chaos in my life whenever he appears!

i enjoyed this spread very much and i dont know if anyone else has ever used it and if they have please let me know but this was something i felt guided to do by the faeries!