faerie oracle reading for chronota


reading for chronota

I used the Faerie Oak Spread


1. Physical surroundings and influences ~ Ilbe the Retriever
your pulling in a lot of intuitive answers. Perhaps overworking your intuition. your exhausted, and have lost sight of what you truly want, what your dreams are, yet you are holding on to something (the ball he's holding). pulls a clarity card on this. You want change, big change, or perhaps several changes. The care that came up is The singer of transfiguration. it's speaking to me about butterflies, how the wings flutter, and they fly in a chaotic pattern, it looks as though they don't know where their going, just fluttering through the environment with no course. I'm guessing this is how you feel right now, hence all the confusion. You know you want to change, but changing what is another question.

2. Emotional influences ~ Guardian at the gate
Pulling in a lot of energy from the universe (or from your higher power) in order to ground and protect yourself. What does a "ring" mean to you, as i'm drawn to the energy ring at the top. Ring in the definition of a ring of energy, or a ring or space drawn out much like drawing a magic circle. Your keeping yourself inside, but it's as if you are trying to protect yourself from yourself.

3. Intellectual matters/influences ~ Himself
only when the mind, the eye and the heart work together as one can you be truly balanced. He tells me that you first need to find out who your internal self is before you can take blind leaps of faith into the unknown. This is needed so you will know what you can truly handle and what you can't. He's saying slow down, and get to know you first.

4. Relationships ~ Unity
Your intuition is strong my dear, and your connection with your gifts, with your faith is a powerful one. It is in comparison to how powerful making love can be when two people truly love each other. You are in love with what you believe in, and this alone gives you a great gift of intuition. The relationship here is that of between you and your higher power, or faith.

5. What is centering you right now ~ Undressing of a salad
Tossing things over your shoulder and only paying attention to that of which holds more meaning in your life.

6. What you are learning right now ~ The singer of courage
You are learning to believe in yourself, that it's ok to feel good about yourself, that it's ok to feel strong. When things are at their worst, is when you do your best, but don't self sabotage your life because of this.

7. Energies that are influencing you/being brought to you ~ Nelys the Alchemist
It is up to you to decide what you want in your life, what you want to change, where you want to go, what you want to do. Pick what you want and stick to it, you'll be sure to go far as long as you believe in yourself to do it. Your guides are there to help you along the way.

8. What you already know about the situation ~ The Faery Who was kissed by the pixies
You know that underneath all the confusion, truly you are happy with your life. You've been blessed, and that you'd never take this blessed life for granted. Remember what truly counts honey.

9. Energies that you are producing/putting out into the universe ~ O! That Gnome
LIke or not sweetie, you are creating your own chaos...what'd i say about self sabotaging? You're wondering how you got into this mess, but it was you that created it, did you throw something out of the salad of your life that you discovered your body (soul) needed? Perhaps a fork, the very utensil that you need to feed, but even then, is that necessary? One can always use their fingers...hmmm.

10. Heart of the Matter ~ Honesty
Now here's a gentle faery with a strong message especially in the position that he's in. What matters most right now, or what is most important in that salad (so don't throw it out) is needing true honesty from everyone around you. is your circle of friends getting smaller? Are you confused about a relationship? Whatever the case may be honey, you know the truth deep inside, your intuition has already told you (pulling in a lot of answers from your intuitive internal self through symbolisms). The best way to produce honesty in your life is by being as honest as you can with everyone around you, with everyone that you interact with. Not that your not an honest person, but gentle kind honesty is truly needed, and needs to be shared back at you as well. Listen with an open ear to those in your life close to you. Honesty is telling me that one of them has an important message for you (more specifically, i'm getting a guy with short brown hair, might be light brown, dark brown, but brown none the less, i'm also getting a name, David, however, the name doesn't necessarily have to be the same guy, it could be two different people in your life).

I'm not sure if this helped at all hon, i hope so. Honestly, i almost swooped up the cards to do a redo as nothing seemed right, but they assured me that it was, so i went with it. Please, give me feed back if you can, the greater the detail, the better.


Oh Sagitarian! You are a dear...and this was a spot-on amazing reading!
I am running around like a madwoman today...but I am printing this out to take with me...
I promise that I will give you lots of feedback when I get back to the computer!

Just know that it is a reading that touches on everything that has been going through my brain this last week!

Thank you, (and thank your Fae for me too!)

This is awesome!




First, Thanks again for the beautiful reading!

And I wanted to say that I really like this spread a lot....my experience with the FO has been more or less spreadless...and more just conversational draws. This spread works really really well!

1. Physical surroundings and Influence ~ Ilbe

Yes. I have to agree with that statement that I am overworking my intuition. When I find myself confused or unhappy,I tend to turn to the oracles and tarot and exhaust them attempting to di scover what is wrong. Which is really not a good idea, as I tend to discount what they say anyway!
I think that I did really lose sight of my dreams this past week. I would get really creative, and work on my tarot paintings, and then feel really guilty afterwords because I need to organize the mess that is currently my apartment!
All those little butterfly wings getting nowhere also makes a lot of sense to me too...I want change..yes! Absolutely! But I don't know where that change should be...perhaps I need a routine again, instaead of waking up each day, without having a clue as to what i should be doing...and just punting like I have been.

2. Emotional influence~ Guardian at the Gate

I have been pulling a lot of energy down...but not neccessarily to ground...which is what I should be doing with it...instead I have been pulling energy to stay up later each night and do what I need to do (housework, laundry, cooking, cleaning, exercising...)and have not done all day, because I have been giving in to the creative urges. It's almost as if I am trying to justify not getting things done that need doing...
Protecting myself from myself is a great phrase! It really seems to hit home, because I am such a Gemini sometimes! I really do feel as if sometimes there are two distinct personalities that make up my emotional side.
Part of me loves for everything to be exact and stable, and organized and the same. The other me thrives on spontanaity and change! Sometimes these two sides of me are in disharmony, and I get these awful mood swings where I am not sure which side I should be leaning towards.

3. Intelectual matters/influence ~ Himself
Himself and I had a good talk yesterday after I read through this reading. I do need to bring things into harmony, find out how to re-integrate the internal parts that make up me...and then I can allow for the changes to occur...that Fool's blind leap into the unknown! Yes. I do need to find out what I can handle, before I go off like a bullet in a gun.
Himself also brought up some other things in our discussion...that I am looking for outside influences to explain the way I have been feeling. I have been wondering about chemical inbalances, and clinical depression...or if it's SADD, or PMS, or something else making me feel unhappy. He made me look hard at everything and realize that i don't need an outside cause for my unhappiness...that it is actually all inside...all internal. And of course,I had to intellectualize my feelings before I could understand them! It's just like Himself! He has always been very straightforward, but always wants me to figure things out on my own..

4. Relationships ~ Unity
I do have strong intuition...when I listen to it! And my connection with my faith and spiritual practices, grows every day, as I spend time on Aeclectic, and other spirituality forums. It does currently have the feeling of a love affair. I also think this singer might be giving me another message as well...the message that everyone I meet is connected...and not to worry so much about my marriage, and the relationship with my husband...that in the right time, things...like having a child...will happen when they need to... in the appropriate time!

5. Centering right now ~Undressing of a Salad
The other day, this card kept appearing in draws, and I didn't seem to have the time to really listen to what they were trying to tell me. I think there was even a bedtime conversation with my husband that went something like"Shhh, honey! I have to hear what the Salad is saying!"
Yep. I am tossing out the need to have a spotless house to make myself feel better about the creative flow. And there are other things...long outdated and outgrown beliefs that have been tossed in favor of new ideas and ideals. And I can't help but hink that the jugglers in the salad, who manage to do a great many different things at once...are also telling me that I can be centered and still do everything i want(or need to...) in a day.

6. Learning right Now~ Singer of Courage
I need to lrearn to believe in myself, to believe in my creative talents, my gifts, my intuition, and my own power. It is OK to feel strong, and in control, and maybe even a little less humble. I have always had problems with this.
I have been holding on to experiences in the recent past, where I have seriously doubted myself as a writer, and designer and artist and director. I had a failure...or at least what looked like failure on the surface. I have not considered all those people who supported me, and told me that i had not failed...and that it was simply one person's opinion against many, that I had. Courage was reminding me of that. That i knew things were going well at the time, so why did I doubt my own feeling and abilities to go with someone else's perceptions? And why do I continue to do this...even after two years?
this is definately something that I am learning right now.

7. Energies influencing/being brought to you ~Nelys

I love Nelys! She is so beautiful! I have never had her come up in a reading before...but she was one of the first cards that i thought were my favorites! I do so need to figure out what I want to change, and how I should do it. Changes that make me more healthy...like eating better, and exercising through the aches and pains...like not being so panicked about seeing a doctor, or picking up the phone to call someone...about plunging in and taking the job as a children's art teacher, even though I don't have an exact curriculum planned..
These are all things that i have talked about changing in my life...but that stable side of me that resists change is screaming all these horrible things that might happen if i move an inch out of my comfortable little zone.
I realize now that the changes have to start with me! I like that my guides will be there standing by to help!

8. What You already know ~ The Faerie who was Kissed by the Pixies
My universal card. Yes. I am very very blessed. I have always known this...and I try not to take it for granted!I have a realitively free existance to do what I want, with a hugely supportive husband and family that loves me and helps me to accomplish what I want. I Want to use the blessings that I have been gifted with to help other people. That is what truly counts!

9. Energies you are putting out in the Universe ~ O! That Gnome
Yes. It is probably apparent from the rest of my feedback that I am definately creating my own chaos! I need change to survive...I just have nor t been doing any thing about implementing these changes! The pook and the topsie turvies were trying to give me the same message earlier...but I was so confused,that I wasn't willing to stand on my head and see things as they really are!
I have been trying not to throw out everything I need for the salad! I suppose I can always retrieve it again,(with Ilbe's help!) if it something that I should not have tossed away!
Or, I suppose I can adapt! It's one of my strengths...or at least it used to be...when I allowed things to change, and then got out of my own way!

10. Heart of the Matter ~ Honesty

What a sweet little fae! Yes. he really has me thinking...where am I being dishonest? and where is everyone else being dishonest with me? Or is it just that we all have been not so much dishonest...as simply not saying anything? I can see where Honesty comes in to play, and how I should listen to him.

A peek into how the faeries love to play riddle games, is in the name "David!" When I read that I laughed out loud! There used to be a person in my life a decade or more ago, named David. But for a lot of reasons, we no longer talk with him or deal with him. He has become a sort of symbol for someone who is passive agressive and dishonest. We speak of "someone pulling a David" when someone is obviously not teling the truth, but trying to hide it with nice excuses.
I asked my husband as I was reading this..."who is pulling a David right now?" and he named someone (who has short brownish hair!) that I had not even considered was being dishonest with me...but I can see now that honesty is needed in this situation. Honesty from everyone. This is about a matter that I didn't even realize til now that I was really unhappy with (it's about a role playing game that i have been running for a long long time...) But when I really think about it...there is something here, that subconciously made me feel horrible since last week!
I say subconciously, because I have really thought about it as "only a game" so why should it bother me? but I just realize that it does bother me, because it deals with creative control issues that are tied to the stuff in card 6. And it deals with people not being honest.
What an awesome revelation at tthe end of all this!

This reading has helped me immensely! I can't thank you enough, sagitarian! I admit, it makes me feel a little too open and vulnerable for sharing some of this...but it is necessary for me to grow out of this and into something else! (Who knows...maybe someone else reading this might be helped by it too!)

Thanks again, Sweetie!
