Fallen Angel Oracle

Laura Borealis

It makes me think of the Weeping Angels. Don't close your eyes. DON'T EVEN BLINK!


Just bought this deck today. Gorgeous art. I love the fact that there are NO BORDERS <happy dance> I haven't read the book yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Like many people who've already commented in this thread, I'm not into "fluffy bunny" angels, so this is a nice change from the usual fare.

I've never really gotten into oracle reading, but this deck just might prompt me to think about it. :)


I don't think I'm into fluffy bunny anything when it comes to divination. Sure I have Hello Kitty tarot cards, but I also have hello kitty bandaids and watches :D

This was my first oracle deck and I love it. I'm into the art, the concept, everything. I read well with it too.


Only became aware of this deck a few hours ago, but I already have ordered them and feel a huge 'knowing' between me and the energies these cards represent.



Yep, I think you'll love it, inanna :)


Is there any books that folk would recommend to understand the Goetia and these fallen angels a bit more? I feel like I'm barely skimming the surface about them.


Hello everyone, first time posting on a thread, besides the intro thread. *waves* :)

I've had this deck since late last year, and I've used it a few times, including today, but I guess it's a little challenging to not be afraid of it, because of the whole fallen angel aspect. Coming from a more or less conservative Catholic background, I guess it's to be expected.

Also, I must admit, the deck isn't "fluffy", unlike, let's say, Doreen Virtue decks (which I guess could be "fluffy" but they're nice too!). Some of the cards sort of unnerve me, as if they herald doom or something. ^_^;; Though I know that if I ended up giving the deck away, I'd probably regret it. Bleh. :p

So I guess I wonder, for those from more conservative religious backgrounds, how did you deal with using these cards? And for those who aren't from more conservative backgrounds, do you feel okay with these cards too? I guess I just want to shake the fear.


What I want to know is, how good is the card stock? Does it hold up well?


Is there any books that folk would recommend to understand the Goetia and these fallen angels a bit more? I feel like I'm barely skimming the surface about them.

If you are looking for something that goes beyond a merely historical account or re-working the same old ceremonial magic approach I would recommend Daemonolatry Goetia By S. Connolly. Demonolatry is a pantheistic path where people work with demons, including the goetic demons, as helpful forces that have wisdom to offer rather than trying to constrain them and torment them and treat them as evil forces.

Not all demonalaters work with the goetic pantheon. There is another book called The Complete Book of Demonolatry that goes more into demonolatry in general.

The Daemonolatry Geoetia book is not very long, but it does go into each demon and talks about in what way each can be helpful. Connolly's take on each one is a little different from the traditional sources but closer to them than Nigel Suckling's. She (Connolly) puts some emphasis on finding your own relationship with each and points out that they can appear in very diffent ways to different people. (It seems so strange to me that Marchosias is a female demon in Suckling's oracle but I accept that they do appear differently to different people.)

There is also some free material at Connolly's web site but I don't think there is any particulary about the goetic demons. Be aware that Connolly's group uses the name "Satan" for the deity that represents the "all" in their pantheistic system. If you are from a traditional spiritual path and this would bother you I really don't recommend any of this material. On the other hand some might find this material insubstantial as it puts more of a premium on personal experience than on re-working historical accounts of what the demons are about.


Just received it, but I cannot make any reading without the book. Very beautifull images, but for the moment I can not find any meaning on them unless I read the book.
How do you make? Did you learnt all meanings?

And I have to add that I slept with the deck under my pillow as I usually do with new decks arriving home, and I have slept horribly bad. Completely sleepless during a couple of ours. And a intimidating full moon looking from the sky.