FAVORITE ORACLE decks as of now...


Shaman's Oracle. Celtic Shaman's Pack. Froud's Faerie's.

But the Shaman's Oracle, oh my, this one blew my mind! :)

dvorah ophir

realy hard to decide!

i have a few that i return to and some that i like better but not one perticular one that i love the most. if i have to choose one that has helped me the most and that i returned to the most i say it is the dragonfae oracle.
but right now i go a lot to the goddess oracle that i have a vary strong bond with and up to now is also the newest. the best test for it is the test of time-which one will you stick with the most?
so far it has been the dragonfae.
spirit of the wheel is also a strong favorite, and hidden and well worn path.
actualy my longest lasting intrest has been with the playing cards, but i miss all the beutiful drawings so i wish there was an illustrated -good and beutiful illustrations-playing cards deck. i have the fortune telling dack by jane lyle that is real nice but only aces and court cards are illustrated.i wish the pips had more to them.


My favorite oracle decks right now are Jamie Sans decks:

Medicine Cards
Sacred Path cards

I trimmed my cards and find them easier to work with and more attractive. It's not the cards but the books that make these decks so special. The author is gifted. I especially recommend these decks for someone who is in any type pf recovery process or is dealing with a crisis.

Medicine cards have been a bestseller for over 20 years, and have stood the test of time. MC serves a wider audience than SP, as the Native American flavor is toned way down, and focuses on the individual animals.

SP cards, through learning about Native American spirituality, help you to learn so much about human nature, healing and connecting with the divine, that is universal, and applicable far outside of Native American spirituality. I recommend the workbook as well as the cards and book set.

The spreads in the SP book and the workbook are excellent spreads that can be used with many other decks. At first glance SP looks overpriced against the newer, flashier decks, but...it has a depth that is missing from most of the new pretty decks that can be purchased with a coupon at Borders for just $10.00.

morticia monroe

Dreaming In Color-Luman Deck.

Bright, coloful, expressive. You don't just read these cards, you FEEL them.

Also a major thumbs up to the Deck of Shadows. As I said in another post, I liken them to a diving board. You make the dive any way you choose, they provide the ballistic trajectory.


I have a few favourite Oracles, namely:

Graven Images Oracle: My No 1 love the images I have always had a thing for cemetary statues & they really speak to me..

Symbolon : Beautiful Colours with gold & they feel like silk, for me this is an intuitive deck and works well

Tea Leaf Fortune Cards: Lovely cute circular cards that really give great readings, people seem to love them :)

Madame Endora : A real no nonsense straight talking deck of cards, they give the answers to lifes pressing questions shooting straight from the hip! & I love the art too.

Playing Card Oracles: A good system, nicely illustrated cards very enjoyable to use & give good insight.

Tarot D'Eltynne: not a tarot at all lovely colours and I love using them

Faeries Oracle : haven't used much recently but they remain a firm favourite, their cheeky energy shines thru in their readings :)


Thanks for everyone who is responding to this thread -- I'm having great fun finding out about recommended oracles. Tamara


Well, I could name a few of my favs but then the only oracle I've been using for the last 3 or so months are my trusty 'Zigeuner Lenormand' cards (I posted a pic in the trimmed deck section somewhere). Actually this is pretty much the only deck I carry around these days, I love it to pieces.


The Deck of Shadows.

I'm using it a lot for journalling, and it's like it unlocks doors in my head and allows the thoughts and feelings to flood out, I often can't write quickly enough to keep up with it.

Plus, it's really dinky, extremely tactile, and absolutely beautiful.

:) :) :)


i like the Froud's Faeries Oracle also,
but it is still hiding from me... (can't find it anywhere)


I don't have many, but I really like the Ancient Feminine Wisdom deck. I just made a bag for it - used the pic of Aphrodite & the 3 Fates for the front & back; it's gorgeous! Anyway, ehhem, I've found this oracle works very well for me. As a stand-alone or sometimes for a tarot spread clarification. I'm just playing with it. I love the art, & the symbology goes without saying.