Feminine decks that are not focused on motherhood?

La Force

Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot, is very feminine ~ Whatever you do don't read any reviews or threads regarding this deck, just pick it up a judge for yourself, if you don't like send it to me, I'll be happy to have it :)

Ludy Lescot Tarot- is one of my fav fav's, This deck became very dear to my heart, it's a must have deck.


I am looking for this deck in large part to fit in with my personal work with a goddess type figure that is specifically set over love and sex (among other things), so the line between that and objectification is tricky, and I'm willing to fall a bit too far on either side of the fence, depending on what's prettiest. The Mother Mary oracle cards might work very well, since she is syncretized with Our Lady of Charity. Or it may be a deck filled with bare mermaid bosoms that works. I'm not sure just yet! Either, arguably, is appropriate. I have enjoyed reading the answers here in part because of how we all have different things that we think of as feminine or female.

So many more choices to look through! Researching now.


The deck that's at the top of my wishlist right now is the China Tarot. It doesn't have illustrated pips, but the majors and courts feature gorgeous portraits of Chinese nobility. Many traditionally male or androgynous cards are represented by women, including The Hermit, Temperance, The Sun, Judgement, and all of the Pages. The Queens in particular are drawn in complimentary scenes to the Kings, implying that they are on equal ground.

I'm not sure how helpful this deck would be for love and sex readings, but if you're interested in a deck that features powerful and dynamic women I highly recommend it.



I actually saw that deck for the first time yesterday on instagram! Very pretty and I don't mind pip decks at all. Thanks for giving me the actual name of it. Bumping it up on the short list.

Hmm, though. It's a strange distinction, but I don't want a deck for love/sex readings. Probably more like general life and spiritual advice questions, but answered from a...feminine sex positive perspective? I'm being difficult, I know.

So far the China deck, the Delphi deck, and, oddly, the Vampyre deck are my top contenders. And I wouldn't have considered any of them if not for this thread--which I still have to look through in full. You guys are seriously the best!


Let us know what you decide. I'm finding your process very interesting.


Ok, I'm probably totally getting the wrong idea about what you want, but I thought I'd suggest Le Tarot des Femmes Erotiques.


It's basically nudie pics from the early 20th century, but time has softened what was once shocking, and the creators have given it thoughtful, empowering (?) keywords and titles.

My younger tarot friends don't like it, considering it a collection of examples of the exploitive male gaze, but as it has mellowed with time, so have I, and I think it's charming!


Ok, I'm probably totally getting the wrong idea about what you want, but I thought I'd suggest Le Tarot des Femmes Erotiques.


It's basically nudie pics from the early 20th century, but time has softened what was once shocking, and the creators have given it thoughtful, empowering (?) keywords and titles.

My younger tarot friends don't like it, considering it a collection of examples of the exploitive male gaze, but as it has mellowed with time, so have I, and I think it's charming!

I thought of this one also but couldn't tell whether the OP was looking for this vibe or not. Glad to see it suggested here. It's a quirky deck with a vibe that, as you say, moves back and forth between voyeuristic and empowered.


I am looking for this deck in large part to fit in with my personal work with a goddess type figure that is specifically set over love and sex (among other things), so the line between that and objectification is tricky, and I'm willing to fall a bit too far on either side of the fence, depending on what's prettiest. The Mother Mary oracle cards might work very well, since she is syncretized with Our Lady of Charity. Or it may be a deck filled with bare mermaid bosoms that works. I'm not sure just yet! Either, arguably, is appropriate. I have enjoyed reading the answers here in part because of how we all have different things that we think of as feminine or female.

So many more choices to look through! Researching now.

For that African Aphrodite energy, I suggest the Tarot of Vampyres. It's extremely sensuous without explicit sexuality or nudity, as well as richly symbolic, and overwhelmingly female. The book is excellent.

La Force

For that African Aphrodite energy, I suggest the Tarot of Vampyres. It's extremely sensuous without explicit sexuality or nudity, as well as richly symbolic, and overwhelmingly female. The book is excellent.

This is an intoxicating deck, powerful, and yes feminine. The book is fantastic, the book alone is a must have well thought out and written, (Thoth based) so if your looking for Thoth system deck, this is a great deck to begin your journey. The only downer about it, is that Ian Daniels repeats himself, but not in a way that is a bad thing he just rewords the same thing, in a different way, it works, cause if you didn't get the first time you do the 2nd time. :)

If you can afford to buy 2 decks, include this deck.

La Force


I actually saw that deck for the first time yesterday on instagram! Very pretty and I don't mind pip decks at all. Thanks for giving me the actual name of it. Bumping it up on the short list.

Hmm, though. It's a strange distinction, but I don't want a deck for love/sex readings. Probably more like general life and spiritual advice questions, but answered from a...feminine sex positive perspective? I'm being difficult, I know.

So far the China deck, the Delphi deck, and, oddly, the Vampyre deck are my top contenders. And I wouldn't have considered any of them if not for this thread--which I still have to look through in full. You guys are seriously the best!

Whoops, my bad! I understand where you're coming from now. I think that the China Tarot would definitely work for spiritual readings. It looks like a great deck for pathworking since the figures are so expressive, and you could associate each woman (or man, for that matter!) with an aspect of the divine feminine.

Thank you very much for starting this thread! This discussion has been a wonderful reference, and I can't wait to see your final pick. :)