for those who own many decks


I use a different deck each week because I really enjoy all my decks and want to use them. So blogging/reading/playing/studying, are all done with that deck to get a good feel for it. I did make one exception recently because I knew my querent couldn't stand the artist of the deck I was using that week :) Why start with a problem when she was looking for solutions!

So you see everyone is different. What feels right to you?


I used dragon tarot and rider waite when I started out (didnt have any other)
when I got Thoth I used that deck.... all the time.... got several more.... still using thoth.... now bohemian gothic and thoth... the rest is only "for show"


I have - quite a few. :|

Mostly I look at and study them, and I have a few I particularly like to read with - but sometimes an unexpected one sort of brings itself to my attention. I'm not sure how this happens, but I go along with it !

If some one asks for a particular deck I have, I'll always use it (I don't have clients as such; I only read for others here and on another forum, and they all know they can pick and choose...)

All Is One

Probably like many of you, I go through phases. A new deck might be for study only and I usually know that when ordering it. If it is for reading with, I use a newly purchased deck in turns with my Thoth or Merlin, Gilded or Magickal until I decide to move on. Some (who shall remain nameless on this thread) are immediate rejects and get put away right off. I learn something new from many of the newly purchased decks yet move on because the main three that I use are my favorites. Now I have four favorites including the Gilded. Haven't tried reading with the Tarot of Dreams yet.


I keep a list of my decks in the order I acquired them. When I have time & want to run a marathon, I try to go through the collection in this order, so one doesn't feel neglected.

Hopefully I will find time over the summer to do some readings like this.

Venus Moon

I choose the deck I feel most like using for whatever reason! But I don't deck jump that often, I usually have about 4 main decks I use intensively for a period of time.

Just choose whatever deck is calling to you :)


I don't read for others so I don't have to worry about that. Since I get bored very often, having many decks is a must for me. I sometimes use the same deck for a few days in a row but usually I'll use a different deck everyday for my daily draw.

I just pick out whatever deck I'm in the mood for and I know that whatever one I pick is the appropriate one for me. I think deck picking is the same as card picking - the Universe never gives you the wrong deck, just as it is never wrong in a tarot reading (although it may seem like it when you don't understand the reading or just don't feel like accepting the message given!)

So deck choices are important, as you might choose one card from, say Tarot of a Moon Garden, and that card you picked has some animals in a lush garden that stands out. Later you might find that your cat escaped and was hanging out in your garden.

I know, silly example, but that's what a certain deck will do.


It may vary for me. In my collection there are only a few decks that I use a lot for all purposes, decks that I know quite well like the Druidcraft or the Steele Wizard.
Then I have other decks that I use as well but more for specific purposes, like the Animal Wise, Chakra Arcana or the Tarot of the Spirit.

But I also understand Cactus' desire to switch decks a lot. Sometimes I suddenly think of a deck from my collection and that is often a good reason to use it. Then this out-of-the-way deck is most suitable at that particular time. Or maybe it is just because I am going stale from using the same decks and I need a change.
I don't read for clients so that does not apply - sometimes I read for friends and they let me choose or choose from a few decks I have ready.


I let sitters choose, if possible. Otherwise I go for the deck I think best matches their personality, as I vibe it. :) Readings mean more when sitters can relate to the deck.

mary ventura

I enjoyed reading all the responses to this question.

I'm very new at studying tarot but I already have too many decks! I keep them all in the same cupboard, and before I reach for one I just hesitate a minute and ask myself which one I want to use. Usually I get a feeling of affection toward one of them (I know, affection is usually directed toward people, but that's the closest I can come to describing the feeling).

I don't read for others yet, but when I do, I think I will choose the deck myself, based on the personality, character and mood of the person I'm reading for.

Mary V