for those who own many decks


I only have about 4-5 decks I use for readings for others. I don't generally let my querant choose the deck. I will pick depending on the person, and my personal feeling that day. Except my sister likes my Aquarian, a deck I've had since she was (ack) 5 years old, my niece is currently fond of my Vargo Gothic. I let my husband choose too - although he generally goes for decks like the Decameron or the Erotic, LOL.

If I ever start reading at psychic fairs, I would take my reading decks, and maybe one "special" deck. Just for fun.

I have written about it before, but I am going through all my decks, one per week (two if one of them is a 22 card deck) so I get a feel for all of them. Including my "collector" decks. I figure I will finish sometime in 2010, if I can keep my deck purchases limited for the next few years.

I am using them in order of purchase, so I don't use all the fun decks first, and end up with six months of less-fun decks at the end....


mary ventura said:
I don't read for others yet, but when I do, I think I will choose the deck myself, based on the personality, character and mood of the person I'm reading for.

Mary V

I think I would do the same. If I gave the sitter a choice, it might take too long. Questions, indecision, explanations of decks will then happen and suddenly the reading would take way too long for my taste!

Venus Moon

VGimlet said:
I have written about it before, but I am going through all my decks, one per week (two if one of them is a 22 card deck) so I get a feel for all of them. Including my "collector" decks. I figure I will finish sometime in 2010, if I can keep my deck purchases limited for the next few years.

I am using them in order of purchase, so I don't use all the fun decks first, and end up with six months of less-fun decks at the end....

This is the 1st I've heard of it and what a fabulous way to use all your decks! I sure wish I had 1/4 of your organization VG, I have no idea what decks were bought when (the exact day) except really special ones!