Gloom Cards as Oracles anyone?


I've got to find a bag- right now they're in a BBC baba tarot bag. I'm getting some serious itching to get crafty with this deck so I may pick up some fabric from the craft store when I go there next time. I don't think I have a bag that really screams classic horror.

About when is your stuff due in? My dice shipped this morning. They'll be here Wednesday or so the estimation says. As for now I'm just looking through the cards trying hard not to burst out laughing. It's not just Cthulhu mythos but has other items, entities, characters from other Lovecraft stories and really gets me in the mood to read more than just the most popular of his work.

Thoroughly enabled here... I am a big Lovecraft fan.
I ordered the game Sunday after reading your posts. It should be here tomorrow or Wednesday.

You will be buying Arkham Horror next....(The BEST ever Lovecraft themed game).


Mine should be here about the same time Wed or Thurs (per Amazon).

Elendil- you shameless enabler! :D

<---scampering off to go look up Arkham Horror

OHHHH- neat.

And I found something else too })

It is called- Do you worship Cthulhu and is also a card game :D


I'm very fascinated by this thread and have been enabled to get my own set of Cthulhu dice (which I currenty use for RPGs though).

Has anyone delved into the divination part yet? I have to say I have tried to read with various gaming cards, and so far only Bella Sara and Blue Moon City have yielded halfway acceptable results ... so I'd be really interested to see the system in action!


I've given it a try. Some are pretty obvious. Others... not so much.

For example:

Was Nettled By Nightmares

Card: Don't worry about your dreams....reality is far worse.

Possible divinatory meaning: Worrying so much about what may happen that in the end much worse actually manifests.


I was able to get to the craft store yesterday!! I found exactly what I was looking for. A white bandanna (Which I use their other designs for tarot cloths as they're pre hemmed which means no sewing needed!) I used some black metallic paint and did the best I could to draw a somewhat recognizable Elder Sign:

Today I placed tentacles in each corner. Each corner has a certain number of them from 1-4 in case I want to factor in something there. I'm pretty proud of it- usually anything I draw turns out horribly.


GEEZ- it took forever but mine finally came.

I will be playing with them tomorrow and let you know what I think :D



Mine arrived too...
The game is a lot of fun BUT I don't yet see how I might use the cards as an oracle. I will be interested to see what others find/decide.




So- here is what I think...

I have been playing with the cards and feel that the easiest way to use them is to separate out the extraneous ones, like the game playing cards and neg/pos ones and keep a deck with the characters, the story cards and the death card.

Have the querent pick a significator- put that beside them.

People who are in the same "family" are those close to the querent now. Any others that pop up are either acquaintances or people they haven't met.

Use the story cards and death cards to relate fears, upcoming events, current blocks, etc. Remember that each card has a quest-type symbol (the moon, the magnifying glass, etc) those can be brought into play as well.

That is what I have so far- I may go back and pick an equal portion of positive and negative cards to add to the mix to liven things up- still playing with it.

Definitely an interesting deck- full of possibilities... don't know how well it will read- after I get things finalized as far as what I am including, I will do a test run and let y'all know.



I'm still here everyone! Just the last week or so's been a bit hectic. I finished my card cloth:


I did put the tentacles numbering 1-4. I figured it could be factored into my method somehow. Also got my Cthulhu dice but unsure how to proceed with those.

So far with the cards I've been trying to use them a similar way to tarot where I don't separate them into groups and have the people in the deck serve very similar to courts.

ETA: Looking at it, I almost want to incorporate the stacking ability of the cards. But I'm not sure how...