Got any Decks for Christmas? Which ones?


The Drogi and I', still at odds with it.


My lovely partner bought me a Hoi Polloi deck - I've been hankering for one for ages, and I pre-ordered Deviant Moon as a treat for myself.

Neither have arrived yet - so something to look forward to in the new year


I have a question - how in the name of all that is good and holy do you get people to buy you gifts like that?

I usually get polyester-blend clothes (not what I like to wear) or sometimes, if someone has a vague comprehension that I'm into "spiritual stuff", I might get a dolphin figurine. :scratches head:

My mom gave cash this year, though. :D


I asked for mine outright... from the people in my life who won't look at me like I've lost it for doing something as silly (in their minds) as studying tarot and oracles.

...but cash works too... lol :)


stella01904 said:
I have a question - how in the name of all that is good and holy do you get people to buy you gifts like that? :D
You tell them specifically what you want, *lol*

I learned long ago that I don't like getting what I consider to be 'crap', so... I resolved to actually telling everyone what I want... A list of a few things is best so they can feel you'll be somewhat surprised, *lol*... After all, half the joy of giving someone something they want is the grinning smile of the recipient... nothing is worse for a 'giver' than a less-than-ecstatic, ho-hum response, aye?

Many decks can be purchased thru Borders or Barnes & Noble... some are in the store, almost all can be ordered... If they're adept at online shopping, provide them with the web addresses of places like Tarot Garden, Amazon, USGames, House of Tarot, Alida, etc...

Tarot is a world unto itself... It's not likely that a giver would know where to go or what to get to fulfill a Tarot-lover's stocking... So... we've got to help them! *vbs*


Lol, I get it now. "Be vocal. Be very vocal." :D

The older folks in my family are pretty churchy and would have apoplexy at the thought of purchasing such an ev0l }), but the younger ones would be fine with it and probably decide to get one for themselves as well. Thanks!