Head in a muddle, keep rejecting draws.


There's some great advice here. I'm particularly fond of this technique when I'm feeling a bit divorced from card meanings:

Have you tried reading for people on a DVD? Pause the DVD right at a key point in the movie and do a reading, then finish watching to see how well you read.

You could also try the Bardic technique of writing a story with the cards you pick out. (Nothing elaborate, just a character with the first, second and third cards and then motives, locations, scenarios or whatever.)


Just try and look at every reading you do for yourself as a reading you do for someone else. Give it the same energy and effort and time as if it was a paying client.
Imagine that you just gave yourself a 20 dollar bill. Take out pen and paper.
Ground yourself and pull the cards and just deal with them. I been in your spot so many times, pull out cards and discard the reading but this is the only thing that work for me. You deserve a good and thorough reading.
And if you can't make the cards read well, just leave them for a while and come back to them later. Go for a walk and have an inner conversation with the cards...
Another tips is to not make it a spread with positions, just take 2 cards and see how they interact with each other and with your life right now. How would they interact with the person you were as a child? And as an adult. (I read about this in a book once so not taking credit, it was called 'stages of your life' or something)