How Does Strength "Work Against" One?


also, for those that are too controlling, their strength can often be their greatest weakness, since it is only when their strength is at risk that they show true fear...


GoddessArtemis said:
I thought an upright Strength card was a positive, no? How can this card work against you? For some reason, I thought of Strength as ego, but I think that's more The Sun card.

Any thoughts on this?

I am not sure there are any positive or negative cards in Tarot. I do not beleive in negative cards. But there are of course negative life situations that the card will accurately reflect.

Strength in a negative way could be stubborness and inflexibility, an unwillingness to consider another point of view, even if the other point of view is right and yours is wrong.



GoddessArtemis said:
Hehe, yea...I'm told that my "silent" anger is worse than someone yelling, because I give a "piercing" look. Ha! I don't have any idea what people are talking about, but yes..have heart that before.


I know that look. When I was a kid, my Mom use to call that the "If looks could kill I'd be dead look." LOL



Everyone's answers are so great. It's all helped me a lot to understand Strength better, and get a different perspective on it. When I think of the card, the word "pride" keeps echoing in my head...but that echo came after I'd read everyone's posts, and I think it has something to do with it. Very helpful. :)