how is illness or illhealth shown


How would you reconize illness in a spread?

So far I have only used the celtic cross in a general way without asking a specific question. I am at the early stage or reading the cards and so am happy to stick with this spread untill I feel more confident. So could you see illness in this situation?


Swords and wands under certain circumstances, some Moon combinations with other cards too. Wands represent enegry, vitality etc. Ι think Swords it's more possible to show mental illness, anxiety, neurological problem, exhaustion...The Sun "negativ", Sun and Moon, Moon and Hanged Man combinations and many others.



ah ok I get your drift. Thanks


4 of Swords can be burn out, get more rest! in my personal card pulling I have noticed that 9 of Swords comes up for me for anxiety, mental anguish, mental health bad times. 10 of Swords for physical illness like the flu. If you do reversals, cards like the Sun reversed (clouds in front of the sun, temporary depression / bad times), Star reversed (losing hope and faith).

There is threads on here which tells you what each card represents in health:-

Health readings obviously have ethical considerations but the suggestions here are what could come up to warn you. If you are worried about something don't diagnose yourself with tarot and do not diagnose others with tarot. In many countries (including here in the UK) it's actually illegal to diagnose people if you are not medically qualified.
hope that helps, I use it for health as a light hearted guide for myself only :)


Thank you - that is very helpful.


Also, I often see a prominence of Fours come up to indicate ill-health. As well, the Queen of Pents, rx, comes up for me when health could be an issue for someone.


3 of Swords has come up for me a few times before to indicate surgery or hospitals. I think of 3 of swords has sometimes brutally honest, really cruddy communication which honest conversations with doctors and test results, etc. would be.


There are many cards that can be interpreted in health issues. Like MinRice said, the 3 of Swords, or even the 10 & others, can indicate surgery or heart problems. The 5 of Wands can refer to whacked-out antibodies, etc. The 7 of Wands can say yeah! your chemo is working! So very very many variables, even for someone that's been reading for decades. Each & every card has a health aspect attached to it. I try to steer away from health issues, if at all possible. If I were you, as a beginner, I'd steer away from the Celtic Cross; do a search here on the CC, many long-time readers don't use it & you'll learn why. Start small.

The crowned one

For me it would be completely question dependent, the question would dictate what cards may indicate health related issues.