I am afraid of the tower!



if you tell us a little about your situation
maybe we can clarify the meaning of the tower for you?

And which cards do you use?




yes please!


I use the RWT...And of late, I have been concentrating on my boyfriend's work possibilities..as he's retiring from the Military and switching to Civilian work..which will determine wether or not we stay in Italy! The jobs possibilities are hopeful..but, next to a cheerful card...there goes the tower or the sharp Queen of Swords...And the definitions of both are hardly positive, I know to try to identify a Court card with a possible person if it makes sense , and I can totally see an older woman reappearing from the past who is sharp and can bring loss , separation thus the tower...yea! Our world as we know it would be blown up!
But all the Court cards make little sense to me, I appreciate you help



Queen of swords clarified by the Tower, is telling me "cut the bull and get to facts."

Queen of swords is by all means an iron lady, however by no means negative. She just has her facts straigth, and lead her life strict and to the point.

Clairified by the Tower - foundation has been cluttered - looking back at QofS - I'd say its been cluttered with unrealistic dreams and wannabe's?

Now .. to make dreams come true .. they have to be realistic. Building sandcastles will in time get washed away.

So get your eyes straight - see what is truly there to be build on, and keep it real.

Does this sound negative? (yea for many it does)

Look at it this way. Once you know what you have, you can make real plans of what to build - and in the long run; you actually get something worth while; making dreams come true :)

Demon Goddess

darkeyedstar said:

the title ''I'm afraid of the tower" really cought my eye. Just today I got the tower 3 times in otherwise óptimistic'spreads. I'm sorry but i don't see how it can ever be less than horrible as it should always be sudden, out of any control, and u need to recover before u can see any positive sides of its passage. And get this: possible outcome of a situation very dear to me? the queen of swords..very grim..so i pull a clarification card...the TOWER!! Any optimistic views? I could sure use some!!


Umm... the destruction of the tower is very controlled. Shocking, requiring recovery, yes, but not out of control.


Demon Goddess

bec said:
Queen of swords clarified by the Tower, is telling me "cut the bull and get to facts."

Queen of swords is by all means an iron lady, however by no means negative. She just has her facts straigth, and lead her life strict and to the point.

Clairified by the Tower - foundation has been cluttered - looking back at QofS - I'd say its been cluttered with unrealistic dreams and wannabe's?

Now .. to make dreams come true .. they have to be realistic. Building sandcastles will in time get washed away.

So get your eyes straight - see what is truly there to be build on, and keep it real.

Does this sound negative? (yea for many it does)

Look at it this way. Once you know what you have, you can make real plans of what to build - and in the long run; you actually get something worth while; making dreams come true :)

I am on board with Bec. I see nothing negative or devastating in those two cards at all. In fact, I see a great change that will be good for you. The reality that is about to come upon you is going to be a huge change... Simply leaving the military is enough to call the tower. Becoming a civilian after being in the military... whoa if that isn't complete and utter life altering experience, I don't know what is.

As for the Queen, I'd worry more about her if she were upside down, myself.



Hello manu,

I use the RWT...And of late, I have been concentrating on my boyfriend's work possibilities.

Is it right? You do it for him?
I can understand that couples plan together
but why do you concentrate on his work for him?

as he's retiring from the Military and switching to Civilian work..which will determine wether or not we stay in Italy! The jobs possibilities are hopeful..but, next to a cheerful card...there goes the tower or the sharp Queen of Swords...
And the definitions of both are hardly positive, I know to try to identify a Court card with a possible person if it makes sense , and I can totally see an older woman reappearing from the past who is sharp and can bring loss, separation thus the tower...yea! Our world as we know it would be blown up! But all the Court cards make little sense to me, I appreciate you help.

Well, does it work to plan those things with the tarot?
For me not.
I give you some hints which would work for me:
• What does he want?
• What do you want?
• What is the worst which can happen?
• How many options are there to make it the way you both want it to be?

By the way, the Queen of Swords in the Rider Waite Deck
is in full mental authority and grants another to be heard.
She is very much associated with JUSTICE
which is very much associated with balance.
In your case it may be a symbol of clarification.

The Tower may be the symbol of environmental change
because light strikes, meaning a better idea springs to your mind.




Cara Maya,

If i could materialize a great job and provide interesting candidates to be interviewed and considered for the job through my ability to interact with the tarots, I'd be probably the one giving advices and not viceversa! Nope, everything has been done the old fashion way...It's the stand still of the waiting for a response , when it no longer depends on you, but you worry and stress over it, so i think the tarots are a good way to reorganize your thoughts and expectations in a useful way: relate to any possible outcome and improve your instincts by making predictions with the actual way to verify yourself when the actual answer comes in.For me it's a great way to deal with anxiety and impatience while thinking about it.
and i don't live through others accomplishments..but a transcontinental relationship i don't want...my boyfriend happily employed in my country is reason enough for me to make any effort to make it possible.call me selfish!
so..the queen of swords..a stalling in making a decision..possibly a second interview? More info needed? could that be reasonable?
A pleasure talking to you...


Nope, everything has been done the old fashion way...It's the stand still of the waiting for a response , when it no longer depends on you, but you worry and stress over it

Things always depend on you. Don't give your power to belief systems.
Put your faith into yourself, trust yourself. Everything is up to us.
Of course, sometimes it means to change plans, change places, change
but change is natural.
Also, you both can be active and don't wait. Take care of more than one option.
Worry and stress how do those help you? They make a sick.

so i think the tarots are a good way to reorganize your thoughts and expectations in a useful way: relate to any possible outcome and improve your instincts by making predictions with the actual way to verify yourself when the actual answer comes in.For me it's a great way to deal with anxiety and impatience while thinking about it.

Yes, it is a good way to reorganize your thoughts and expectations.
But you don't do that. You are scared and worried so it has not improved anything
but stressing your negative emotions.

and i don't live through others accomplishments..but a transcontinental relationship i don't want...my boyfriend happily employed in my country is reason enough for me to make any effort to make it possible. call me selfish!

I hope you will be happy with your boyfriend and everything will be fine for both of you.

You didn't answer to my hints?




Somebody wanted to know if their was Something good about the Tower? Well it's also a phallic symbol and sexually its an orgasmic card.So if you were to pull this card about the outcome of an evening with your lover it would be a good thing !!!


I drew the Tower the other night for what currently is going on? Was doing a reading exercise with a friend the other night, mainly about intuition so went with something we could both relate to in our own lives. Except it's had me stumped.

I couldn't really think of any Towering experiences I have had lately, other than finally getting a telephone transferred into my name. I half expect the Tower will happen when I get the bill.

The following day I didn't really want to go to the island fair and logging show because it was raining like mad and the forecast was for thunderstorms and lightening... but only the rain happened. The day did get better and I did find myself having a good time, which was not what I honestly expected. I won a blue ribbon button with a white and blue ribbon (not sure what that means, besides it was probably best of division) for my hanging of the cedar humming birds & crystals. They changed their judging and prize awarding this year and didn't do critiques either. :(

The only Towerish thing coming up is my birthday tomorrow... exploding cake or something like that. :D

And the stray Siamese cat, CocoMocho, is ready to explode with a litter of kittens.