I am Going to Design my Own Deck - Need Your Advice

Curtis Penfold

Card_Carrying_Man said:
Doh...thanks Gregory. How do I put that wee "website" link in the bar at the bottom of my posts? I will also put a link to this forum on my blog.

Deirdre, your tarot is beautiful. Love the artwork and it is so inspiring to me. Thanks for alerting your work to me and for your encouragement.

I just did the Death card for anyone who wants to see:


Man, I like that Death card. I don't see any obvious symbols of tranformation really, but I think I like it. I mean, if you look at the older decks, they all are about the gloom and doom of Death.

Maybe that tower behind Death. It's like he's trying to bring us upwards. It's something the tombstones shaped like crosses remind us. They remind us of spiritual rebirth.

I really do like it. I like the horse. Much more folk-talish.

I actually smiled when I saw your eight of wands. They send a humorous, blunt message.

Your three of ravens, man, that picture is amazing. So powerful. Seeing those ravens pecking at that heart. Wow. Threw me in a trance. And yeah, those storm clouds, that water. That lone boat. It all makes for a great symbolic, intuitve piece. I enjoy it just as a picture. It really emphasizes the meaning of that card in amazing ways.

ar Leithligh

Thank you for your kind comments CCMan. I like your Death card, the horse really seems to be thundering towards the viewer - no time to side-step before the horse is upon one. And it goes without saying that the celtic cross steles resonates with all Celts!!

Love the Three of Ravens (Swords) - it captures the heartache and pain of this card. Did you know that in the Indian Sanskrits a turbulent sea symbolises the inner conflict between order and chaos - this little bit of info is worth bearing in mind when viewing this card. I used it in my Ace of Swords but for a different reason i.e. when this Ace is reversed it can signify a loss of temper/control so advice would be to watch one's temper.

At the rate you are going you will have the deck finished in no time!!



Been a while, busy what not but I have gotten back to working on my deck again with some new additions.


Please let me know what you like and don't. This is a long term project and all cards will be subject to final revisions and so on. Many thanks.


Very surreal. Almost as if one's watching his/her own dreams while still conscious and awake.


I have definately been away from this forum for too long! How could I have missed this deck! I think your art is great! It really works wonderful for tarot. I am so gonna keep an eye on your work and I hope you will complete it. It is really great!


Thanks everyone, I am spending a lot more time deeply visualising the cards before I commit to a design. The otherworldly/dream aspect of the deck is becoming the driving force behind it more and more, and I may well redesign some of the early cards as the deck nears completion. I have created a facebook page for my art and I will be adding the cards to this if people want to keep an eye on them as they happen.


I can't thank some of you enough for your input and suggestions. Some very nice folk on here must say.


I am enchanted with you deck and looking forward to more. It feels otherwordly and dreamy to me.


Really like your cards so far, it should be a beautiful deck :D


Your art is mesmerizing and the deck is shaping up to be a true gem.

I keep telling myself my collecting days are over, but I freely admit I have no intentions of resisting your deck when it is published. Oh yes, this MUST be published--whether you go the self-published limited edition route or the mass marketed one.

Just one thing: PLEASE tell me that the entrancing stained glass-like tree borders will be present on every card. They are not like typical boxy, cookie cutter borders that get in the way of the art; these are like alluring windows drawing us deeper into the scene.
