I Have My Eye On A Ouija Board


I Hope This Helps

I belong to a ghost hunting group and we go to cemetaries and old houses and buildings. The people in my group that there are earthbound souls who do not pass over to the other side for one reason or another. The negative energy stays here while positive energy goes to the white light. A famous medium, who claims to see and communicate with spirits, claims that there is no good reason to want to be around ghosts except to help them go to the light. She stated that when you use Ouiji boards you attract earthbound spirits who have negative energy. According to her, our spirit guides and angels do not communicate with us through this tool, but rather, through our dreams and meditation. I hope this helps. Peace.


sorry deleted double post


If you live in a country where the English language is not used, and neither is the alphabet ABC then you will need to make a board that uses the local language for the country in which you are living, like Chinese for China and Thai for Thailand, otherwise the spirits will not answer simply because they don't understand English.
When I first used a board it was one that came from the US and I never got an answer, then I made a Thai alphabet board and got an answer first try.


bigcaat said:
I have a psychic circle board and don't like it at all. It's never worked for me either. I think it's just way to complicated. I'm going to sell it. I ended up getting an "angel board" that I found on Amazon. Very pretty. I haven't used it yet, but look forward to it.


Hi I found the Psychic Circle took a while to work for me sometimes I had to repeat the saying at the beginning 2 or 3 times, and for the first 5 or so times I finally got something it didn't really make sense now it spells out sentences and moves really fast although I'm not sure what to make of it. I put out a post under Psychic Circle if you want to read more about what i've been told, but I'd be really interested in how you go with the angel board.