Intuition - what is it to you?


I am sure to get blasted by others. Especially those of a more logical, analytical or scientific bent. But -

Momentarylight said:
Intuition is the prompting of the spirit. Intuition is the means by which the spirit becomes aware of itself; it outpaces the processes of normal earthly reasoning. Intuition accomplishes at lightning speed what normally you would reach after much deliberation. Intuition is that process of attunement during which you receive that prompting which you would otherwise reach after much time and thought on the same subject.

Is a perfect descriptor, for me. That is what it feels like - a blast of light, a nano-second of knowing in the gut, a clear vision in the third eye, of what it might take months for the creaky old mind to process. :) Thanks for the lovely quote. I guess I fall into that class of intellectually disdained spiritual gobbledygook people, or vague spirit guide stuff, but I find this explanation to be quite on point, and succinct. Granted, it could have been more tightly or elegantly phrased, but in a nutshell, and for want of better, it suffices. At least, insofar as my own experience goes. :heart:


I can understand where you are coming from. I guess from the quote itself, it generalize "spirit" to mean your higher sub-conscious self, prompting you of something that is hidden away or not obviously laid out in front of you.

Does that make more sense/explanation of the quote?

Whoaaa! You just made it less clear to me! :laugh:

I was talking about UNconcious (Jung invented the word I think) means ; not conscious.

What is 'sub-concious' ? As someone said around here recently ( ahem! ... excuse me .. ahemLriccradahem ... sorry) 'Subconcious? What's that?"

But sure we can make up words... who said we cant. So, what does subconscious mean? I guess it means below the surface not 'Un" or gone, but I see it as 'just consciously detectuble by symbol, analogy or 'through the veil' ... aww heck! I am repeating old posts on intuition (I have made heaps of them ) ... BUT

" Higher Sub-conscious ???? Dude! :laugh: what's that?

Do you mean 'super-conscious' ...? If so then I would agree ... some 'intuition' seems to connect through the 'super-conscious' (for a better definition see 'Exo psychology' - Brain circuit 8 ) where consciousness is 'non-local' ( Teslas 'discovery' of the a/c electrical generator is a perfect example ... some 'autistic' people have this ability as well)

Some 'intuition' may even come through the 'Super-Ego' (depending on ones natal arrangements and transits with the outer planets).

Continuing the psychological analogy some types of 'intuition' may come through the 'Id'.

Perhaps now my objection to giving the same validity to what anyone calls intuition is a bit clearer?

What about 'soul'? (us westerners usually select spirit over soul - in the classic sense) another type of intuition is associated with the soul ... and art , balance proportion that feels right 'intuitively' ... the soul can 'muse' and 'intuition' can be a general 'wave', form or feel, a constant ongoing awareness of intuiting the subtle surroundings . All our main myths in one way or another is about the loss of the soul woman animus psyche and how we get it back and reconnect and honour it. So it need not be a FLASH! ... (not that there is anything wrong with that :) ... just a different dynamic).


Hi there! Beautiful definition, but... I've always had my own: intuition is 80% a natural ability of sharp observation, the "reading between the lines" capacity (and as any other ability, some people have it, and some have not); and only 20% intuition in itself: that hit from a ray from you-never-know-where which helps you, for example, on tarot reading. Sometimes, you "see" or "feel" something that not necessary is shown in the spread and your interpretation of it...
Anyway, I admit this perspective might be just a failed intent to racionalize what no one can!

Selene, we all use words in our own way. Your understanding is not inconsistent with the definition given here :

Silver Birch says much the same thing except he suggests that the awakening of intuition is the result of prompting from or own spiritual nature as we evolve.

This presupposes that we are inherently spiritual beings, a belief essentially shared by most of the major religions. Culture and history mean there are diverse versions of this belief of course.

Silver Birch's mention of spirit appeals to me because of the reference to the divine spark within - which can be understood as spirit.


It is a beautiful quote.

But perhaps it makes sense due only to its generalities? Because one can easily substitute intuition for love; awarenesss; or even music; and the quote still makes total sense.

I even tried inserting the word anger; and, oddly, it works:

"__________ is the prompting of the spirit. __________ is the means by which the spirit becomes aware of itself; it outpaces the processes of normal earthly reasoning. __________ accomplishes at lightning speed what normally you would reach after much deliberation. __________ is that process of attunement during which you receive that prompting which you would otherwise reach after much time and thought on the same subject."

I think intuition is different from the activities and qualities you mention :heart:. See the google definition above. And the definition is of intuition, not the things you mention.


I am sure to get blasted by others. Especially those of a more logical, analytical or scientific bent. But -
Heavens no! Are there bullies around here? Sit down, sit down, how about a nice cup of tea ... and a foot massage ... and the best chocolate éclair in the world? :)

Is a perfect descriptor, for me. That is what it feels like - a blast of light, a nano-second of knowing in the gut, a clear vision in the third eye, of what it might take months for the creaky old mind to process. :)

Oh ... so you don't mind that type of blast .... fusspot :laugh:

How can I dispute that when it has happened to me too? That's not the point ( its all blabbed above anyway) I wouldn't blast you for having that experience. Tesla was riding his bike through the park with his friend... had a stack and a fit (or visa versa) and started gabling stuff about how now I can see it ... it goes this way and that, sparks are flying off it ... all the way through to exploded isometric tech drawing plans in his head . Lots of people can do it ... memory wizzes, inventors, all sorts of famous people from the past ... they have amazing visualisation abilities; movies made or to be made, inside their head ... and storage files that don't get corrupted. Some have conscious access to it, they can pull it out and read it like the telephone book ... and its not imagination because its accurate and the inventions work! For us "otherly wired' we get flashes of the result.

Thanks for the lovely quote. I guess I fall into that class of intellectually disdained spiritual gobbledygook people, or vague spirit guide stuff, but I find this explanation to be quite on point, and succinct. Granted, it could have been more tightly or elegantly phrased, but in a nutshell, and for want of better, it suffices. At least, insofar as my own experience goes. :heart:

Come off it ... you are quiet intellectual ... I reckons .

Oh yeah... and;


Actually I have no idea what it means when someone says " Intuition is the prompting of the spirit." or " Intuition is the means by which the spirit becomes aware of itself ..."

Spirit itself is undefined (like intuition) ... spirit has many different meanings (even the dictionaries and religions cant agree what it means).

I can understand ... say; " Flight of the Valkyrie's prompts my 'spirit of Mars' to action."

Or: My 'spirit of Mars' prompts me to write martial music.

The quote is just too general really . But I agree that it a nice sting of words , like a lot of 'spirit guide' stuff but it really doesn't explain anything ... unless one reads a lot of one's own meanings into it.

Yes. As I said to Selene, the quote does presuppose a belief that humans have a spiritve ual nature that survives physical death, that is greater than our physical nature - possibly part of a Divine whole.

That is a fairly universal belief in the main world religions, although stated in different ways. If you do not believe that ( and many don't) then the quote will not mean so much to you.

You may understand this differently. I think you mentioned "consciousness". Some people believe that we all have consciousness to various degrees but that this also dies at physical death.


I am sure to get blasted by others. Especially those of a more logical, analytical or scientific bent. But -

Is a perfect descriptor, for me. That is what it feels like - a blast of light, a nano-second of knowing in the gut, a clear vision in the third eye, of what it might take months for the creaky old mind to process. :) Thanks for the lovely quote. I guess I fall into that class of intellectually disdained spiritual gobbledygook people, or vague spirit guide stuff, but I find this explanation to be quite on point, and succinct. Granted, it could have been more tightly or elegantly phrased, but in a nutshell, and for want of better, it suffices. At least, insofar as my own experience goes. :heart:

Yes. I thought you would know. I guess the quote presupposes a whole system of belief which exists in many ways in the various great world religions - or that part of them has not become dogma :D.

I should perhaps have said something about that in the original post :)

To bring it all back to tarot, I think that using tarot cards in the way we do opens up that intuitive and spiritual potential in ways that the lay person can easily come to grips with.

It is a very creative process - using imagery and thinking processes to tap into our own own spiritual nature and wisdom. Some of us learn to put words around ideas and questions that we perhaps were unable to do before.

We discover depths and insights that may have taken much longer had we not encountered tarot. We develop skills in accessing knowledge through this wonderful system of tarot. The same would apply, of course, to other forms of oracle.


Yes. As I said to Selene, the quote does presuppose a belief that humans have a spiritual nature that survives physical death, that is greater than our physical nature - possibly part of a Divine whole.

That is a fairly universal belief in the main world religions, although stated in different ways. If you do not believe that ( and many don't) then the quote will not mean so much to you.

You may understand this differently. I think you mentioned "consciousness". Many people we all have consciousness to various degrees but that also dies at physical death.

I understand that ... all cultures through all time ... lots of us have said that.

I never disputed the overall concept of spirit, just what it means in that post .. that's why I took the term out of my definition. (if we add soul/spirit to the deffinition we could use the 4 types of Hebrew soul or the dozen Ancient Egyptian)

Its just the vague ness of the term spirit as used, the none defining of what intuition is, etc, blah blah ... I wasn't going to blah, that's why my post 2 was such stripped down bare bones, it covers spirit if you read it closely. If 'spirit' communicates consciously that isn't called intuition .

If parts of our consciousness are non-local (and exo psychology, shamans, religion and quantum physics seem to suggest they are) then 'consciousness' does not die at physical death (I mean isn't that the whole basis of some type of afterlife experience ???).

Did you read my comments on soul? What makes you think I do not believe in a 'spiritual nature that survives death', why cant that vaguely undefined (in the west) 'spiritual nature' have a component of consciousness?


We discover depths and insights that may have taken much longer had we not encountered tarot. We develop skills in accessing knowledge through this wonderful system of tarot. The same would apply, of course, to other forms of oracle.

You have hit on something there. This is the realm of how those 'otherly wired' people work , how the UNconcious works (seemingly at times instantaneous ... but maybe 'outside' of time if time is a conscious perception), the realm of the 'magical memory theatre' (the old way of accessing the internal foolproof always accurate‘ filing system’ I mentioned above) , the way people hold phone books of info and access their other natures ('spiritual' if you will) is by ‘stacked’ and often unusual and striking images ... just like good tarot cards ... whose images hold and trigger much vaster stores of knowledge and , more importantly, associations, that can lead us to conclusions,’ intuitive’ or otherwise.


........What is 'sub-concious' ? As someone said around here recently ( ahem! ... excuse me .. ahemLriccradahem ... sorry) 'Subconcious? What's that?"

But sure we can make up words... who said we cant. So, what does subconscious mean? I guess it means below the surface not 'Un" or gone, but I see it as 'just consciously detectuble by symbol, analogy or 'through the veil' ... aww heck! I am repeating old posts on intuition (I have made heaps of them )......
'Subconscious' is a concession to neo New Agers who (1) think that it sounds cool and maybe even Freudian or (2) want to avoid the use of Jung's term 'unconscious' because it sounds disrespectful to what some people want to imagine to be their 'spirit guide' or whatever. After all, 'unconscious' is something that happens when you get hit over the head. It has happened to me a couple of times. Not very pleasant.

ETA. Some neo New Agers apparently think of the unconscious as being essentially the autonomic nervous system, whereas the subsconscious is the non-regulatory part of the unconscious where things like dreams happen and unexpected thoughts originate.

Which reminds me that a few years ago I had to have a neurological procedure called a sleep study. They attach a gazillion electrodes to your head and face and chest, and then you are supposed to go to sleep. They can tell when you are dreaming, but the technician assured me that she couldn't tell what I was dreaming about. }) Ha! There also was a video camera aimed at me, which was part of the monitoring system. When she detected that I was dreaming, all she had to do was look at the monitor and check for unusual bulges in the bedcovers.