Is Donald Trump going to win tonight? From a Your Readings


This was split off from a Your Readings thread here and in the opening post of that thread, you I'll find a link to the original reading exercise, that was started in Divination. Please explore all of the readings connected to this main exploration. It is fascinating.

JuniperPress said:
I am a big fan of Bernie though, if I could vote in the US election I would TOTALLY vote for him. I think it says a LOT that a lot of young voters really like him. I think if the US has any chance of actually having a big, momentous change in a good direction - he's your guy. And it's true, he is very likeable:) He's got more vim and vigour than some young people I know. LOL.

It is an interesting election to watch, that is for sure. It seems anymore that politicians are 'celebrities' in their own right and the more 'Miley Cyrus' they act, the more coverage they get:/ I mean, look at Rob Ford from Toronto, right? Embarassing isn't even the word... The world is in a strange, strange place these days.

I pulled 5 lenormand cards for s'n'g and asked if Trump will win the presidency. Of course, I was hoping for all black, negative cards. :p

I got mountain, house, stork, heart and coffin.


4 reds and one black isn't that great... but mountain and coffin are both negative cards while heart is the only positive card in the bunch with the other two being neutral. So I don't know which way to go in the yes/no answer on this.

On reading the cards, stork is change - well duh, it's an election, something IS going to change but what exactly. House and heart could mean he has a loving family full of support - I'm hoping it's support of his actual blood family and not the American family at large. It could also mean he loves America as his home and is very passionate about it I suppose. Mountain and coffin indicate being stuck and not moving forward. Again, totally biased here but I sure hope he's stuck and doesn't progress forward but we will see!


Originally Posted by JuniperPress said:
I am a big fan of Bernie though, if I could vote in the US election I would TOTALLY vote for him. I think it says a LOT that a lot of young voters really like him. I think if the US has any chance of actually having a big, momentous change in a good direction - he's your guy. And it's true, he is very likeable He's got more vim and vigour than some young people I know. LOL.

It is an interesting election to watch, that is for sure. It seems anymore that politicians are 'celebrities' in their own right and the more 'Miley Cyrus' they act, the more coverage they get:/ I mean, look at Rob Ford from Toronto, right? Embarassing isn't even the word... The world is in a strange, strange place these days.

I pulled 5 lenormand cards for s'n'g and asked if Trump will win the presidency. Of course, I was hoping for all black, negative cards.

I got mountain, house, stork, heart and coffin.


4 reds and one black isn't that great... but mountain and coffin are both negative cards while heart is the only positive card in the bunch with the other two being neutral. So I don't know which way to go in the yes/no answer on this.

On reading the cards, stork is change - well duh, it's an election, something IS going to change but what exactly. House and heart could mean he has a loving family full of support - I'm hoping it's support of his actual blood family and not the American family at large. It could also mean he loves America as his home and is very passionate about it I suppose. Mountain and coffin indicate being stuck and not moving forward. Again, totally biased here but I sure hope he's stuck and doesn't progress forward but we will see!

I have been following the other thread somewhat myself with great interest. I had hoped to participate and do another reading on this myself. I did do one--posted in another thread. anyway, I so agree with what you posted about Sanders and Trump. I also hope Mr. Trump does NOT get far with this new role he is trying to carve out for himself.

Anyway, to give my thoughts on the cards you pulled--

mountain, house, stork, heart and coffin

I am not very good with yes/no questions for the cards, but I'd have to say (and hope and pray!) that these 5 cards are pointing to a "NO!"

and, my thoughts on the cards:

The stork can also be about news coming his way--if this is strictly about news coming his way, it will probably be that his family (house/heart) love him very much and are always there to support him in all he does.

the mountain and coffin cards are the main reason I see this reading as reading a strong NO!

It seems that difficulties in obtaining what he wants are coming to an end. a final ending (coffin) and he won't attempt this again. (At least, I hope not!).

If I apply the same formula to the Lennies that I generally do to the tarot cards and add up the 5 numerical values for a final say, they add up to a 74, which becomes 11. The whip. Well, he is a bit of a whip personality--but I would have to say its telling me that he is going to be out.

Just my thoughts on it.


Now, after giving my thoughts on your reading--I decided to throw 5 cards asking the same question, "will Donald Trump become our newx President?" The 5 cards were surprising for me and you'll see why...

I pulled:

Found it interesting we both had the mountain in the same position.

I see the fox as a sly manipulator who is after a prize. (a great card to symbolize D.T.)

The tower reversed and the man card shows that the man will not be in the high office.

The mountain and whip cards shows that his performance throughout the race were all for nothing, really. A great show, but I doubt people will truly want to put a man into the office he seeks--that will be making rules for its people that will effect us for years to come and perhaps separate us from our neighboring countries.

I think when its all over and done with the people will know that its unwise to put such a quarrelsome and irrational man into such a position of power.

Now, these 5 cards, 21 + 19 + 14 + 28 + 11 = 93, and 9 + 3 = 12 which relates to the birds. While this is a card that brings messages to us--I feel in this case the message is that people just aren't wanting a man of his character in such a position of power.


It's interesting because, as I was shuffling the cards I was thinking about a quick yes/no answer - I wasn't thinking about doing a full reading on the cards. The only reason I did that is because the yes/no there was confusing to me - and you're right - the mountain/coffin is a pretty big NO pair (thank goodness:)

With your spread, I agree the fox totally suits him. I've never done reversals with lenormand before, is it just sort of opposite in meaning the way you do it? I never got into the adding up cards either but I might try that.

Let's hope we're both right:)


Mountain+House = the White House. Mountain can indicate something large and white.

Stork/Heart/Coffin = hopes/desires of moving in there are put to an end.

So I would say NO.

Mountain/Tower, again, White, official/old/governmental residence.

Fox/Man/Whip the red-haired crafty man of business is beaten. Whips can mean a literal beating.

So again, NO.

Thank goodness!



Padma, I'm so glad you got a "NO" as well! I know you've been reading Lennies for a long while and you are very good with it. I am still a beginner and still learning.

JuniperPress, I don't normally read the lennies as reversed, because I am often very careful about making sure they are all upright and when I throw them down, if they do happen to come out rx, I normally just fix them. I'm not sure why I even mentioned it was upside down tbh. I know the last few days I've been exhausted-so I can only guess that I was overly tired when I did hte reading, and mentioned the reversal only out of habit from my tarot card reading. :D

however, I do find it rather interesting that the tower is rx. Its like its saying the White House REFUSES to allow D.T. in it! :D
