Just a question about reading for others


satine said:
I don't know if this is true for anyone else, but I think that for me personally one source of my stress during face-to-face readings is the sense of feeling rushed. When I am alone reflecting on the cards, I take my time and I start seeing patterns and realizing new meanings... When someone is staring at me, even if he or she isn't walking around or doing anything overtly distracting, I allow myself to feel pressured to say something right then. I do feel like the more I do this, the more efficient I will be-- so maybe then I'll feel less pressure when I'm face-to-face with someone doing a reading. I know there are readers here who prefer to do face-to-face readings. What advice do you guys have?

Just talk. You don't have to keep your thoughts secret.

"Okay...let's see...well...we've got the three of swords....okay...then the five of wands. Wands are a suit of passion, force, fire. I don't get the feeling that the three of swords is negative here. It's not your grief, it's someone elses...the knight of swords. He's rushing forward...into something. Hmm...." ETC.

If you can't talk and must have silence...give the querent something to do while you interpret the cards. Have them light some candles or incense. Tel them to examine the cards and make notes of their questions about certain cards. They need not just sit there.


Yes, I agree with Splungeman...
"just talk"

Talk about anything until you get a voice to your cards.
When there is dead air...that's when they get nervous.
They wonder if you know something they don't want
you to know or their thinking that you may not know
your stuff!


My original preference years ago was to provide face to face readings. It was challenging and fun. Over time my preference has changed to email readings. It seems as if my email readings have a greater depth to them then the spoken ones. Also, if the person seemed to be distressed over the cards, it caused me mild distress. Then I found I was censoring my responses based on their reactions. It did not feel right.

My practice now is mainly email, but most of my clients are known to me personally, so maybe since I know them I can imagine them sitting across from me.

While the reading is about the client and the question, since the information gleaned from the cards comes from the reader (unless the reading is interactive) however you feel most comfortable in terms of reading style is valid. Go with what works for you. It may change over time, it may not. There is no one right way; there are just many different ways. :)

ana luisa

I was "glad' to realize I was not the only one who was a bit uncomfortable in the presence of querents. However, in my case, it´s a bit of a combination between what satine mentions as "rush" (get on with it will you?) and the reaction I get whenever something bad shows up. I read mostly for family members so when they see that what the cards show is NOT what they expect, they get furious. With the cards and ME! As if I was manipulating the answer! And I don´t hide the negative. And the sitters are warned of that BEFORE I start. So, I end up having to read fast, and only come out with positive answers. That´s absurd. Besides, many intuitive flashes are very abstract and most people want "facts" as tangible as numbers or money amounts. I gave up trying to "please" querents a long time ago but decided to do my spreads on my own and then send the answers typed in a piece of paper. Cold ? Perhaps. But I really don´t need the added stress. congrats to Splungeman who thrives on that! Who knows one day, I´ll manage to do it differently...


I understand both perspectives here. I think people who are drawn to read the tarot are naturally sensitive, and often experience the emotions of others more intensely than others. This can be a hindrance to reading for the general public.

I once had a young girl cry in front of me due to an issue about love (what else! :D ). To say it was awkward would be understating it.

I am currently considering going back to reading for others, and yes having some doubts. The thing that may tip the balance for me is realising there are people out there who need this wisdom, who are truly seeking and who deserve the guidance the tarot offers. Yes some seekers will be problematic but that's part of the deal.

So yes like any public profession it can have its curly moments!


Anthonyt3 said:
So yes like any public profession it can have its curly moments!

Absolutely love that.... 'curly moments'!

Great turn of phrase.



ana luisa said:
I was "glad' to realize I was not the only one who was a bit uncomfortable in the presence of querents. However, in my case, it´s a bit of a combination between what satine mentions as "rush" (get on with it will you?) and the reaction I get whenever something bad shows up.

But I really don´t need the added stress. congrats to Splungeman who thrives on that! Who knows one day, I´ll manage to do it differently...

I get so many ideas in my head f2f that it is tough! I can't articulate what I feel. A lot of what I feel happens well before I draw the cards.... then i worry I won't be able to speak and tell them what it is I see. With internet readings or even phone ones I can pull the spread beforehand and I can sit with it a minute and formulate my thoughts without the eyes watching me... and without the energy bombarding me! But f2f I have to think on my feet fast... and sometimes the words don't come and then I get nervous! and then uh oh I FREEZE :D

Then when I am away from the person the reading opens as if I put the key in the lock! :) too late.....


:D Thanks, nimbus. It's Aussie! ;)


Anthonyt3 said:
I understand both perspectives here. I think people who are drawn to read the tarot are naturally sensitive, and often experience the emotions of others more intensely than others. This can be a hindrance to reading for the general public.

Yes, I agree. One needs a certain sensitivity, an empathic understanding. But I think all that "pull" on one's emotions to be so exhausting:(.