LAST few decks you've gotten...which was your fav?


The Mary-El tarot. I'd been 'meh' about this deck since the first time I saw it about a year ago, and didn't feel any desire to own it. A few months ago though I was watching Joey Morris's Youtube channel and saw that she used cards from this deck on her alter. Instead of feeling 'meh' about the cards I saw, I actually really liked them and felt drawn to them. I bought the deck, and it's been my favorite for these past couple of months.


I've gone on a shameful tarot and oracle deck buying spree, so quite a few have been added to my collection in the last couple of months. I do have to say, though, that my favorites have been Japaridze, Ghosts and Spirits, and Intuitive Tarot.

Out of those three, though, Japaridze takes the cake. The readings it gives are so blunt and vivid that I can't seem to put it down!