Lenormand/Titania combinations


Charts and making up card meanings

FaeryGodmother said:
I tried to make a chart once with the combined meaning but the project just got too overwhelming for me, so I'm very impressed by you putting all your combinations here.
I made up a nice, colourful chart using Excel Software. It has pictures of the cards across the top, and down the side. In the intersecting cell, I have a brief description of the card combination meaning. The chart is quite large. I think it consists of 18 x A4 pages. I've pasted them back to back (so each side is 3 x 3) and then had the whole chart laminated. I only had room in each cell to put some keywords but I find it's enough. It's like a ready-reckoner, much quicker than looking up the book definition and really helped me to learn the combinations. I did think, at one stage, that I should approach Titania to see if she wanted to offer it as a fold-out accompanient with her deck. But never followed that through.

Kara said:
As to making up meanings, do you think that is a bad thing? For clients obviously, but for friends or yourself, I don't think it's bad if you play around, maybe something will pop up?
We all have to program our own decks to mean what we want them to mean. Like for example, there is confusion with Titania's interpretations with a card combination. I think it's the coffin and the cross. Under the coffin, she explains the combination as one meaning, and then, under the cross, she has explained the combination as a different meaning. So, I made up my own mind as to what that combination would mean each time I drew it and I've stuck with it.

After all, the book is only a guideline of how you might interpret the cards, I think it's up to us all to add our own flavour. And there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you remain consistent each time those cards appear.

with love


Seven Card Spreads

katie_here said:
I know it didnt say so in the book, but now when I look at a seven card spread, I always think of the two outer cards as significant and the centre one. The centre giving the basis on what the reading is about, and the two outer ones, the final word so to speak.

FaeryGodmother said:
I have found that while two cards together make one combination (like rider and dog being news delivered in person) add another card and it changes/ evolves (like rider, dog, bear being important news delivered in person or maybe news delivered by an important person).Therefore when you get to seven cards the combinations are mindboggling. So for combinations I just go with one word for each card and make a sentence. Of course the exact word changes depending on other cards (like the owl goes from nervousness to excitement if its surrounded by positive cards).

Kara said:
Seven card combinations would be mindboggling, lol, I can see that. But that's a story already, isn't it? I think the two card combos serve well to learn the 'language' and to find a way of bringing your own impressions into interpreting the cards. Also, in the beginning when you have your layouts, and your mind boggles just looking at it, it's great if you have a combo to fall back on, to kind of nudge you in the (hopefully) right direction.

….So, like in a seven card spread, the first and the last card tie in together too. So, I just let go and let the cards tell their story...
I've always read seven cards as a story, or one long sentence. Having said that though, I do believe that certain cards carry more weight than others. So, rather than looking at the card position, I tend to look more at what card is yelling out at me and grabbing my attention and then I might base my story around that card. So, I don't necessarily read seven cards from left to right.

Titania in her nine-card spread suggests that any card that jumps out at you should be explored in greater detail. And, that's when you would take that card and place it at the centre of your full-card spread. Shuffle and fan the cards out, select one card to cross your first, then deal the remaining cards into their layout structure. It is always interesting to see if patterns from the nine-card spread repeat in the full-card spread. It can particularly help to emphasise/clarify an issue if you're undecided about the initial nine-card reading.

with love


miss_yuko said:
Anyway yes, actually i'd like to know what you think of the following combination. I used the Lenormand Spread and i got, in the forth row (near future) the three following cards, amongst the others:
The Child--The Stork--The Tower

The Lady was in the third row (present), if i recall well, just above those cards.

I've been told the combination Tower + Stork may mean pregnancy...is it real? Because i cannot think of me getting pregnant (i'm 17 and i don't even have a...man to be the father. you get the picture) or anyone in my family.

Ah, i hate being a confused beginner...
Hi yuko,
do you happen to recall which cards were surrounding the lady? Perhaps it was a friend or someone at work that was pregnant. This could have been indicated if the dog or the lily/fish accompanied the lady in your spread.

And, it's the child and the stork that suggest a pregnancy, not the tower and the stork. Though, the tower could indicate it was someone from your past that was pregnant.

with love


Gitano deck

Oh, and one more thing. Has anybody heard of the deck called Gitano? I first discovered it on Orphalese Tarot Software Deck Exchange. It seems to be a clone of Le Normand, but not as modern as Titania. I can't find a lot of information on this deck but I think I actually prefer it now to Titanias (shock, horror).

Attached are images of the Star, the Scythe, and the Mountain.

For those who don't know, I just thought I'd add that I do actually own a Le Normand deck too.

with love


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shy shy

love it!

yes, kara, please continue posting your combinations, they truly help me define what areas I can explore when I combine two cards. The titania book just isn't direct enough for me. The vagueness really doesn't set a good example, I fear.


This is a three year old thread and I'm not sure Kara's still on the forum. But if you look around, you should find a lot of Lenormand info both here and on various blogs.

Cheers -

shy shy

thank you

where can I find a forum or group dedicated to this particular deck? I have lenormand and titania's version which I prefer. I need to find more depth in detail.


Hi shy shy,

what sort of information were you looking for?

A group of us were interpreting simple spreads around the same time this thread was opened. You should be able to find those (although, I do recall ATF lost a few hundred threads a few years back because of a hacker).

with love



Kara said:
Is anyone here still interested - should I continue listing my combinations, or no? Honesty is quite ok(LOL:D), if the idea isn't a good one, just say no...


Hi Kara, I am new here and you were just the person I was looking for :) Did you ever finish posting your combos ... You put so much time/work, I would love to read your insights on the combos, I am having a bit of trouble for a few of the cards (mainly the negative ones) and was needing some guidance ... Thanks!!