New LS deck by Lucia Mattioli


These cards are gorgeous! I love the feel of the artwork. But I'm confused about how the image will wrap around two sides of the card.

The dual images in the Secret Forest has kept me from buying it even though I like the artwork. The images wrapping around the card/on two sides of the card sounds innovative, but I'm confused about how the deck would read. Would there be two different interpretations, one for the meaning of the card and the other side for its shadow meaning? If so, why not just use reversals? I myself don't read with reversals, so if that is the intention, I probably will give this deck a miss as well.

I'm interested to learn more about this deck and the way the images are going to be presented on the cards.


I understood Ric to be saying - find out for yourself; we have no idea yet.

Which is one reason I SHALL buy it.

That and the artwork for its own sake; it's stunning.


We don't know yet... anyway it should not be the image wrapping on two sides.
Each of those card should be cut and should portray two different Arcana.
Empashis on the "should". Definitely not a "will".



Hi ric! Thanks for posting. I didn't see your post until after I posted mine.

You make good points. With a deck like this, I would have to change the way I read the cards which isn't necessarilly a bad thing at all. A deck for reading outside the boundary actually sounds pretty neat. Alright, I think I may just have changed my mind about this deck. I was thinking of it as "just another tarot deck" that doesn't follow the rules. But with many of the decks by Lo Scarabeo, they are not "just another tarot deck," but are instead pushing boundaries, which is a quality I admire in a tarot publisher.

Incidentally, you suggest that this deck might be good for looking outside the boundary, and you suggest other decks might be better. Which decks are you thinking of exactly?


Every time we do a deck like this... we don't know the result.
Even (and it's not granted) if we really go to "push the boundary", and not just "change the rules". I just want to mark this... because it's - I think - important.

But if you are looking for decks that may effect you and that are right now, try the Transparent Tarot by Emilyy Carding. Imho... play with the deck in the most "joyful" way... have fun with it. It is so new that it is all a puzzle, a creative expression before you can even start to think to rationalize its contents.

If you are looking for something - apparently less innovative - but more intellectual, try the Quantum Tarot by Kay Stopforth. The deck makes a point of "following the rules", but it encourage you to see the connection between Tarot and reality in a totally different way. It may be that - in order to get the most out of it - you will have to study a little, but it's very well done (the art does really work WITH the concepts). Science challange the way you see your world. And Tarot does, as well. The connection between those, while it may work the same way on "reading", may open new paths.

Anyway, have you ever considered the idea that it may be you the one to decide to change the rules. Know the rules, change them, get back to the rules from a different perspective, finally understand the rules but not be dominated by them. Last step: rinse and repeat. ^_^

You may do that with any deck... with many decks at least.



I'm intrigued enough by the concept that I know I'll be getting this deck in 2010.

And Ric, not many publishers would recommend decks from other companies. You are quite the (amazing) gentleman! :thumbsup: (And I know you're not "the publisher" for Lo Scarabeo, but you are the face of LoS here on AT, so it ends up being the same thing.)



The more I look at it, the more I love it. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Knowing these are two separate cards blended together makes a lot more sense to me, now. I wonder if the idea might be to see if the cards ever match up in readings, side by side. Who knows! But I do love the fact that there is that Secret Forest feel about it, but a bit more colourful and more activity going on, so to speak, this could be a fun deck to experiment with.

Could be fun to use alongside the Secret Forest, too. Imagine blending the two together? Hehehehe....

2010. Drats. I am always wanting them earlier! :D

Egypt Urnash

Oooh, pretty.

I am wondering if the Minors will also be dual - hell of a thick deck if it is!

Le Fanu

motsa said:
I really like the artwork, but I'd have to see how the "Each illustation is to be cut in two, creating two different cards" concept Ric mentioned actually turns out before I could say whether or not I'd buy it.

I love the look of it!

And as for the images cut in two or whatever, I think it sounds great. Hurrah for Scarabeo´s innovation in tarot decks; not just repeating the same old safe formulas that some other publishers do. I applaud Scarabeo for their attempts to take tarot forward...

PS; Im also a big fan of the Quantum. Now that´s another innovative deck taking tarot into the 21st Century :)


Love the "secret forest" and love what I see from the new tarot so far.