One spread for different kinds of questions??


oh, i have another question, maybe not entirely in line with this one, but here is goes:

sometimes when i do a spread which uses "things you are good at" or "strong points" or "your goal" something like that and i draw a very negative card like ten or nine of swords, i wonder what i am supposed to do with that?? how can i interpret that??


I use two or three own, which is five-card...a horseshoe, sometimes a CC, but not often...and some three-card spreads....I just got the book Umbrae recommended about three-card spreads...looking forward to it.

Re your last have to get quiet and just wait for the words to come....on those "difficult" cards. I'm not always right on them myself. I had a Ten of Wands recently that jumped at me with a downside meaning, which actually was a flip of the meaning in the "root" position....just do your best and interact with client as a process.

We're not right all the time. The cards are the right ones though, I believe!!



If I already had a goal and I got a ten of wands for "your goal", I might think it meant that my goal was biting off a little more than I could chew or that it was something I'd want to be aware that I could overburden myself with or overwork at if I weren't careful. If I got 9 of swords in that position and I didn't already have a goal, I'd take it to mean I was worrying too much about having a goal and that I should back off and not get so stressed about it.


well, that is certainly a positive way of looking at it.......hadnt thought of that.......I just thought ten of swords was a very negative card to have.....boy its difficult!


Strength said:
I just thought ten of swords was a very negative card to have.....boy its difficult!
10s are related to the Wheel of Fortune and signify then end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.
I'd say if you got the 10 of Swords in a positive position it would mean that the worst is over and the only way is up....