past present future spread


The tarot deck was The Witch's Tarot. The question was a general question about someone's path in Wicca and if they should hive off and start a coven of their own at this time.

Past: 5/swords
Present: 2High Priestess
Future: 0The Fool

I saw this as being a very favorable spread for the question, but am a bit confused as to the past card. Could it be the querent's past with covens, since I am seeing that the card says the person had to break off from one, which caused him/her pain.


I think you're right. I see this as a favorable spread. And I also see the past card the way you do. Currently this person is in sort of a "soul searching, intuitive" state? And the fool suggests a new journey. Perhaps they should be careful and become more informed first though. Good luck!

Rhiannon :)


i see the past card, the five of swords, as deciept, trickery, failure, and overall frustrating feelings about a situation - perhaps what the querant felt leading to the question of hiving off in a new coven. and like both of you, i see the entire spread as a move in the right direction.

while the fool usually means a new journey for me, it also has the implication that the journeyer doesn't know exactly what they are getting into. in that sense, i agree with rhiannon.

keep in mind, the witches tarot (assuming it the witches tarot by ellen cannon reed) has slightly different meanings in some of the cards than traditional rider/waite interpretations - she follows the qabalistic model quite closely, with a strong influence of astrology, planetary influences, and traditional wiccan elemental influences. in her model, swords correspond to fire, not air, so it represents will, passion, action, and energy. fives are described by her as struggles and learning lessons, among other things. she goes on to say (in the book for the deck):
if swords appear in positions representing the past, it may be time for us to recognize the lesson taught by past difficulties, now that we've gotten far enough away from the event to be objective
and taken in the context of swords - fire - i'd guess the lesson was in relation to this person's actions within the coven, and the events that led them to think about leaving.
i found the book description quite meaningful in the context of your spread.
luv and light,


Thank you both of you. Yes it was the one by Ellen Cannon Reed. And both of your insights helped me in the reading a great deal. It certainly cleared things up a bit.