Pigeon Tarot


I'm starting a new deck for a friend of mine. She's a preformance artist obsessed with pigeons. One of her favorite things about them is that you can chase them all day and they will run from you even though they could fly. She sees this as a metaphore for the inner city.

So in honor of the pigeon metaphore I'm creating the Pigeon Tarot. I don't as yet have a way to post images on the net, however, I'd love some feed back from AT members about the ideas I'm working with.

The suits I'm using are beaks for swords, nests for cups, telephone lines for wands, and bagles for disks. I think beaks and nests are pretty obvious in connection with the suits they represent, telephone lines are related to air and communication, and bagles with the more practical earth elements being made from grain and a primary source of food for urban pigeons.

The first card I "built" is the fool. The image is a young girl in a red dress chasing pigeons in a parking lot. The description with the card is below.

"The fool is a little girl chasing pigeons is a red dress. This is her journey, her quest to understand. She doesn't see the pot holes or curbs and everything is wonderful fun, especially chasing pigeons. Her pigeon guides are leading her along the way carefully avoiding pitfalls and scavenging vagrant bagels"

So let me know what you guys think... Thanks

Little Baron

I think it is a lovely idea and a lovely gift.

There is so much you can do with this idea and I am sure your friend is going to adore it. I love the picture of the 'Fool'. I may be in a minority but I am never that keen on the names of cards being too big, and in this case it distracts me a little from the image.

I like the way in which she steadys herself a little in the card; I am sure a reader could use that detail intuitively when reading.

I am a Londoner - have you been to London. Trafalga Square is absolutely filled with pigeons. Maybe Nelson's Column could be the 'Tower'; the lions could be incorperated within the 'Strength' card. Just a few of my ideas wandering.

Look forward to seeing more; it could turn out to be a beautifully magical deck. I will be looking at pigeons differently from now on.



Here is the two of wires (telephone lines).


Thanks littlebudda, I was trying to keep the copy light but easily readable, I'll try a small type.

I'm in DC and the girl is in Baltimore so I was thinking of keeping the cards to those locals however I'll check the net for the buildings your talking about.

Right now I'm thinking the emperor and empress will be pigeons sitting on sculptures as they do... any good ideas for which ones to use?

Little Baron


Great picture!

Good idea about the bird lady, reminds me a little of mary poppins.


I can't see the two of wires either...

The fool has an interesting feel, I'd love to see more of your pictures!



Hey guys, sorry I can't seem to get any other images up.
PM me if you can help.. otherwise I'll keep trying.



that is a beautiful card!

Really, as little as I like pigeons, I think your approach is beautiful, keep up the good work!

I couldn't see the second card either and would love to!