Pregnancy cards


I had Death and Magician for birth, the baby had a hard time to come down and it tokk to the woman many hours to give birth, she said the doctor was very helpful i guess he was the Magician :)


Pages often, for children and/or children-about-to-arrive. The Ace Pentacles for a foetus or conception (coming into the material world). Death, for leaving the spirit-world to enter this one. Temperance for the mixing of sperm and egg. The Star for the same, and breaking waters.

All sorts of cards have come up for it over the years, really.


There is a possible love interest in my life, and weeks ago until now, when I do "What are his desires for me?" I get the cards below.

I am starting to get Hanged Man (fetus hanging in the womb), Queen Pentacles (she looks pregnant), 10 Pentacles (family where inheritance is passed down to children), 4 Swords (bed rest during pregnancy or post-partum), World (fetus in womb) , 8 swords (just like the World card a person trapped in a confined space = womb?) and 3 Cups (pregnancy/birth celebration from family and friends) cards for his desires for me. Also, all of the Page suits pop up for me for that question as well.

I am nearing 40 years old soon. Never had children. Never been married. I've gave up hope on the children and marriage idea due to my age knowing it would be unhealthy to have a child at my age, and the fact that my mother passed several years ago, and I can't imagine being a mother without having the support of my own mother. Also, I don't have any siblings and not many female friends to help me with a new baby. I am not on any birth control at all. I have no siblings or really close female friends to help me out with a new baby. The only female close to me is my 86 year old grandma, who is too old to babysit.

So these cards constantly showing up, for his desires, or health readings, is frightening the hell out of me, because my situation is not perfect for baby making.


I am nearing 40 years old soon. Never had children. Never been married. I've gave up hope on the children and marriage idea due to my age knowing it would be unhealthy to have a child at my age, and the fact that my mother passed several years ago, and I can't imagine being a mother without having the support of my own mother. Also, I don't have any siblings and not many female friends to help me with a new baby. I am not on any birth control at all. I have no siblings or really close female friends to help me out with a new baby. The only female close to me is my 86 year old grandma, who is too old to babysit.

So these cards constantly showing up, for his desires, or health readings, is frightening the hell out of me, because my situation is not perfect for baby making.

Lots of women in their late 30-ties, early 40-ies har having children these days. so it is not too late. So go for it. If that is what you truly want.



Empress + ace of wands next to each other


I had seen a few representing pregnancy/birth:
Hanged man
three of swords
Ace of wands


Is that the Ancestral Path Tarot? The Hanged one? For some reason there is a fetus in there, waiting to be born but I don't remember exactly which Major Arcana card it is.

But for me, I always say the Empress. When I was first taught tarot I learned the Horoscope spread (12 cards in circle to indicate the 12 houses of the Horoscope. A good way to cover all the bases.) The teacher told us that the Empress in the 3 house meant pregnancy.

Ace of Cups, I can see too: great well-springs of love and energy.


Queen of Cups
Ace of Cups


Ive had the Ace of swords come up for me before in regards to a pregnancy.

I see 1 swords as someone having sex, not really pregnancy. Especially losing one's virginity sex.