Ralph Blum?


Hello --

I'm definitely a rune newbie, although I've managed to pick up two rune sets along the way, over the years.

I've seen the advice to print out the threads on each rune, and I intend to do that. But first, I'm curious about what people may think of Ralph Blum's works. I gather from what I've read on Amazon etc. that his meanings are non-standard, and I just wanted to know how folks here think about that. I have no opinion myself, I don't know enough about runes to have an opinion, but since Blum is such a big seller, I guess it would be helpful for beginners like me to be able to put him in some kind of context.

Thanks --
Lee :)


I love the book. Although it is not large enough for a doorstop, it makes a lovely coaster. Since I use wood heat in my house, a page or two makes for a cheery home.

Ralph Blum as an author needed something to write, so he thought he would take up runes – do no research –and write a book, and heck – even invent his own stuff!

Don’t go there…


That was an excellent question and I'm very glad you asked it.

I wonder if everyone else has the same review of Ralph Blum, or if they know anything about him...

I would really like to know...please....pretty please?????


I, along with many other peopel fond of Runes, se Ralph Bkum as... A heretic... Harsh words, but true. His invention of the Wyrd Rune is... heretical... His change of the meanings of the Runes are... heretical... Gah! Heretic heretic heretic ! ;)

More seriously, you would do better to read stuff by Edred Thorsson.



blum is but one doorway in to rune world...

to be fair, ralph blum is probably responsible for introducing lots of people to runes, many of whom otherwise may never found this study and doorway into healing.
i am one of those individuals. i had blum's "healing runes" set, used it for about a year, and have since passed it on to a friend in need. i have now moved on to other, more traditional perspectives and my own homemade runes.
one might say that a practitioner "outgrows" blum's books. however, some people may never be interested in any other runes concepts, but that's not blum's "fault" or even a bad thing. if it works, and the person does not want to know more, why not?
ideally, a seeker continues seeking, but that is an autonomous choice.
IMHO, blum makes runes very accessible to the newbie. hopefully, it will inspire the beginner to delve further into the world of runes.


My biggest problem with Ralph Blum was his introduction of the fake "blank rune" over ten years ago. Way too new-agey and misleading.....


RingTheory said:
My biggest problem with Ralph Blum was his introduction of the fake "blank rune" over ten years ago. Way too new-agey and misleading.....

Unlike his interpretations? I got 'the rune cards' because I'm curious about runes and needed to start somewhere, but I don't like it at all. He just took some old symbols and made stuff up about it. I'm sure it works as a new age counseling tool, but I wanted to know about runes, dammit! :D

Time for a little library research, I'm afraid, cause I don't like what I've found online either.


Hmm. Sounds like many people have the same views about Ralph Blum's Runes as I do about Mr. Waite's Tarot. He did exactly the same thing to Tarot........ but no-one seems to care. Perhaps Runes are more sacred than Tarot?

Or is it because Mr. Blum doesn't walk around in nerdy little robes that makes people take him less seriously?


Well, I have the "20 Anniversary" set... purchased to see what all the FUSS was about :laugh:

I think the main problem must be his OWN take on the Rune orderings. And, since this was defined uhm... some years ago, I can't see why (presumably in retrospect) he couldn't have gone with the rest of the world. But, I don't regret the purchase and the so-called "mud cookies" have a certain appeal! ;)

I think folk that moan a (real) LOT are making the tacit assumption that other folk can't make up their own mind on such things? Books called things like: "Learn Guitar in a Day" usually feature in most "Pro" player's collections... somewhere! })


P.S. I have "Rune Rede" by one Ruarik Grimnisson, which *I* like. He goes for (seemingly) the modern favoured views? It's sortof beginner through to scholarly. And Heck, it's gotta be a TREMENDOUS name for anyone into runes... :D


Yes, the order is really dubious as well. One of the most important special features of runes is the special order and the devision into groups. It goes back to the very start of rune use and remains amazingly constant throughout the early period.

Of course people can make up their own mind on things, but if you're going to borrow something from another culture, I think you have a responsibility to look up at least the basics of how it was used originally. He would have come across the proper order practically immediately, yet he stubbornly sticks to his own random order, claiming this is how the runes seemed to order themselves. BS! He just couldn't be bothered to look up even one book on the subject. Booo! :mad: