reiki miracle


do you have a reiki miracle that you would like to share?

here's my latest one...........

last night my 2 youngest kids (8 and 3) and i were have a family bath.....which is a huge feat if you saw how tiny our tub is LOL......anyway, afterwards they got out and i was still in the bathroom when i heard a scream. i came running out to find my three year old holding out her burned 8 year old though he would help me by checking the fire and she grabbed the door to the wood stove which is soooooo hot after a fire glowing in it all day long.

i grabbed her hand and put it into a pitcher with cold water in it.

everytime she took her hand out it hurt so badly. i sat with her and sent reiki down her little arm for about an hour. then she fell asleep and i reikied her again most of last night.

this morning the blisters are GONE! you can't even tell that it happened and she has no pain at all.

just another amazing reiki miracle.

jade :)


That's a beautiful miracle indeed. :)
I am really glad this worked wonders, coz your kiddo would have had some nasty painful wounds after such a burn....


New River

This is fantastic!

reiki seems to be phenomenal on burns. this same thing has happened to me. i burned my hand badly picking up a hot cast iron skillet. i plunged the hand into ice water immediately but was horrified to see huge blisters forming when i pulled it out.

is there anything more painful than a burn? they make me cringe just thinking about them.

i reikied immediately and gave it over to my guides to reiki thru the night. then next morning all blisters and pain were totally gone!

i swear this is true.

i was amazed and so thankful!

love, light and hope, New River


i love it when i'm reikiing someone and i share my experience with them afterwards and they had the exact same visualizations that i did.

once i was working on my best friend, doug's dad. i saw him shapeshifting into an eagle and a was so beautiful. after the session his eyes were like saucers as he listened to me telling him about his meditation.

reiki is so beautiful.

just remember, it heals the source, not the symptoms.

in light,


I have had sinus problems for the past 2-3 years straight. Barely any airflow through my nose. I've tried all sorts of treatments including prescription medication.

I got my Reiki I, and within 2 days my sinuses felt great. My worst day was way better than my best days previously.

They are clogging up a little again... and I know I need to do reiki on myself to help clear things up again!

But being a newbie, I'm worried I'm just not doing anything when I give myself Reiki. Not quite sure how to "turn it on" if you know what I mean. Any feedback from you veterans would be appreciated. :) (Oops, didn't mean to highjack a thread... hope you don't mind.)



You don?t have to DO anything except your symbols. Reiki isn?t about us doing anything but about the Reiki doing through us. The flow is directed by your intentions so don?t worry too much about it.

It also wouldn?t hurt you to cut out the dairy products in your diet and reduce all the animal foods. I had the same problem years ago. I was working as a musician and singing every night (which is kind of funny if you?ve ever heard me sing). I started getting sinus infections every three month. It made my life unbearable. Finally, I switched to a macrobiotic diet. It took me six months to detoxify. I had a sore throat from drainage but after that was over I was fine and have had no sinus problems since. That would have been maybe fifteen years ago. You might want to look into macrobiotics in addition to your Reiki.

A couple of Reiki stories. When I first heard of Reiki I was having chronic lower back problems and always had to hang on to a dresser to pull myself upright in the morning when I got out of bed. (I considered just staying in bed but it didn?t pay well.) The morning after the first Reiki treatment my teacher gave me, I got out of bed and was standing in the bathroom when I got that feeling something was different. I realized I?d gotten up without any difficultly at all. I was amazed.

Years later, my sister called me to ask for a distance Reiki session. She was suffering from sever pain in her knee. I told her to lay on her sofa and relax and I would call her after the treatment was over. I started the session and shortly there after I saw her golden retriever Trooper appear in my mind?s eye to the right side of me. Trooper was the original love sponge and truly enjoyed getting Reiki treatments to help with his Bell?s palsy. During the whole treatment I had the sense of him next to me intensifying the Reiki I was sending.

After I was finished I called my sister and she said that her knee had felt unusually warm during the treatment. She also said that Trooper had come over to her just after the session had statred and just looked at her. He sat there the whole time and then walked off just seconds before the phone rang. Since then I have been convinced that animal can direct or at least aid in healing naturally. At least Trooper could.



she only had first degree, therefore she doesn't have her symbols yet. (although, i have met a reiki master/teacher that does give out a symbol with first degree)

great stories by the way. :)

lunar rabbit,

intention is all that is needed to get the reiki flowing. the more you use it the bigger it grows. so if you reiki yourself every night in bed before sleep, not only are you getting yourself into a great 'space' to sleep, but you are constantly increasing your reiki!

in light,

ps reiki is all about trust. trust the reiki that it is flowing and that it is healing exactly what needs to be healed. :) reiki heals the source, not the symptoms. :)


We must be of different lineages. I was given two symbols when I received my first degree attunement. One Reiki and one non-Reiki.

They both worked just fine.


Yes, I must be of the lineage that doesn't give out the symbols with first degree. When I first read your response, Blue, I was like "UH OH!!!" lol... So thank you, Jade for clearing that up for me before I had too much time to panic. Your words and reassurance from both of you help very much.

So, if I get of the reiki mind, i.e. I think to myself "I'm going to do reiki now." Then what usually happens is that I visualize a white light flowing into my head and out my hands... is that right? I'm always afraid that I am just making it up... do you know what I mean? (Why am I suddenly hearing Obiwan Kenobi's voice in my head?) How do I know if I'm doing reiki or other energy healing? Does it matter? I am strong energy channeler, but not very experienced yet, so I'm leary of not letting the reiki do it's thing. Is that egotistical of me or what? ;-)

Before bed, can I do a quickie reiki rather than going through 5 minutes per chakra? Also, does your lineage dictate which hand positions you use? Or should you do what is comfortable.

LOL.. I really need to email my RM, don't I? It's just that you guys inspire me to ask so many questions while I'm on this board. :)

Thank you so much!!!!