Rory Story Cubes - What's your story ?

ana luisa

I'll be offering 4 readings using the Rory Cubes. The readings may be done by using the symbols, making up a story or by their placement in a spread. Sitter may choose or leave it to me :) Any brave takers ? I have to confess it's my first try with them...

For those who are still wondering what they are:


i'll sit please!
and i'll let you choose for me:) thank you!


Will you write me a good story? :D

I'll give feedback and also a reading if you'd like one.

ana luisa

Will you write me a good story? :D

I'll give feedback and also a reading if you'd like one.

Hi, Zannamarie :) I will certainly write you a story but you'll have to be kind to me. English is not my first language ...


Hi, Zannamarie :) I will certainly write you a story but you'll have to be kind to me. English is not my first language ...
Woman, I'm not checking for grammar and spelling. lol. I meant that in jest as in fun, exciting, good news, you see me winning the lottery, etc. kind of good story. :D

Did you want me to give you a focus? I'd just like some advice for the rest of May. It's looking like things might get interesting regarding career/life focus so I'd like to make the most of this energy appearing in my life.


Looks like you still have spots. May I have one please?


Ana, if you still need another sitter, I'd love to see what you come up with from these. I have the full set, all the ones they make....and I have the worst time making a fictional story from them. That's probably just me though. So it would never have occurred to me to try them for divination!

Advice for this month or just a general reading would be fine for me as well, if there's room for me to sit. If not, not a problem--I'll still be watching for what you make of these. :)

ana luisa

Reading for Pumpkins

For you, pumpkins, I used the Elemental Spread by Dean . In the center, the core issue. The upper left shows the Earth slot (material concerns); the upper right, the Air slot (thoughts, mental concerns); the bottom left, the Water slot (friends, co-workers, emotions) and the bottom right, the Fire slot (energy and enthusiasm).

Central cube - A person shouting to someone
It seems you are eager to make a mark where you work. To make yourself be heard and to show things that you have noticed and that are being ignored by others. This character in the cube looks a bit worried so I would say you are more into avoiding rather than fixing things.

Earth slot - A character accidentaly drops a vial
Oops. Since this slot is dedicated to material concerns you better be prepared for unforeseen problems and probably small money loss. Nothing major but it seems you may be in charge of them somehow. The vial here seems to be made of glass so it is possible that these issues are of a delicate nature or involve a friction of sorts.

Air slot - A net trying to capture a butterfly
Exactly what it looks like. A lot of nice projects bu many quite difficult to catch. And CATCH seems to be the operative word here. I do not know if you're into business or something but the element of surprise and a lot of taci and delicacy is what is needed for your objective to be in the NET. Also, internet contacts.

Water slot - A die
Well, since this is related to work, the relationship you have with people who do business with you is a bit dicy. They may be sweet today and nasty tomorrow, nothing quite stable or steady. Fun to be with, but not extremely reliable.

Fire slot - A rainbow
Wow. What a nice cube to get for this slot!!! You have brilliant ideas and since the rainbow promises a pot of gold at its end, you should go on investing in them. Make sure though you consider all the CONCRETE variables which, as seen before are a bit evasive. Use and abuse of flexibility and variety because that's what's going to open doors for you in the future.

Open to questions :) Please feel free to ask! Thank you for letting me try these out :thumbsup: