Sabian Symbol Reading Help


I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I posted this on the regular Sabian Symbol forum several days ago and didnt recieve an answer, so hopefully here I will. I would really appreciate any feedback. Thank you. :)

I asked the Sabian Symbols if a certain person might be my soulmate. I drew Leo 16:

Brilliant Sunshine Just After a Storm

How can this tie in to a soulmate question? I can't seem to find the answer within this. Except to say maybe I'll be this person's "sunshine" after a "storm" in their life? (or vice versa).



I think YES, the answer is a YES, when I was taught many many years ago to read yes no answers with the tarot, the yes was the SUN the NO was the death card... Leo (sun) Brillian SUN to me is saying yes yes, after possibly some sad or stormy or alone time in your life?


good luck... and enjoy



Hi Sunflowr,

I have to agree with may not be able to figure out how this particular image relates to your question, but you have to admit it is a POSITIVE image, so I think definitely YES! What else could you want but "Brilliant sunshine" in answer to your question? ;)

Perhaps figuring out how the image relates would give you the rest of the answer you're seeking, i.e. "Yes, because..."

However, if you phrased the question as you've written it here, as a yes/no question, than perhaps the most you can hope for as an answer is a yes or a no, and in this case it seems to be a yes. Perhaps if you asked what significance this person has in your life or something along those lines, you will get a more detailed answer.



Thanks for the feedback! :) Yes, that is what I will do. I'll ask what significance this person has in my life, and see what the Sabian Symbols have to say. And then I'll post it here.

But Yes, the Sun is definitely a good sign! :)


Hi Sunflowr,

MCsea said:
I think YES, the answer is a YES, when I was taught many many years ago to read yes no answers with the tarot, the yes was the SUN the NO was the death card... Leo (sun) Brillian SUN to me is saying yes yes, after possibly some sad or stormy or alone time in your life?

I agree, It seems a cetain definite yes! What a wonderful message to recieve, there is a connection. Sunflowr did you feel it was a 'yes', or a positive response?

Pipistrelle said:
I have to agree with may not be able to figure out how this particular image relates to your question, but you have to admit it is a POSITIVE image, so I think definitely YES! What else could you want but "Brilliant sunshine" in answer to your question?

Perhaps figuring out how the image relates would give you the rest of the answer you're seeking, i.e. "Yes, because..."

However, if you phrased the question as you've written it here, as a yes/no question, than perhaps the most you can hope for as an answer is a yes or a no, and in this case it seems to be a yes. Perhaps if you asked what significance this person has in your life or something along those lines, you will get a more detailed answer.

I agree with Pip about the 'yes because ...' and I think the symbol aslo gives some hint to how as it might be interpreted fiurther, yet this is totally up to you ...'What does the symbol say to you'.

Maybe the symbol implies that you maybe able to recognise the person by the situation which the symbol explains. Have you come through some trials with this person and can finally see the light or the truth. Has someone lightened up, is there a spot of brilliance or a revelation about something to do with this person. Has there been a stormy relationship where now the weather or your situation is calmer and even joyous. It maybe the way in which you are reacting to a situation where there is someone else involved - the Symbol mentions things like: extremes and renewal, recovery, optimism after set backs.
These maybe things that you could recognise or view as your path together, the purpose of the relationship, or your karmic connection here this time around?

Its really just some thoughts, but you might want to clarify it, as Pip, suggested with another Symbol asking a specific question. I have found that the more specific the question and the stronger the intent to ask, the more specific and intentional the Symbol.

Many Blessings
Elven x


actually I don't know this person very well at all. ::blush:: ;) Just someone I fancy. I feel a connection.. could just be wishful thinking. But I do feel a connection, so that is why I asked. Having a beautiful symbol such as the sun coming out after the storm, tells me that things are looking up that I will at least get to know this person better and maybe there is a connection there. :)

I did a clarifying reading and got:

Capricorn 14

"An ancient bas relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long forgotten culture."

I could read this as we shared a long ago past life together. Or it could mean things arent going anywhere. (stuck in stone) ;) Which is it? Well, if I were to combine it with the 1st reading, I would say it's another "yes", there's a karmic connection.

Am I reading this right?


Hi Sunflowr,

Yep, I sense that you are reading it right. :) and as you've explained it sounds pretty much the situation ?

just a thought..
That symbol seems fairly specific and to be a yes - a past life connection. It maybe asking you to seek further to uncover your connection - or saying that with involvement - something will be uncovered. You've already said that theres a feeling or a sense of knowing each other before. I never think these inner feelings of recognition lie to us and I think they do speak to us on many levels - karmic and past lives, especially with that the questions that your asking and the research you are already doing. It mentions 'something that resonates or draws you'.
It may not say there was a romantic relationship but it does mention 'Witness' quite a lot in the interpretation.
Just another thought about are you or the other person being to ridgid, or have concrete belief and attitudes which you may not see eye to eye on. Is this why things arent any more than they are? Cold as stone. Does it feel stuck or are either of you stuck in the past? Maybe it is the begining of the connection and will need some work or something will bring it to light. Something monumental. Transference of the old into the new.

Im just grabbing at straws through the book, but I think what you've said sounds right!

Im sure someone else can add to this too! :)

Many Blessings
Elven x



not knowing you or this future partner... Ill have a stab,
are either of you from an 'ancient race?" have 'ancient' interests in common (like the tarot astrology etc) or have some sort of environmental contact - greenpeace or just nature loving? (granite you see)

good use of the Symbols!



MCsea said:
not knowing you or this future partner... Ill have a stab,
are either of you from an 'ancient race?" have 'ancient' interests in common (like the tarot astrology etc) or have some sort of environmental contact - greenpeace or just nature loving? (granite you see)

good use of the Symbols!


No, not from an ancient race or anything like that. I dont think this person is into tarot or anything like that. Open-minded but not into it much themselves. I love nature. Not sure about the other person. Probably, but not in a "greenpeace" kind of way.

So, who knows. ;)

We're both into comedy though. :)

I did one last clarifying reading and simply asked the Oracle WHY do I feel the way I do about this person?

I got:

Cancer 17
"The Seed Grows Into Knowledge and Life".

I pulled a tarot card to go with it, and got 4 of Cups (which, by the way, I have gotten several times in past readings).

Time to go think about this reading, since I'm not good in interpretation. What do you think? I'm grateful for others helping me make sense of it, since I still find it a challenge to read. Loving it though!


Hi Sunflwr,
I'll have a go as well :). It seems like another positive slant on the subject.

Seeds need a place to grow - the fertile soil which will sustain it during its early stages of life, and its daily growth. The soil needs to be warm to nuture the seed, it relies on the sunshine as it grows and takes root. Regular watering and care. Even winds and weather make a plant stronger.

I'm just wondering what seed/s have you planted with this person to bring about such growth?

Seeds planted, (action taken) bring opportunity,(new beginings and experiences) and with time, develop. Maybe you feel as if you dont know what to plant or how to nuture your 'seed' (ideas and ideals).

I sense that your 'Why' is because you can see potential, or feel that you can grow together in some way. The Symbol talks of knowledge and learning, life and living. Is this person a barren field that needs some life put back into it, or do you feel this way? Maybe within this person you can see a beautiful garden, but it may take some work. Do you have the time and the energy right now?

The Symbol also indicates that it could be a whole new energy emerging around the situation. 'Inspiration and participation in life', 'the time is fertile for the process of growth to start well' :)

The four of cups indicate to me that you may not be seeing the signals that are coming your way, or may find that you are distracted, or your energy is low. Pondering it all instead of 'doing' anything with it. I sense that you may want more, but are not sure either - like you haven't been able to make up your mind over the relevance of this person and a relationship or friendship.

Your interest in Comedy sounds like a great exchange to share together!

Im sure someone else will add to this as well. These are just some thoughts.

Take care
Happy 'gardening'
Many blessings
Elven x