schools open to multi culture (yeh right)


Im sorry some posts were deleted. The moderator felt they were of topic I think, im not sure why because I cant go back and re read them. I wasn't aware of a more appropriate sub forum as im not a subscriber, but generally I was intending on a discussion on tarot cards and their effect on society. I to beleive they are firstly art as previous poster mentioned. Im suspecting that the school views them as occult as a previous poster also mentioned. It is a bit of a posh mainstream school, I guess they can be snooty. Iv already had problems with their attitude on other things. Apart from anything else show and tell is personal to each child, they can generally take anything in that they want so I find it ridiculous that a packet of cardboard with pretty images on, are not aloud. The school may have been worried about what other parents may think. And yes thinking on that I would hate to be the 'weird one' I wouldn't want anything to make my daughters life difficult. But I am very curious of their reason behind it all so il find out.... will be interesting to know.


Might be a late reply of mine, but I will put in my advice.

Wasn't Tarot just a deck of playing cards in the past? So it does not differ from let's say bringing a regular card deck that has kings queens and peasants, with the hearts, clovers, etc.


Might be a late reply of mine, but I will put in my advice.

Wasn't Tarot just a deck of playing cards in the past? So it does not differ from let's say bringing a regular card deck that has kings queens and peasants, with the hearts, clovers, etc.
It WAS, yes.

But that's like saying the swastika was originally (and still is) a Hindu (I THINK; no time to check just now) peace symbol, and the 6 pointed star a magical symbol. Accumulated stuff since means those two have added baggage - the kid who brought a swastika in would be in big trouble, I think. Even though many have tried to rehabilitate it, it will never work.


It WAS, yes.

But that's like saying the swastika was originally (and still is) a Hindu (I THINK; no time to check just now) peace symbol, and the 6 pointed star a magical symbol. Accumulated stuff since means those two have added baggage - the kid who brought a swastika in would be in big trouble, I think. Even though many have tried to rehabilitate it, it will never work.

Well I think the Swatsika is a wrong comparision. Just because the swatsika makes a lot more emotion come free. I am from Europa I have family members in the underground resistance that later died fighting nazis.

Now who would have died from using tarot cards? I know what your trying to say but I'd say a deck of cards that hangs together with mystery and old gypsies sitting at a fair, is not as bad as comming in a swatsika shirt that could say 'I am a neo nazi.'

At least in my opinion I think I could bring a pack of tarot cards to places and just get curious people or people calling me crazy behind my back, but if I came with a swatsika people would not get happy.

In my country someone got sued for selling Mein Kampf, which is illegal in Netherlands. Tarot cards and books anyone can sell.


I know what you are saying (and I have spent a lot of time in Germany, and have friends there. I also had a good friend - a Pole who had survived a death camp.) But the FACT is that the swastika causes offence and fear - as do tarot cards. Not to us, but to many.

The Happy Squirrel

I think Gregory made a lot of sense in all his posts here.


I think Gregory made a lot of sense in all his posts here.
Gregory is the GRANNY from hell.... (named for HER missing cat - who must be dead by now, but I am NOT changing it !)

No worries; you aren't the first and you won't be the last ! :D


I know what you are saying (and I have spent a lot of time in Germany, and have friends there. I also had a good friend - a Pole who had survived a death camp.) But the FACT is that the swastika causes offence and fear - as do tarot cards. Not to us, but to many.

Hmm I see to me tarot cards always seemed like uhm... Well didn't really have a opinion something mythical maybe? In movies a character would go to this person using cards or such.

But I cannot say tarot cards would have offended me in anyway. But of course you have the very very closed minded people. But I think it is safe to say if people had to chose they'd prefer to be in a room with tarot users than in a room with swatsika wearers.

Yet I guess I did underestimate the fear that tarot cards can bring aparently. Well the fear and offense I am scared for my suit of sword cards but as an user...


Once when the kids had been talking about witches being hook-nosed warty people that wore black and terrified people, she even brought ME in for show-and-tell, as a real witch outside of the story-books. It wasn't an issue and she never got bullied.

No wonder ! Some kids bring their wrestling, weight-lifting fathers to school to avoid bullying ... a nasty scary witch might work just as well :)


No wonder ! Some kids bring their wrestling, weight-lifting fathers to school to avoid bullying ... a nasty scary witch might work just as well :)

Hehe I did weight lifting in my younger years, and even though I was the odd one in school no one bullied me. When you beat the strongest guy everyone respects in arm wrestling you have immunity. :D But sadly I can hardly lift a weight anymore due my joints being to weak.

But I think it is nice when schools are open to new things.