sewing magick...


Hey Tarotbear,

Yeah, I used to think that the conncept of including a mistake was fairly presumptuous myself, how can anyone make something so perfectly, but its also becomes kindof a game between friends, to find the included mistake, of course in my handmade work, others find way to many mistakes when we play that game!!! I haven't really gotten good enough at making things to need to plan mistakes, but I think of the inclusion as a little prayer of respect rather than a self absorbed action. Always hoping for the best in people :)

And why do you recommend small bottles? They fill up too fast and I'd have to keep a closet for them!!!! I don't think I'll be peeing in any of mine either... sorry, just not that kind of witch I guess, LOL

Love and Light,



Ankou said:
Hey Tarotbear,why do you recommend small bottles? They fill up too fast and I'd have to keep a closet for them!!!! I don't think I'll be peeing in any of mine either... sorry, just not that kind of witch I guess, LOL

For single sewing threads, it can take a long time to fill a bottle, whereas if you are clipping the ends of yarn while you knit or crochet, I suppose you would fill one faster because of the bulk. Most bottles I have heard of were 'beer bottle' size, so don't try filling a 1 litre bottle, I guess! LOL! Mine was about a 4-oz. size, I think- with a cork stopper. I was squaring off pieces of fabrics I was making altar cloths from so I accumulated lots of threads from that project.{No body fluids in that one, either. Only reporting what I have read and heard!}


Hee Hee, I guess I have too much time on my hands ;)

Plus I'm keeping ends from my machine sewing also....

it just seems to fit in with the concept that threads from all loving works should be kept.

Thanks so much for all the input Tarotbear, your such a sweeite! :D

Love and Light,



tarotbear said:
A witches bottle is much more elaborate - usually a bottle filled with sharp things like broken glass and broken needles, bent pins, old razor blades, etc. Some add a drop or two of their own blood, then fill the bottle with their own urine.[Piss On You!] It is sealed and buried upside down either under the front stoop on at a corner of your property - depending on the source you read.

Very interesting, I have never heard of a witches bottle. What is it supposed to do?

Amy in Alaska


You can check either "A Witches Bible Complete" or "The Witches Way" by Janet & Stuart Farrar. This is a condensed form of page 93 from the latter:

"Physical objects or symbols expressing the idea of quardianship, in appropriate places, may help you build up an awareness of continuing protection ... but we would emphysize again - what does the work is the thought-form built up on the astral and mental planes; any physical object is just a 'bouy to which the thought-form can moor itself', and you should be aware of this in all your working.
One of these physical mooring-buoys is the witch's bottle buried under the doorstep (not so easy in a town flat or a cemented entrance, but securing it over or beside the doorframe has the same mental and astral effect.) Such bottles have been used for many purposes over the ages and filled with substances from the exotic to the nauseating. For our present purpose of domestic protection, we would suggest filling the bottle with a small collection of herbs which have traditional protective qualities, and then sealing it firmly. {They give a whole list of these herbs} A little research into the literature of herbalism will soon help you to draw up a list suitable to your own needs."


Hey kids,

Just reading about spirit houses. I read that sea witches use jars of shells as spirit houses. Could one use a button jar in the same way? Is this something anyone has heard of? I have a few jars of bone buttons and metal buttons, just curious! :D

Love and Light,
