Shadow card


Hello everybody.... I've been reading the diferents threads posted here and I found something about the shadow card. I would like to know what's the meanings of the shadow, soul and personality cards in life. I read that the personality card is the external things about you, what you show, if I'm not wrong, the soul card is the internal thing in your life and shadow card is the hidden things. Thanks for help. By the way, my personality card is The World, my soul card is The Empress and my shadow card is The Hanged Man


I use the card that is the bottom card on the deck as the Shadow Card. After I spread my cards, I read them, and then turn the deck over to see the shadow. That card is the spirit or essense of the reading...what is not said but felt...and can be the key to understanding a situation that has a complicated element to it.

I've been interpreting my readings using a shadow for some time, but have only had one professional mention in readings I have done for me. She was an elderly lady who had a lot of insight and I always found her readings to be very accurate, even if it didn't make sense at the time.

What you're doing sounds like a particular spread, rather than an addition to one. A different twist on the shadow I think.

Astraea Aurora

Hi Candelosa,

I think with Shadow Card you refer to Hidden Factor Card. That was introduced by Mary K. Greer in Tarot for Your Self. There she states:

Your Hidden Factor Card (as Shadow Card) indicates aspects of yourself that you fear, reject or don`t see and thus it can also be calles the Shadow Card. The shadow refers to unknown or little-recognized parts of the personality ... aspects of yourself that you deny.

Your Personality Card indicates what you have come into THIS PARTICULAR lifetime to learn.

Your Soul Crad shows your soul purpose through ALL you lifetimes.

Candelosa, about your cards Mary K. Greer says they have to do with the principles of Love and Creative Imagination. And Minor Arcana cards that go along with these are all 3s. Actually, I can`t help you with deeper information, my Personality and Soul Card is the Emperor, my Hidden Factor Cards are Fool and Death.

Hope this sheds some light on the topic. Blessings, Astraea Aurora


thanks a lot Astraea Aurora, now I understand the meaning of the soul, personality and hidden or shadow cards.