Singing bowls


Hi All,

Is this the right forum? I would like to know if anyone else has a Tibetan singing bowl and what their views are on it. I've had one for about 6 months now and dont use it very often but its just such a beautiful sound. I've been told they can be used to 'cleanse' and I store my crystals in it but do you know of other uses? Someone I know puts water in his and when its singing the water spits - amazing.



Hi, Moonbow*,

I do not own a "singing bowl" myself (I'd love too though, but I still haven't found the one with exactly the right tone for me).

But do you know what overtones are? Singing bowls produce an amazing amount of those and that's what makes them so attractive.

Try this: put the singing bowl, while it is singing, very close to your mouth (mouth forming a cavity as if you were saying a deep "ooo" like in "om") and liste to what happens. Changing the cavity of your mouth will filter out and reinforce some of the overtones ... very interesting effect! ;)

Love and light
(sorry, edited because of a stupid typo... please forgive if there are more I haven't seen)


Thanks Simone, for a moment there I thought I'd chosen a subject that no-one was interested in! I'm gonna try what you said - when the house is a bit quieter! (kids!!).

I know that the bowls can have strange effects on some people - like, make them cry or feel ill in some way. Maybe its something to do with the inner ear but all I hear is a crystal clear pitch - just beautiful.

I'll be back when I've done what you suggest.



Wow, this sounds so cool I already feel like I HAVE to have one, but what in the world are they? lol...



OMG, wow, ok I know I have to have one now. That looks like it would be so great.

Thanks Moonbow*


If you do get one Lightlike, my advise is don't order it over the internet. You really do have to hear them. They all sound different and its a matter of taste.

Moonbow* :)


Hi, Jessie, or Lightlike,

Correct me, Moonbow*, if I'm wrong... :laugh:

Tibetan singing bowls are handmade metal (dont' really know which metal, though) bowls made by Tibetan Budhist monks to be used in their religious ceremonies / meditations. They can be used like a "gong" (hitting them) or brought to sing (you use the - wuddayacallit in English, the thing you hit the gong with??? :joke: - thingy lining the bowl's rim) and the bowl begins to "sing"... with lots of beauuuuuuuutiful overtones - as I said before. (a bit like making wineglasses sing with your finger - ever tried that?)

Moonbow*, I think it is the resonances of those tones and overtones working together to make the water "spit"...

Love and Light

PS what an exchange while I've been writing my response :)

I've looked at the websites Moonbow* proposed: there is one picture of someone doing the overtone-thing I suggested in my first post if anyone likes to try



I've been told that a true Tibetan one has a gold content in it, but I'm no expert. It does depend on the different metals used and the content though. Your comparison with the wine glass is very accurate as i see it, only the bowl sounds better! The reason the water spits is because of the vibration. Mine looks like this:

It has a wooden stick thing (?) which I believe is hardwood and you hold the bowl in the left hand by the base (do not touch sides) then you hold the stick in a fist (like holding a dagger) and you move the stick round the outside of the bowl rim puting even pressure on it. If you go too fast you get a vibration sound so you have to keep pressure and speed constant. Does this make sense?
