Sleeping on a card


I sleep with the whole tarot deck under my pillow. I just like the feeling good energy into the cards.


am i too late?

It appears the thread has digressed to conversations about underwear, an interesting topic in and of itself. Over the years most of my clients have been female.... how did i miss suggesting to them the possibility that the underwear they were wearing was the key to true divination? Then we might have examined that aspect... Darn!

Back to a more serious note: I'm no psychologist, nor do I pretend to grasp the reason spreads of the preceeding day often become clear when we sleep on them (not necessarily in the literal sense) but in my case not only Tarot but other things I pondered just before falling asleep seem to work themselves out. Perhaps my subconscious mind sorts through the information and is able to find things my conscious mind fails to recognize. There is also a possibility Jung was right and a collective unconscious does exist, which we can tap into while dreaming.

Well, just in case I'm too late... I took quite a bit of Anthropology in college and noticed that human populations have practiced divination since early times with everything from rune stones to animal bones. Why not underwear?


I think that instead of just doing a daily card reading in the morning, I'm also going to draw a dream card before bed. Asking "What do I need to learn or contemplate while I sleep?" from the cards. Hey it's


I have slept on cards...

I remember reading somewhere that when you get a new tarot card deck you should put it under your pillow at night so that they absorb some of your energy and become personally yours.


I have done this many a time myself. I recently bought the Quest tarot not too long ago and i sleep with the multiverse card under my pillow. I also sleep with a new deck under my pillow and carry them with me to bond with the cards. When I got my first deck, the Tarot Nova, I would occasionaly pluck a card and place it under my pillow. One nigt I did this and I dreamed of a magician at a magic show. When I turned over the card the next morning it was none other than the magician. It tickled me pink, because i never looked at what card I picked, i wanted it to be a surprise when I awoke to see if i would dream of it.


At my very beginnings of Tarot, I took classes in France with a (there) famous medium; we worked with the Tarot de Marseilles. She also recommended sleeping on each card and to write down dreams. I did this with the majors, but I no longer have my notes on them. I remember having had some weird dreams at that time; unfortunately, it did not help me to connect with the deck... (my cards did not get bent, by the way)

Although I did not get much out of the Tarot classes at that time, the medium (I do not even remember her entire name ;) ) showed us some pretty cool stuff, like scrying and (how do you call this again?) how to get information from an object held in your hand...

My tarot "knowledge" only came later, with other decks, and I never "had" to sleep on them to connect with them...

Actually, the first reading I do with a new deck determines my relationship with it later :)



electric_tears said:
When I got my first deck, the Tarot Nova, I would occasionaly pluck a card and place it under my pillow. One nigt I did this and I dreamed of a magician at a magic show. When I turned over the card the next morning it was none other than the magician. It tickled me pink, because i never looked at what card I picked, i wanted it to be a surprise when I awoke to see if i would dream of it.

Oh thats a neat idea.


I slept with a card by accident once! I was staying in a small studio apartment so I did a number of readings on the bed (it was that or the dusty floor). I guess I wasn't so careful when I gathered them up for storage. When I woke up to my companion, I heeded her meaning!!



I have slept with decks tucked under the pillow, inside the pillowslip, for several reasons.

I do this to season a new deck or condition a pre-owned one. Five nights straight seems to do it. With my pre-owned Tarot for Cats, I definitely felt the energy of the previous owner releasing from the cards when I started the first night. Not an unpleasant thing, for the previous owner seemed very nice. In deck conditioning, each night I focus on a suit energy, starting with Earth which is my base energy as a Capricorn. On the last night I focus on integrating the four suits, which analogous to the meaning of the Majors.

Also, for Legend: The Arthurian Tarot I have just finished working through the 78 cards, one card per night. I used the order the deck came in, starting with the Majors. I would study the card, read the explanation and story in companion book, A Keeper of Words, and then go to sleep on it. I put the current card at the top of the whole deck - I did not want to sleep with one card by itself since I thought I would bend it.

This discipline was not consciously planned. I was originally thinking of seasoning the deck, but I also wanted to start studying the cards and doing so at the end of the day seemed to be an opportune time. But when I put the last moment study and the cards under the pillow together, I was treated to two beautiful dreams on the Fool, and another wonderful dream on the High Priestess. So I realized that the unconscious was inviting me to continue with this dream programming throughout the deck. I did not always have remembered dreams, but I didn't worry about it. I felt that the dream world would only comment if there was something significant to say.

When the 78 nights ended last week, there were two unpleasant nights when the dream world seemed to miss the guidance of dream programming, and I spent these nights in chaotic dreams and broken sleep. I had started on a new deck right away, studying a card just before sleep, but without putting the deck under my pillow. Without the deck under the pillow there was no detectable response in dreamtime.

Raven Reed

I usually sleep with my deck under my pillow or near me on the bed. I don't notice a change in dreams but feel really bonded to my deck. I don't know how I am going to manage when I get more decks. Guess I will need a bigger bed. :)