Sleeping on a card


I was wondering if sleeping with them beneath my head UNDER the bed was okay?
<grin> It's pretty dusty under my bed.

I'm just wondering if it would have the same affect if they were under the bed and not right under the pillow.
Yep. Of course, I'm the pragmatic Queen Pentacles type that believes that you're only going to bond with a deck when you know it, and you're only going to know a deck if you keep its images in front of your eyes, so the best way, in my opinion, to bond with it is to use it. It's not a baby. (and I think you can be arrested for stuffing your baby under a pillow and lying on top of it anyway).

But consider this: I have belonged to different magical groups at different times. All of us believe in grounding - it keeps you mentally healthy. But one woman insisted - to the point of screaming at me - that I had to take my shoes off to ground. Oh, really? You expect me to be able to ground through synthetic carpet, wooden floorboards, two floors of housing, and concrete foundations, but you think the soles of my shoes are a problem? <raises eyebrow>

If you feel you need to sleep with your decks, having them under your bed is no more a problem than wearing shoes.

I've been doing this for a while, since I'm brand new to this and I have been trying to keep the cards on me every where I go so I can feel more tuned-in to them.
Look, honestly, the best way to tune into them is to *know* them. In waiting rooms, take them out of your bag and look through them. In buses or trains, pull them out and look at them. It's the *best* way.


This presumes you know someone when you're sleeping with them ;-)