Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Three


Note on Milfoil's Trigonometry

Sophie-David said:
Spiders are fascinating and complex creatures - and symbols! I would like to know which way the arrow was on the body as far as the spider was concerned. An upward arrow at the abdomen would indicate a rising of root energy, whereas as downward arrow would symbolize manifestation (birth).

The downward triangle, since the very first cave art, was used as a symbol of the feminine, and the upward triangle of the masculine. When you overlay the two triangles - at the heart - you get a six pointed star. Six happens to be the number of the Lovers...
Yes, I forgot to mention an important point here, the six pointed star is in fact the symbol of Anahata, the Heart Chakra.


Sophie-David said:
Of course I have had very similar issues, right from childhood - they stem from abuse and fear. I have found that this feeling of unworth has very little to do with how much or little money or other resources I may have.

This is at core a Root Chakra problem: quoting Anodea Judith, the "right to be here, the right to have". My radical journey in the last three years has helped, and the current drumming practice is very corrective. But these issues of unworth also transpose to the Solar Plexus at Chakra Three. If you feel you have no right to be here, then you also don't have the "right to act" either, and shame controls you. For me, this feeling of unworth is now centred at Chakra Three.

Congratulations on your recent win! You DID deserve it! :)

Interesting you say that! Just today I did some extensive Chakra Work. I kept repeating positive affirmations like: "I'm supported by God", "I have the right to be supported by God". Plus I worked on my Third Chakra extensively too! My intestinal tract problem seems to have evaporated :D

Sophie-David said:
I think you are very fortunate to have been blessed by a supportive grandmother. For me, my paternal grandmother was my only lifeline to sanity as a child. But as a mother she had been profoundly abusive to her son, my father.

Strange you say that! My maternal grandmother (who passed) also has been abusive to my mother. They hadn't spoken in a decade or something, although I was always free to go and see her. My grandmother didn't agree with my mother's choice of husband and the issue escalated into her running after my mother with a knife among other things.



The Roman Way

October 2, 2006

We are in our red Subaru together, and Lynn is driving me home from work. We live in an Italian town my the sea, our house is a pretty villa at the top of a hill. To drive to it, you need to pass through the town, turn to the left, and then make your way back up the hill.

But Lynn decides to take a short cut. There is a picturesque road sweeping off to the left, right by the sea. On the right there are some large apartment blocks with white painted stucco walls and Spanish style orange tiled roofs. The sea is a deep green, with a white rocky shore, topped by a formal retaining wall.

We have only gone about a block, and now the road curves to the right, inward towards the hill. It is now a narrow red tiled path. There is a retaining wall continuing on the left, but on the right there is a sheer drop, and the path is quite steep and narrow. The Subaru is only just narrow enough to negotiate the curve.

Then I recognize that I have been here before. I had taken the same route, and at the top of this red tiled path you had to cut diagonally across the hill to get to our home. I only just made it, and decided that I would not drive here again. Really this route was only for walking.

But the rocky hill surface at the top of this path now has snow on it, and Lynn is trying to drive straight up. Clearly we are going to fall back off the mountain. This does not happen, and I have the feeling the journey is going to reset to the beginning so we can try again. The dream ends.


Comments on the Roman Way

Well, that is the second time in two days when I have lost the complete contents of a post, this time by one inadvertent keystroke. This hasn't happened for many months, and I am beginning to suspect some inner sabotage going on, perhaps by Sophie - you will see why. This time I am taking some precautions.

This first question I asked when I woke into trance was, "Where did I see this place before". The answer is that I had dreamed a similar dream earlier that night. The differences in that dream were that I was by myself in the Subaru, there was no snow on the rocky slope, and I made it to the top by cutting across the slope rather than going straight up.

This really is a multi-level dream, and it is going to take a bit of unravelling. On one level, this dream actually is about Lynn's journey, and I will leave this aspect confidential. But a dream like this will not suffer being put in a box.

On Sunday I again did not have any remembered dreams, meaning that none were significant. This time I took the hint and used the time to do a Spirit Guide Draw at the beginning of the week rather than somewhere in the middle. I can see that doing so is rather like reading the "course outline" for the week before learning the lessons, so the draw gives me some signposts towards what will be worked on as this unprecedented dream cycle continues.

In this case, the chief concern was Sophie as the Drama Queen (Queen of Cups Rx), with various reinforcing cards of doom and gloom scattered around her. After doing the draw, it did occur to me that this week we are away to see the Deva Premal concert in Vancouver - a very Eirian thing - and thus missing the likely delivery of the riqq that Sophie is longing for.

It seems to me that Sophie is obsessed with ascent at all costs. I have some serious concerns with ascent when I see that the Solar Plexus is in need of a great deal of work. Ascent at this time seems to me to be more like escape, and I had quite enough of that during the Full Moon in Aquarius a couple of months ago. It is one thing to draw down Crown energy to inform and bring perspective to the lower chakras. It is quite another to run away from this necessary work to hide in the Crown - but much more likely to divert to the glorious visions of the Inner Eye - and avoid the issues.

In this dream we see yet another abortive ascent, this time by "Lynn" representing the Magician who will through raw energy alone climb the steepest mountains. This is the journey of the obsessed ascetic, in violation of the rootedness of gravity and through a field of frozen emotions, who will rise above materiality through sheer effort of will. I have been told quite clearly on previous occasions that the Subaru is the vehicle of Lady Death, representing egoic sacrifice and death as a path to transformation - in fact, to union or oneness, which is what the word "subaru" means in Japanese. This is not the appropriate vehicle for this particular route, which would be better made walking, i.e. going step by step meditatively and with mindfulness, up the path of the Hermit.

Instead, the intended path for the Subaru is somewhat circuitous. The sacrifice is made in the course of other work, most likely compassionate and nurturing service, down on Main Street. The sacrifice is made not "to get to heaven", but to bring heaven to earth. In the process of doing so, one eventually arrives home at the beautiful villa on the hill. Without thinking about it too much, I would say instinctively that this is the path of the Star.

Yes, the "pretty villa on the top of the hill" assuredly is a vision of the Christian heaven, a place I have visited once in a dream several years ago, and once in the meditation on the Hierophant two years ago - but in the form of a garden, not a villa. This is the place of perfection in the Crown, of complete oneness. The earlier dream last night reflects my journey there through the Hierophant, one completed through luck or grace, and not likely to be repeated.

Note that the setting is in Italy, and I sense we are in a pleasant suburb outside of Rome. For me there is an obvious connection with the Roman Church, and the Anglican Church that I belong to nominally is a part of this same stream of Imperial Christianity. The path of the Hermit instinctually veers to the left, into the field of the right brain. This is the path of the contemplatives of all organized religions, and when taken on foot, it is easy enough to transcend the rigid walls of dogma, those retaining walls that block us from the dynamic feminine power of the green and fertile sea, and explore both the waters of duality and those earthy Spanish apartments, rooted as they are beside the sheer drop into the bottomless void. This way requires discipline and determination, the qualities of a Roman, but the path is actually quite short and sure.

Sophie is herself Latin, but Spanish rather than Italian. However, in an earlier dream from that stressful period during which there was a struggle with the internalized abusive mother, the Old Landlady or Empress Reversed, she was imaged as the daughter of a Mafiosi family, victimized by their control and cruelty. In this dream, I see a new perspective on the Italian connection, that this was also a struggle with the internalized anti-feminine doctrines of Imperial Christianity.

The path that she has seen set before her is not an appropriate or realistic one - the approach to ascent is naive and ill-founded. It is not the path itself that is wrong, it is the approach. As an emotive creature of visions, hers is not the way of blind asceticism, of betraying the body to satisfy the spirit. The egoic sacrifice required by Lady Death is not intended to destroy the emotions, or even the ego, and certainly not the rootedness of the body. Instead it celebrates duality as unity expressed through diversity, that all literally are one flesh.

The true Hermit brings his passion with him into Unity, leaving nothing behind. This way requires great balance and quietude, and it is not one that can be taken en masse or through reliance on dogma. This is the esoteric path.

The attempted shortcut of ascent via the Hermetic path through the denial of the lower chakras is doomed to failure, although it is certainly attractive to devotees of the Inner Eye, like Sophie and many others. This very shortcut is founded in the exoteric doctrines of organized religion. It just so happens, of course, that the lowest two chakras, the Root of Earth, and the Sacral of Water, represent the feminine elements of the soul itself. Denial of the lower chakras equates to denial of the sacred feminine. Thus so many people of both genders are led to betray their fundamental natures.

The use of the bodhrán and any of the other frame drums reinforces and celebrates the lower two chakras, and their basic language is a dialogue between Earth and Water, with Earth predominating. For the Solar Plexus, the chakra of Fire, the bodhrán excels at invoking the energy of Wands when played on the wooden rim. The riqq and other tambourines perfectly add the element of Air, the domain of the bell and jingle. It is so right that Sophie should lead me upwards in my drumming to Air, the element of the Heart. But this cannot be done to the detriment of either the Solar Plexus or the Throat.

The Deva Premal concert will celebrate the creative energy of the throat in an unparalleled way, for all her work is based on that one sound that includes every other, Om.


The Magician steps forward

Things changed yesterday and last nights dream was significant.

I am with my cousin who is taking me somewhere and we are boarding a ferry/large boat which is moored at the edge of a large sandy estury. The tide is out but as we board it comes in almost at the command of the Captain (like a canal lock) who counts up to 10 (feet in height/depth of water) before manoevering the boat round to the left and out into the narrow strip of water across the estury.

My cousin and I are looking out over the bow of the boat, leaning on the railings at the edge of the floor we are standing on above the main deck. I can see people down on the muddy flats in small boats, or wading through the sludge and I worry that the speed that this big ferry is travelling at through such a narrow and shallow waterway is too fast and will harm someone or run aground with us.

The Captain steers us very deftly through tight turns and narrow ways across the estury to a rather old, patched up and shakey looking wooden pier or mooring point. Other boats of all shapes and sizes are moored there and other people are waiting for the next ferry (for the next part of the journey) to start taking on passengers.

As we walk across the floating wooden jetty (can't think of another word) we turn a corner and find ourselves under cover but still on the mooring platform. A woman is sat in a tiny boat at my feet. She is well dressed, in her mid to late 40's and has her own mooring place which is the perfect size for her little boat.

I see 2 then 3 pennies on the floor and a couple of half pennies. I move one with my foot and it falls through the wooden platform into the black water below. I don't pick the others up because I feel that a) I don't need them and b) they must belong to someone else.

My cousin and I stand waiting to board the next ferry and she is nattering to me then she spots a man she knows, she says his name which I think was Martin but I can't be sure. She makes a face as if this is tiresome then goes over to him and greets him in the most friendly and intimate manner. (not sexually intimate but the embrace of really good, longstanding friendship)

They come over to me and I shake hands with him. He takes my hand and proceeds to do a magic trick by wrapping something around the palm of my hand then producing a small orange piece of paper from the palm of my hand which he shows to the children now watching at my side. I know he is a magician and am surprised to see that his arms and hands are crippled either by some accident which has caused the loss of his fingers and shortening of his right arm or by a genetic problem. Yet he can still perform the magic without a problem and this impresses me.

Then I am awoken and cannot return to the dream though I really wanted to get on the next boat, it was really important.


My cousin is, in waking life, a well educated, committed and very responsible person, I admire her in many ways but its a shame she is still without a partner even now in her mid 40's. He has had a long term relationship but this finished last year and she says she feels like a student again, living in rented accommodation etc. She is a spiritual person with a good work ethic and a keen sense of fair play. All these qualities I feel are relevant to her persona being in my dream.

The boat/ferry, the journey, the staging point and waiting for the next boat are all important references to my own journey right now. The water may not be deep but its deep enough for my needs and for a captain who knows what he's doing.

The Magician is an interesting inclusion and makes me think that now is the time that I have to overcome whatever perceived problems I have to pull everthing together and use all that I have learned to get onto the next part of my journey.

The coins suggest not bothering about the little things but acknowledging that fortune, however small, is all around if we look.

I woke very happy about this dream and feel very positive today. :)


What a wonderful dream Millie, full of intriguing details!

I wonder why your cousin made a show of not wanting to see her friend, but then greeted him so warmly. I see that Martin is quite an interesting name, named after Mars, but seeming to suggest a compassionate and spiritual warrior.

The Magician is a powerful inititiator - yours seems to have undergone a personal sacrifice, whether by accident or incarnation. Will you perhaps meet the High Priestess on the next leg of the journey?


The Orgy

October 3, 2006

People of all types and ages are coming to a huge festival. Each person is encouraged to join in the ecstatic celebrations, either through dancing, singing, or drumming. A sacred drink of refreshment is shared together. Some conservatives of our order complain that the secrets are being thrown open irresponsibly, but the liberal outlook prevails. It is a time of high joy, love, and belonging. The dream ends.

I'll bet that title got your attention! Yes, this was an orgy in its original sense, simply an ecstatic celebration following initiation into a wisdom school or religious mystery. Tantric sex may have been involved in some cases, but not in the case of this dream event. The purpose of the orgy was a transcendence of egoic consciousness. Like most things of the goddess, including the sacred snake, the bull's horns of power that likely represent the feminine reproductive system, Aphrodite's sacred number - 666, the frame drum, holy priestesses, female chanting and dancing, they were all grouped together to be deprecated as work of the Father's enemy.

Incidentally, the sacred drink of refreshment is red wine, a symbol of communion that long predates Christianity.

This dream is a corrective to the dream of Imperial Christianity the night before, and also a commentary on what I had been reading in Layne Redmond's When the Drummers Were Women. As part of the positive aspects of entry into the Age of Aquarius, tolerance of differences and exploration of alternatives is becoming the norm. This comes in contrast to the last 2000 years of our Piscean culture's stagnating group-think, whose negative tendencies include knowing what is best for you, even if they have to torture and kill you to get the point across.

Imperial Christianity and the other organized religions are not what they once were. Western Uncivilization is not what it once was either. Fifty years ago, when I was born, the presence of this Aeclectic Tarot Forum would have been possible neither technologically nor socially. A David of fifty years ago would not be playing the bodhrán in church, his wife Lynn would not have being taking leadership in the church, and the emergence of Sophie would have denied and repressed - if not medicated.

Alchemical transformation and the hermetic path were understood and practiced by only a tiny elite of eccentrics; witchcraft and paganism were almost completely in the closet. What were once mysteries have become readily accessible - for they no longer have to be protected.

However, there is another respect in which mysteries remain mysteries, that was outside the scope of this jubilant dream. Arcana have to be experienced to be understood: wisdom has to be lived. These things are secrets to the rational mind.


This is an amazing series of dreams David.

This last one being very pertinent to the way many of us here on Aeclectic think. It doesn't seem to matter about the lineage or religious background of a person, only that we can all learn in openness and freedom.

The few conservatives who did complain about this liberal freedom of information suggests the tiny doubt that many of us still have in the back of our minds. We embrace the new freedom but still there's that doubt that we may have thrown away the very structure we need to keep it all in place. I think those conservative voices will always be there, they have to be to remind us of what was and for the need for structure.

psychic sue

Totally agree Milfoil - I love reading everyone's dreams on here - even though I can't pretend to understand as well as David and others do! My dreams have dried up to medication, but I am slowly reducing the sleeping tablets now, so I hope I will go back to my lucid adventures soon.

Much love

Sue x


Help with confusing Tarot Dream?

I had the first Tarot dream last night I've had in ages- I was quite shaken by it when I woke up and wrote it in my dream journal asap this morning... any insights into this one appreciated, because it's left me totally confused!.....

I am in what seems to be a small antique/junk shop- my Tarot cards are on a low shelf where I've put them for safe-keeping; when I go to get them my cousin says that the box they are in is too grand for me- I can see the box is half-opened with the silk that my cards are kept wrapped in is trailing out of the box, (which is carved wood).

I open the box to find that my cousin has taken my cards and replaced them with another deck which is horrible- I shout at him to give me back my cards, and throw the imposter deck in his face.

He refuses to return my cards, (I am worried he has sold them) and is quite threatening is some way- I am afraid of him even though I've confronted him.

My mum and dad say it's not surprising he's not giving me back my cards- they make me feel it's my fault for being 'bossy'(!!) and then we are in the car at a petrol station- my sister is putting petrol in the car while I am scattering rock salt out of the window, trying to get it in a circular formation, (and trying not to let my parents see what I'm doing) while asking the four quarters to help me get my Tarot cards back.

*my cousin who appears in this dream actually died in an accident about 15 years ago- in mysterious circumstances, because it might have been a suicide; I didn't really know him very well. Image-wise, this was a strong one- my dreams tend to be very vague and fragmented, but this one was very clear... I can still see that box with the silk hanging out!
Not nice.

So, any imput from those experienced in dream analysis much welcomed!
