Spirit Guide Group: Dreams


David this sounds like a wonderful and very powerful experience. Reading this last post is almost like reading from another person, it is so positive and forceful.

We all need to learn when to take 'authority' into our own hands and when to accept the authority of others but sometimes just being told that we have a choice is the most liberating of experiences.

I am so glad you have found that missing piece of the picture. Do you see a new and clear path in front of you at the moment?


Sue, you know I can't help you where the crystal ball is concerned but your description of meditating - seeing colours etc is very similar to what I see sometimes, briefly before other images form.

Did one colour predominate right from the start? If so, what colour?

Did it start as a small point of light then spread out to a coloured mist/cloud?

Is your crystal ball a glass ball, re-formed quartz or a natural quartz ball?


psychic sue said:
David, you have had a breakthrough. How wonderful for you. How do you think this will affect your life, now what you have a "missing piece of the jigsaw"?
Thank you Sue. Well the energy problem seems to have been solved,:) the fan catching fire in the wall is like the image of a jet engine igniting. It may sum it up best to say that what I am doing right now is listening to hard edged Creed rock music while burning rose incense candles: i.e. masculine plus feminine both very much in evidence.
Milfoil said:
I am so glad you have found that missing piece of the picture. Do you see a new and clear path in front of you at the moment?
I try to take one day at a time, but I have great optimism that this a new phase of growth. Today I had a great outlet for the fiery surge of masculine energy, helping a friend move.

I believe there is great spiritual and psychic power when a group such as ours works together - there are no accidents in this coming together - and the closer one aligns with one's spiritual nature, the closer one's life becomes aligned with the music of the spheres, and the easier it is to sense the path.
psychic sue said:
David, I want to ask you something. I have purchased a Crystal Ball which I was concentrating on last night. It's very hard to make sure there are no reflections, but eventually, with the help of some dark cloth, I settled down.

I let my eyes de-focus and stared at one point on the ball. Eventually, you lose sight of the ball itself and just see "black". Colours began to swirl in front of me, which happens when I meditate. Then I realised - I am seeing what I see when I meditate, but with my eyes wide open! It was exactly the same. First I see "black" then colours, and then the images come if I am lucky! I only got as far as seeing a couple of swirls of colour before my eyes began to hurt (this took about an hour!).

Is it possible to project one's thoughts onto a Crystal Ball? I know this sounds crazy, but I that is what I did, I think.

If so, how is this done? Does anyone know?
I know there are people here who use crystal balls but I had not done so. If I had more time today I would have tried it myself - I have a Japanese glass fishing float that I think would work quite well. Yes, indeed you don't really have to close your eyes to meditate, providing there is nothing distracting to see. I believe spiritual projection or at least connection is possible, there is spiritual energy in all matter. Of course how one would define it is open to interpretation.

I had some follow up dreams this morning, but I going to have to leave this thread for now, its getting late.

Sue and Milfoil, thank you for your help, insights and encouragement.

psychic sue

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. It's good to know that other people see the colours too!

Mine start off with a small blob of colour which gets bigger until it is all I can see. Yesterday it was mainly green and blue with some vivid pink.

I think my crytsal ball is a glass and crystal mix as it was inexpensive. It fits in the palm of my hand and cost me £11.00 ( about 5 dollars?). I am thinking of taking a look on E-Bay because my friend has brought a really big one, much better quality than mine, which cost about the same.

I had some dreams last night, but they were a mish-mash of images, what I call my "ordinary" dreams. I think the "dream master" is giving me a break for a while!

Can't wait to read your next posts, David and Milfoil!



Of Death and Vampires

The next two dreams are from the night immediately after the revelation of the Aragorn self. In the first, I am working for two different churches which are situated side by side. On the left side is the Church of Light, a Christian church. The priests in this church say that the the Church of Dark next door is staffed by vampires. But when I visit the Church of Dark, I find that the priest there is not a vampire at all, he just sees things a bit differently. In fact, spiritual vampires are alive and well in both churches, as are saints.

In the second dream I am a bodyguard hired to protect a teenage woman. I drive her and an unknown girlfriend of hers to school in the morning. After we get out of the vehicle she arranges for her body to touch mine suggestively and then tells me that she knows everything about me. "Everything?" "Yes, everything. And I know that we are going to be lovers, and that my parents will soon die and we will inherit everything." I attend classes with her, which of course makes the teachers ill at ease. I find that I am learning interesting new topics.

The scene switches to my employer's house. The young woman's father has asked me to bring him an ancient manuscript, but as he opens it he suffers a paper cut and a drop of blood appears from his finger. There is a smile and a glint in his eyes that seems close to satisfaction. I go to the bathroom to retrieve a bandaid, but by the time I return he has gone into convulsions. I find his wife in the kitchen and as she goes to see her husband, she says "We have been expecting this for some time". The dream ends.

The first dream seems to be a general statement about religious prejudice and my current religious understanding, which is that of a Christo-Pagan or Esoteric Christian. I am caught in internal dialogue between these two adjoining worlds. In both the Christian and pagan traditions there is both healthy nurture and spiritual vampirism, this vampirism being the draining away of spiritual vitality and growth, sometimes for the sake of individual power, sometimes for the perpetuation of an institution, but most essentially because of each individual's fear of growth and change, an undying clinging to outworn death-in-life.

In the second dream, the dream ego has taken on the indentity of Aragorn, the protector of youthful innocence and energy. In previous meditations I have understood myself to be the regent of my own soul, and this is a similar theme. The omniscient young woman is of course Sophie, and her callous sounding statement about the impending death of her parents needs to be taken in the metaphoric context of this dream: her parents are in fact the outworn concepts of my own Self, who are in the process of experiencing a Death/Transition into a new mode of consciousness. In attending school with Sophie I am further initiated into esoteric knowledge and wisdom - for many years school or university has, in the language of my dreams, been an image of spiritual progression within community.

In the second part of the dream I had a sense that Sophie's father was in fact a spiritual vampire, held together by an unhealthy parasitical clinging to a life whose time had past. In asking for the revered document, he seemed to know that in this ancient wisdom lay his path to escape, that a trivial paper cut would give him his overdue release. The most logical interpretation of this document would be as an image of the story of the previous night, the discovery of Aragorn and the foolishness of the ego's current position. With a degree of happiness and relief, thus dies the old self.

Sophie's shadowy girlfriend is of course the ever elusive Eirian, who played almost no role in this dream.

A final note: last night I inadvertently stayed up too late, and then lost even more sleep due to the time change. But although am tired, my energy level remains high - they are two quite different things!

psychic sue


I would love to be able to input into your dreams, but you seem to cover every base yourself! You are so insightful. You must be a very well rounded person to understand yourself so well! It's something I aspire to. What books would you recommend I read to start on this voyage of self discovery?

I know what you mean about being tired but having a high energy level! No need for you to be a psychic vampire - you have more than enough energy of your own!


Sue x


Women Who Run With the Wolves

Thank you for the encouragement Sue. My mentor reminds me, "To whom much is given, much is expected" (Luke 12:48). Each person incarnates with special gifts and within unique circumstances to do the work for which she or he is perfectly adapted. The difficulty lies in discovering oneself, but as one does so then the life mission becomes clear. Following that path as it reveals itself leads to further self-discovery and so the process continues in ever deepening cycles. :)

The Bibliography and Links pages of my web site contain references which I have found helpful in the past year. But to name just one, it would be Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. This site contains a beautiful visual interpretation of the book.

Namaste - David

psychic sue

Hi David,

Thanks for the web site link. It is fascinating.

Some dreams to report at last! The dream master has taken me off probation!

I have had a go at interpreting these myself.

1. This is not really a dream - just a fragment which I remembered. I saw a large white labrador running around in a kitchen. This stayed with me because I also saw a Labrador in my meditation. I will have to do some research as to what this might mean.

2. I am cleaning my teeth. Big crumbling lumps of decaying plaque fall out of my mouth. I am horrified (in reality my teeth are fine, no problems and I visit the dentist regularly). I carry on brushing my teeth and more of this rubbish falls out. I am scared that if I go too far all my teeth will fall out - but I carry on anyway, knowing I have to get this stuff out of my mouth. When the last lump has gone, I look in the mirror and my teeth are sparkling and so white. I feel so much better.

My interpretation : I am cleaning all the rubbish out of my life. Sometimes it is scary and I don't know what is going to happen, but when I am finished, I will feel "renewed" and so much better.

3. I realise I am dreaming so I fly out of the window - this time I slip easily through the glass. As I am flying I notice my hands are bound by thick leather straps. It seems impossible that I could break these, but I try anyway. They fall off my wrists. I feel exhillerated and say "you can't tie my hands together, I can easily break the straps".

My interpretation : Again, a symbol of change. I have felt "bound" by my responsibilities, but now I am strong enough to break free. Things that seemed impossible for me are now easy to deal with. If I just put in a little effort I can "break free".

4. After my hands are free, I fly low over an African plane. A Large tiger jumps up and his claws dig into my wrists - strangely, there is no pain. I am flying with him hanging on to my wrists, struggling for him to let go. He manages to hang on. A large, leaf-less tree is in front of us. I whack the tiger against the tree and he falls off. Again, a feeling of exhilleration fills me. I have beaten the tiger, and I am unharmed.

My interpretation : I have to compare this to my draw card Strength. I am battling the tiger with no weapons and yet I win and I am unharmed. This is me growing stronger as a person, and like the other dream, some things in life are a struggle, but even when the odds are stacked against me I can win.

The tree - could this be my Guide Lightening Tree, my protector. With his help I finally defeated the tiger?

That's my interpretation and it does fit with my life at the moment.

Any input gladly received.

Sue x

Just edited to say : Note how my hands seem to be all important in these dreams, as in my meditation.


Wow what a vivid and powerful dream.

The white labrador in your kitchen possibly suggests (to me) that the kitchen is your centre of domestic, earthly necessity. Its the place where you have to come down to earth and be completely practical, make meals, clean etc and the white dog is the pure and faithful companion, the essence of absolute and unconditional devotion. It could be a reminder to not let the earthly necessities become overlooked in favour of spiritual things. It could also be a pointer to the fact that your devotion to such material concerns such as cooking, cleaning etc doesn't have to be separated from your spiritual life??? I'm just guessing here . . .

The rest of the dream I think you have pretty much answered exactly the way I would have read it. I wonder why over an African plain though??? Was it arid and dry or lush & full of life?

psychic sue

That sounds like a good interpretation of the Labrador. Put me in mind of the three of pentacles - spirituality can be found in the mundane.

The plane was dry and arid. I thought it was odd too. The tree, though leafless, was stong and alive.

Sue x