Spiritual drainers


We have our favourite rituals that revitalize us: walking, meditation, dancing, mindful eating...

My question is, What activities drain you? Which activities dull your intuition? wear you out spiritually?

Thanks in advance for sharing.


I find myself drained by people, particularly black holes of energy. Large crowds do it to me as well.
I'm also drained by rituals and do not find them helpful at all, although I know that many others have the reverse experience.
I'm drained by boredom, or understimulated idleness. I find untidy messiness draining as well.


We have our favourite rituals that revitalize us: walking, meditation, dancing, mindful eating...

My question is, What activities drain you?
like AnemoneRosie--most people. specifically hostile and aggressive people tend to drain me. Large crowds, though I am getting better about that! :thumbsup: I still can't do HUGE crowds, (like a concert), but smaller, controlled groups I can handle.

Being tired or in pain. When my fibromyalgia is acting up--I'm just wiped out. Same with my insomnia. And, if I am doing a long walk or hike. Or too hot or too cold.

Which activities dull your intuition?
same as above.

wear you out spiritually?
hmmm...this I'm not really sure about...I do think again it can be when I am in a group of people whom are hostile or aggressive acting. Thinking back, even when I was involved with a religious group and meeting--I was surprised by how aggressive and hateful they could be. Really turned me off from religious groups, and yet, I do identify myself as Catholic (born & raised). However, lately I'm becoming very disillusioned with the Catholic Church and many of their leaders.

eta: oops! didn't see it was posted in Talking Tarot and so, in keeping with the Talking Tarot, I would add doing a reading for people who come back time and time again asking about their love life, the career, or whatever are draining for me. If they aren't going to act on the issue themselves then at least stop asking for a reading about it every time you come to me for a reading.


I find myself drained by people, particularly black holes of energy. .

YES i know what you mean. Met someone like that recently took me hours to shake the feeling.


My question is, What activities drain you? Which activities dull your intuition? wear you out spiritually?

Sittters questions about love/romance especially if it is about people who the sitter does not know very well. I think it is because I can't connect because there is not much info in their energy enough to pick up on the other person because the twos energy fields havnt picked up yet. This strains my ability, so that is why I hardly ever take love/romance questions, and when I do I prefer they have already had significant relationships with this person like strong friendship, boy/girlfriend or married. That way if I happen to tune into their energy it is easier to pick up on the other since their energies are intertwined someway. Also these questions are very emotionally charged, that energy just not sit right with my empathic sensitivities and need for calm. I also think I am jus not partial to those questions because of my own past, and the fact that I prefer Spiritual or self-knowledge inquires.

Large readings for self and others drain me, so I am staying away from those, so much work or labor I should say goes into that!

People with deep emotional pain drain me. I can feel their physical pain or emotional hurts. One guy I used to know acted pretty normal but for a while he drained me and I ended up tired around him. I could almost psychicaly hear the sharpness of his pain and it and it was similar to mine. Church drains me but I think that is part social anxiety, part tired people using me as their cuppa joe instead of the coffee station. I have found those who ask a lot of questions are draining, and think this may be a energetic vampire teqnique used unconsciously. People filled with drama, narcissus(master energy vampires imo). Those who are insecure latch on to me, whether they are mousy OR prideful. And a lot of other things. Sad, miserable mean people becauss they cause anxiety....and strong personality types (the type who are strong because they munch on others energy). I love being around loving, compassionate, gentle people with strong spiritually and who are uplifting and creative and kind. Deep down I am a very sensitive soul. I dont like mean people. Then again who does?

I have found I have wore myself down spiritually, but bad living enviroments have extreamly affected me in this area. I really do not like unspiritual people to put it bluntly. Or people who dont change or evolve. Anxiety and fear and grief have dulled my intution and make me turn in on myself. And my fixers to these things are spiritual devolpment and life. Creating sacred spaces, helping others and living in line wih my purpose. Spirit connection is always a wonderful nullifier of all these bad experiances I talk about :D. All we need is love, love, love! But yeah, I am very hermit atm. My cards even said so a few days ago haha, and I feel like I am in my own makeshift psychic/empath energy hospital because ive pretty much reached my limits for the time being!!!


Moderator note

Hi all,

Well this is an interesting topic, it has been posted in one of the tarot sections. Please keep your comments relevant to tarot and readings.

A discussion on the topic as a standalone, should be posted in spirituality.



Reading too much can sometimes wear me out. Especially if I read too much on the same topic. But usually reading helps me to restore energy... especially after a boring day at work, which I'd say is my greatest thief of energy.

Another big spiritual drain are negative thoughts. I sometimes indulge in them and it does me no good...


I get drained if people want to have their reading done as soon as possible. Their impatience and frantic energy can get me. :D
Also, what drains me when I have to deal with a lot of people during the day. I can protect myself all I want to. I can never get through a day like that in full power. That's why I prefer working alone or secluded in an office. :-D

As far as Tarot readings are concerned, what drains me is when a querent is totally scattered or closed off...I can't explain it but a person like this feels completely all over the place. The cards then contradict each other or they don't show me anything I can grab onto...

What helps me spring back is mindful eating. That grounds me like nothing else. Or I go out for a walk. Reading a good book also grounds me. :)


We have our favourite rituals that revitalize us: walking, meditation, dancing, mindful eating...

My question is, What activities drain you? Which activities dull your intuition? wear you out spiritually?

Many readings one-after-another.

Sitters frantically asking after their love life.

Sitters who don't hear what you've said and keep asking.

Sitters who have a question but don't want to tell you the full details, because they think
you should psychically pick them up - or think you should reveal it all in the cards. (i.e. they're "testing" your psychic tarot reading skill).

Impatient sitters who want it done NOW.

A sitter in deep emotional pain - depending on what state I'm in to begin with - and how they are carrying their pain. If they're completely in "woe is me, look what a horrible victim I am and it's all so unfair" mode - I start feeling prickly. Lol.

Large readings for myself (because I get too invested in the outcome - best to just not even go there).

Psychic vampire sitters (i.e. really really needy sitters - who suck in your attention and never stop talking/give you space to get a word in yourself) - again depends what state I'm in to begin with. Some days I can cope well - but if I'm under-the-weather for whatever reason, then dealing with such may completely trash me.


Many readings one-after-another.

Sitters frantically asking after their love life.

Sitters who don't hear what you've said and keep asking.

Sitters who have a question but don't want to tell you the full details, because they think
you should psychically pick them up - or think you should reveal it all in the cards. (i.e. they're "testing" your psychic tarot reading skill).

Tanga I relate to everything you said! This also strains me sometimes, so I ask for background info. Like im not here to amaze you with my woo woo powers, I just want to help you(while not popping out any of my psychic cranium juices in the process). I dont like being tested to just have someone be critical of me. I am not superwoman lol.