study group application ~ aquarius

isthmus nekoi

Any planets in 8th or 9th will bring a focus of energy there.

8th deals primary w/shared resources, so money (taxes, wills), death (wills) and sex (prostitution) all fall under the 8th.

9th deals w/broadening one's horizons, so travel, higher education, philosophy and religion falls under the 9th.

I'm not sure what you mean by encouraging the 8th/9th houses. One thing to note is that transiting planets will activate empty houses (no natal planets within) - right now Mars and Neptune are in Aquarius.

Check out the Scorpio and Sagittarius study group threads for more details.



I have just looked at my chart and it doesn't seem to indicate Aquarius anywhere! That probably explains why I have a brother and at least two friends which have Aquarius Sun.

I would say that they all have a few things in common:
1) They always seems to have loads of friends, and are not particularly possessive, matter of fact I think that they don't seem to like it when someone acts that way towards them. In other words, very sociable and likeable
2) They are extremely good at giving advice, which is valuable and insightful, but at the same time not so good with accepting it
3) Seems to be intrigued with technological things, and can accumulate much as they can, except for my female friend, she seems to sway more towards the other things like new age (tarot cards, I Ching, and loads of other things that I can't think of right now)

Another thing I associate with Aquarius is thinking of things which can be considered before their (or our) time, classic example would have to be George Lucas, and a few other ones, if I put my mind to it!
