Tarot for Yourself - Celtic Cross & permutations


Thanks for the encouraging words Jewel. You may be right about the 8 swords, I am definitely my own worst critic. However, unfortunately I isolate myself when I am depressed because I am depressed. Its a chemical thing, not emotional and usually happens when I forget to take my medicine. But you are right in that I don't have the energy to create when I am down. I sort of "implode" for a while. Its a drag being dependent on medicine in order to lead a normal life but I look at it as being like insulin to a diabetic, just a missing chemical in my body. If you met me, you would never think that I was clinically depressed. Hope this isnt TMI for yall, I'm pretty much an open book.


SE I am glad that you feel comfortable enough with us to share what you wish to share. No one here will judge you, you are in a safe place :). SE, are you finding that Tarot helps you mentally and emotionally? I am just curious, I know it has done wonders for me. I do not sufer clinical depression or anything, it just has really added a real positive twist to my life, and I feel how it enriches it each day.


I certainly feel enriched by tarot. I still haven't hit the 1 month mark though :) I think once I am more confident in my readings it will add to my emotional well being.


SE, have you tried using Tarot for spiritual development? I primarily use it for spiritual and personal development instead of readings and it has really touched me deeply. Divination is probably what I use the Tarot least for ... go figure.


I haven't Jewel, but it sounds great. I'll check that out when I am through with Tarot For Yourself and 78Degrees of Wisdom. (Not that I will ever be through with them!) I am a bad one for starting too many things at once! Oh! I think you are talking figuratively, not about a book!LOL! Personal and spiritual development are certainly my main goal in this pursuit! However, a chemical is a chemical (not an alchemical lol) so I don't blan on giving up my meds or substituting Tarot for them. It is all enhancement for me. :)


SE, no argument here! I was not trying to play doctor here *LOL*. Just got excited and wanted to share that is all :)


finally getting around to posting my results from this exercise. Have to admit that I tried using Greer's format for interpreting the CC as well as the permutations she described a couple of times already. In each case, I had NO problems reading the initial throw, but when I started doing the permutations everything kind of went to pieces. Since the rest of you had had such good results with the exercises I didn't want to just throw it all away, and gave it one more shot. Here's what I ended up with (original spread and interpretations; permutations to follow)

I also found that it all worked more smoothly when I allowed myself to write what felt right instead of rigidly following her format. I felt bad about that until I remembered the first rule of reading tarot -- do what feels right to you, so I did! ;) Sorry if I sound like a (really long) fortune cookie.

I used the Old Path with no reversals.

My question was, "What do you (the cards) want to tell me?"

1- 8:WL
2- 5:SL
4- 5:OL
6- A:CL
7- 9:SL
8- :TDEV
9- 3:WL
10- 3:OL

This spread is telling me what I need to do in order to 8:WS move in a positive direction 5:SS avoiding the false sense of security (or Pyrrhic victory?) that would hinder my development. :TWHEE First I need to trust my intuitive understanding of the cycles of life (e.g., "it's always darkest before the dawn", "what goes up, must come down", "every ending is also a beginning", etc). 5:OS Having survived periods of anxiety (general, financial, etc.) I have the knowledge of that survival to bring me strength and confidence in my ability to continue my life and journey. :TMAGE I am seeking control over my inner and outer worlds -- this control can only come through knowledge and the balancing of passion, thought, feeling, and action. A:CS My actions should be guided by my emotion, but I must be careful that those emotions do not go unchecked. 9:SS I feel blinded and paralyzed by the many options that surround me, but it is only by taking matters into my own hands and choosing a path that I will be able to cut those bonds. :TDEV I may be tempted to follow the paths of others without consulting my own needs/wants/beliefs -- in doing so I will be straying from the path that is mine alone. 3:WS I both hope and fear that I will enter into a relationship where I can follow the guidance/intuition of someone more capable/experienced than myself. I cannot be the student or the child forever. 3:OS Living takes a lot of effort and while success is not guaranteed, it is the journey (effort) that matters.



P1: the turning wheel

when I originally wrote this up, I wrote more in paragraph form noting where individual cards were focused, but in posting I went somewhat towards MKG's format, so if things seem out of sequence or anything, please forgive me. I also tend to start reading these 4 cards from the bottom, but have posted in the order in TfYS. Also, if you haven't guessed I tend to use cliches and quotes in my readings. I find the familiarity of the often heard words to make the information click. I mean, if you take the perspective that the symbology of the tarot is based on common themes (collective unconscious/archetypes/etc) then it makes sense to use phrasing that is also shared by a larger culture, right?

Past scenario
Idea/Ideal: 5:OL Suffering and worry are a natural part of the cycles of life. Remember "one cannot fully know joy until he has known sorrow".
Action/Assertion: :TMAGE I am the only person who controls my path, I must make a conscious decision and take specific actions to realize my dreams and aspirations.
Habit/Intuition: A:CL I have within myself a well of emotional energy waiting to be tapped. This potential gives me the strength to continue on my journey.
Letting Go/Receptivity: :TWHEE The changes I have experienced in my past prepare me for those that may lie ahead.

Subconscious scenario
Idea/Ideal: :TWHEE Remember, all things change and "the more things change, the more they stay the same".
Action/Assertion: 5:OL Also, "a sorrow shared is halved while a joy shared is doubled" so "fairly take and fairly give" both troubles and happiness.
Habit/Intuition: :TMAGE The knowledge and the power is in me; I have the potential for personal greatness.
Letting Go/Receptivity: A:CL In the past, my my unbridled emotions have brought me a sense of power, strength, and determination; however, I have learned that unchecked, those feelings can also bring vulnerability and pain.

Future scenario
Idea/Ideal: A:CL I am striving to find balance both of my emotions and through my feelings to the other aspects of my life.
Action/Assertion: :TWHEE My will determines my fate.
Habit/Intuition: 5:OL My anxiety can a be driving force that provides the motivation for change.
Letting Go/Receptivity: :TMAGE My past actions and choices have set me on this path.


P2: past, present, future

It's weird, I have had a hard time with this permutation, but I like it the best of the 4, go figure . . .

past 5:OL, :TWHEE, 3:WL
I am bringing from my past anxiety and the financial worries from not having taken care of responsibilities, as well as the desire to have someone else "looking over my shoulder" guiding me. I also know that change is inevitable and that I may need to leave these problems behind.

present 8:WL, 5:SL, 9:SL, :TDEV
I am beginning a new stage of my life's journey but at the same time am paralyzed by my fears of taking a "wrong turn" either by following others whose journey is in a different direction than my own or by being lulled into a false sense of victory. Is the cost of success too high?

future :TMAGE, A:CL, 3:OL
By consciously and deliberately drawing on my deep reserve of feeling and sensitivity I will become more focused and disciplined in my efforts.


P3: whole person summary

Overall the spread was fairly balanced. While I normally look at the distribution of the arcana in a spread, I don't usually look at each suit as an individual unit. It was an interesting exercise.

perceptual wands (2): I perceive myself forming a mentoring-style partnership as I begin a new leg of my spiritual journey.

emotional cups (1): I feel the need to recharge myself, getting in touch with my true feelings unfiltered by mental/physical/etc. aspects of my life.

mental swords (2): I am having difficulty deciding on a path; the options are overwhelming me I need to "cut" through to the heart of the matter (see cups above)

physical pentacles (2): I need to become more focusedand disciplined in my work in order to overcome my financial difficulties.

archetypal majors (3): I am the Magician who can turn the Wheel of Fortune to change my fate and to recognize and withstand Temptation on my journey.