tarot scrying


has anyone heard of this? how do you do it? i thought you had to use something reflective? maybe i can look at the card through my crystal ball? LOL.


i'm not really sure what you mean by 'tarot scrying'.

i do sometimes meditate on a card, usually a major, in a way that is like entering the card looking for answers or guidance.

by going into a deep meditative or trancelike state, one can enter a card as though it were a gate or doorway. then one can look around and question the keeper of the card. for example, one could enter the high priestess card, and directly ask her questions.


Hi Zorya

well im not entirely sure either, i was reading something the other day about scrying and it said some people use the cards for it , but i guess they could have meant meditation/visualisation.


I don't know Ambrosia... With Tarot cards I have, of course, heard of people meditating and finding insight with a given card, but dont' think of that as "scrying" necessarily. I mean, you can certainly find things out about yourself from these meditations, and find new things about the cards, but you're mostly seeing images which the artist put there for you to see. Then again, as Zorya mentioned, you can go into a deep meditation and find new things, talk to the characters in the cards...

Hmmm... okay, perhaps that would be a form of scrying...


Funny you should mention this...

I wanted to try a version of scrying with cards as well, ( I always liked the idea of cards as a tool, but I also have had some success with scrying...)so here's what I did...

I bought me a blank deck of cards...shiny white with the plaid RWS design on the back,(8 bucks from US Games)
and I attempted a reading, laying out the cards just as I would if I were doing a normal reading with a regular spread.

Then I did the relaxation techniques I do before I attempt to scry, and when I opened my eyes, I looked at the cards as if I were looking at any other shiny scying surface.

The first and second times yeilded no real results...but the third attept, later in the week, brought several interesting images.
I wrote them down to interpret at a later date.

Sometimes, I see Tarot images, but mostly, it's a single picture, or combination of images on each card.

It has been a really neat experiment, and occassionally very accurate as well, although I have to admit, it works best when I'm tired!


Actually I used to do a form of scrying with the cards. I laid out a circle spread with the cards, with a question in mind, then I focused in on the center like it was a scrying ball, and started to see... I now just use my scrying ball though. I might try a combo of the two sometime, except my creek is overrun with mosquitos and otherwise I draw attention to myself... my brothers think I'm wierd enough...


I thought I would 'bump' this thread up, as I think that the topic is very interesting, yet I know so little about it.

I was reading in the Greer book Tarot Reversals that one can 'scry' using tarot-cards... which got me to performing a search to see if this topic had been discussed in the past.

Does anyone have any further information on this?




I don't have any further information on it but I did post the other day about scrying through my crystal ball, to shiny purple paper beyond (about 7 feet away) and seeing what I describe as Tarot cards in its reflection. It was a vision that I couldn't determine with my natural eye, when I moved the ball away. Specifically I saw the 2, 3, then 4 Cups (one day after the next, after the next).




Hi Purple,

Thanks for sharing that. Interesting... almost as if you were being told a story, or given a sequence or something.

I am intrigued as to whether anyone has tried scrying with a tarot-card. I might give it a try myself. Hehe.



Hi Centaur,

I wondered if I were being lead through the Tarot suites and whether I'd missed the Ace a couple of nights beforehand. LOL.

I'd be interested to see how you go with the card. Post back how you set up the session and the results.

