Tarot To Go!


I have a Tiny Tarot deck that I travel with, but recently I've been wanting a small tarot program for my cell phone. You know, something that will generate 1 or 3-card spreads for times when it's inconvenient to use an actual deck (on the train or bus, or at a lecture) or just cause you don't feel like pulling the deck out and putting it back. Does anyone know of any good programs like that out there? Anyone interested in making one if there aren't? Just kidding. ^_~


Edited to add: I just found one! A very simple program, obviously very basic (only the majors) and novelty, but it'd be nice to have. Alas, it's not available for my phone. Perhaps it will work for someone else. ^_^ Tarot: For Mobile


Continuing my search for a small cell phone tarot program, I came across Mobile Tarot. Has anyone ever heard of it, or the company? It definitely looks as if it is worth checking out. ^_^


I swear my cell phone just leaped in excitement for this.
I'll definately be checking it out!!!

(here's to another distraction at work)