

gregory said:
THIS one referred to is in tech support.

It was invented yesterday after a furious thread by Kissa }) :* about abbreviations and in a totally characteristic fit of insanity, I agreed to compile one, and Alta made it a sticky (various stickies are at the top of each sub forum, with general informational stuff that someone might need at any time...) . It is here - in tech so that non subscribers can get at it, as it covers mostly TAROTICAL abbreviations.

Very useful! Thanks gregory for taking the time, few there I didn't know meself:)


nisaba said:

There's a *TAROTpedia*, now?

Why didn't one of you people put me out of my misery years ago and tell me?

<makes note of where to squander a few whole days>

I had no idea...bookmarked!


Tarotpedia?! o.o
uh.. going to take a look, didn't knew about that either!


Funny. Though not consciously aware, it seems I've been there before. :p

le pendu

Celebrating its FOURTH anniversary this month! How time flies!!

There have been over 3.5 million page views on Tarotpedia since it started, and it has over 2000 registered users. Like Wikipedia (which uses the same software), Tarotpedia is created by a community of interested persons who want to create a worldwide resource for tarot information.

While there are almost 4000 pages already there, many of them could use correcting, editing and/or expanding; and there are lots of new pages that need to be added for decks and subjects not currently listed.

Happy Birthday Tarotpedia, and thanks to the Association for Tarot Studies for funding its continuing development.


gregory said:
It's been around so long I didn't know everyone here didn't know about it.....
<grasps tuna firmly and advances on Gregory>


Bump-ity bump-bump

I thought I would bump this up since I took a spin over there just now to see how outdated my biography was; also to see what I could find about Giorgio Tavaglione.

So - anyone else here 'on' TarotPedia other than being just a visitor? :D


<admiringly> Gosh, I'd completely forgotten! Thanks for bumping the thread.