Teeth falling out


Does that mean that I will or someone I know will get pregnant? I had this dream about a week and a half ago and I haven't received any pregnancy news from anyone yet. And I know I am not preggers because I haven't had a date in months.

What do you think? In my dream all of my teeth feel out my mouth to the floor.


I've never read that teeth falling out was due to pregnancy but usually about either health issues or fear/anxiety or insecurity of some sort...

ana luisa

I agree with Dolphin. Usually falling teeth suggest that your health has to be taken care of. When that´s not the case, it has something to do with having said something that you regret and that is coming back at you. I know, not very positive, I´m sorry. Perhaps you could analyse it better thinking about your mood in the dream, what you felt, how you felt. It may give you more clues.


I've dreamt this quite a few times myself and when researching it I've found that often means there is an issue in your life that you feel you have no control over.


In a way teeth represent nourishment in life. For some reason you are either unable to chew something that is going on in life or you are dieting in some way with a deficiency of something within your system.

Make sure your eating habits are healthy for a bit and drink juice and veggies, etc.

It is a warning dream that something is not alright with your body. It may be a very mild lack of substance of some sort as I find our bodies react very quickly to anything at all that is different.

One time I had this craving for potatoes and thought this is ridiculous and went on eating them. I then looked up what it meant in a book, is it,The Herb Bible or some title (which is a very good book) and found it was a lack of potassium. I bought a bottle of potassium pills and took some. The craving left and I have never had it back. What I still cannot understand is how my body knew what would supply the lack but my mind did not know.
It makes one wonder.

Hence the dream ! Just ideas from my own experiences.


Everyone has this dream. My son had it this year and I believe when I was his age I had it- (23 y.o.). Dont know how old you are, but I know you will never forget that dream, it mostly has to do with worrying about what others think of you, or how you appear to others. I told my son it means things were about to change from him, he is moving from being really inner focused on his needs and wants as a teen to worry about being accepted by the general culture as a man.

Here are couple of links:





What a wonderful addition to the thread YDM42. Something new to learn every day. Thank you.


I had a very specific dream where my teeth were crumbling as I chewed. Within the next week, I broke a tooth on a hard popcorn hull. In the next few months, I chipped 2 more teeth.

I used to eat a LOT of popcorn and I'd been warned by my dentist that popcorn is so bad for breaking teeth.

I eat it ve-ery carefully now. And pay attention to tooth dreams!


I've had dreams about teeth falling out too. I know think I know what they mean. It's about your health: a natural diet, natural products. But one thing in particular: poisons!

You probably have mercury silver dental fillings. Mercury is the most powerful poison in the world! See www.mercuryexposure.org

Years ago I didn't trust dentists, but never looked after my health either. I should have changed my lifestyle to a more natural one, changed my diet, my toothpaste to one made of 100% natural ingredients(fluoride is another poison), then used crystals to repair my spiriual, emotional & physical health(eg. amazonite repairs tooth decay, fluorite repairs tooth enamel/pain).

Oils are important: coconut oil(from Asian food shops) can repair the body, diseases, tooth decay, dry skin/lips. Extra virgin olive oil is a vital oil as it has omega 9 oils. Flax seed oil has omega 3 oils.

Natural herbs are vital too eg. garlic, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne pepper.. (from Asian food shops). See www.homeherbs.com for extensive info about what each herb does for health.

I should have changed my drinks too: Jasmine & parsley tea is wonderful for detoxifying & heavenly in taste. I now have an undersink water filter(see my page www.waterfilter.co.nr).

I know realize that our health is the no. 1 most important thing, especially as affects how much psychic ability/healing we have.

Your spirit guides/guardian angels who you interact with in dreams(you may or may not remember these) will have been concerned about your health as it affects your psychic ability, and how much self-control you have.


I've had this dream. I mulled it over for a while, and talked about it with my shamanic teacher.

Teeth are part of the hard structure of you body, like bones. They allow you to chew things so you can deal with what is hard and large, and make it smaller and more manageable. Symbolically, loosing teeth is about loosing some of that structure, and loosing the ability to make large things smaller - food, of course, but also problems, plans, etc.

You might want to look at your life and see where you think you've lost some structure, especially the kind of structure that allowed you to deal with large problems or plans and make them smaller, chew them down until you can swallow them.