the all-singing, all-dancing ENABLING THREAD!


Scissors all the way :)


I'm gonna terrify some of you but I trim with a swing-arm guillotine and a very steady hand. Then some very good corner rounders. I did the Langustl deck today in under an hour - no slips, no wrong lines, no mistakes ... much easier for me than scissors. I have arthriticky thumbs and scissors are a pain (literally). I used to get my husband to do the guillotine thing but I remembered how I used to use a large one of them years ago at work, and it all came flooding back. Now, I'll trim any deck perfectly happily :)


<....faints clean away on the floor...>


.I go with mega sharp scissors & some patience.... & a corner roonder :D

Le Fanu

I have some [size=+2]HUGE[/size] scissors which could swipe one side of a Rohrig or Druid Craft in one snip. Then a corner rounder.


Just finished up James Ricklef's Tarot Tells the Tale. Such an excellent, different book that I thought I would pop on over here and enable people to buy it. It's a book of sample readings for famous people in history, literature, and myth! Very entertaining, and he also has a section on reversed cards that I thought was so helpful I'm going to post it in the Using Tarot cards section. To further enable of course...
So if you are looking for an entertaining, different Tarot read check this one out!


As no one is willing to trade a copy of Illuminated I’ve come here to be enabled to spend the £60+ in Carol’s site to buy my own. Please help, I feel like the gods of banking will strike me down if I part with that much cash for one deck!
Sarah x

(Wonders off to check her account balance and winces at the thoughts)


Well, SarahRacheal, the Goddess of Artistry will smite you if you don't understand the glory and tremendous bargain of getting 78 custom-made works of art! Less than 1 pound a card? This is the deal of a lifetime!

Dusk Till Dawn

I think I had about 200 post when I got mine. And then after another 200 Posts I got the Next. There are Decks that dissapoint. But this one is priceless, absolutely amazing... I will take my Large with me when I go. To have a Deck that is that special, is priceless.


well thats the thing, £60 for one deck is not too bad if you can see it in person and know you love it. I am a little worried that because the scans don't show these very well and I'm having trouble working out how the paint effects look.
Sarah x


Did I read somewhere that Carol sent samples of single cards done with the effect(s) a potential buyer was considering?