The bonefire has landed


I got this deck a while ago, and I really love it!
So lively and colourful; faithful to the RWS tradition but does it's own thing as well.

And you can really tell that the creator uses and loves tarot.

I am SO thrilled to hear that there is a book about it in the works!

Meanwhile, would anyone be interested in a study group, by any chance?
The images are so rich and there is so much to discover!


YES I most definitely would love a study group. Every time I use Bonefire I notice something I hadn't seen before, there is lots to study and find out.

Edit: For anyone who doesn't know, there's a Fool's Dog app on the way. Bonefire on my phone... I may never do any work again.


Edit: For anyone who doesn't know, there's a Fool's Dog app on the way. Bonefire on my phone... I may never do any work again.

Good thing I am still managing to avoid getting a smart phone then! :D

What would be a good place to start with the study group?
Favorite / least favorite card perhaps?


I really don't know, I haven't really taken part in a study group before. I don't have a least favourite card but there are some I struggle to read. One is the Hermit, perhaps that might be a place to start?


I really don't know, I haven't really taken part in a study group before. I don't have a least favourite card but there are some I struggle to read. One is the Hermit, perhaps that might be a place to start?

It's been ages since I took part in one, and I don't think I ever started one...
I'll have a quick read through the studygroup guidelines.

Hermit sounds like a terrific card to start with!

I think in general study groups work best when people are not trying to be too systematic about them, but instead just post about cards that come up in readings, that puzzle them, move them, etc.


I've been using the Bonfire for about a week now and I really enjoy it.

It reminds me of black velvet paintings, with those vibrant colors amplified by a black (or in this case very dark blue) background. The images seem like dreams that roll, fold and tumble into themselves. There's so much detail to study and learn from. I'm very fond of the deck's unique blockiness, and the sketchy LWB has oodles of personality.

The funniest card to me is The Tower. The feet sticking up from the bottom of the shot make me smile. Perhaps that will help me face a big change when that card appears.

A favorite design is the Ace of Swords. Very surreal and "far out". Love it.

I decided to ink the edges of the deck a very dark blue because I felt it would help put additional focus on the images (see attached image). Especially when the deck is on a dark tablecloth. I also applied the slightest bit of fanning powder which helps the deck fan really well.

Thanks Gabi for making the Bonfire - it's a real treat to read with and I'm sure I'll be using it for a long time to come.


  • Bonfire.jpg
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It looks good with the inked margins.


really pretty Agviz!

i have the deck for a few weeks now and i really like it. Funny that people call it old fanshioned. For me it feels really modern. maybe its the sunglasses in the four of wands. or the lady in the tub


How wonderful it is to read that Bonefire is giving interesting readings all over the world, it is all I wanted for the deck and hardly dared hope.

I was so happy to see the study group. It is an honor.

Agvis, My own personal copy has the edges inked in black. I have been reading with it for about nine months and it looks like new. if any one is thinking of inking their own deck, I initally used an ink pad, which was quite good, but left quite a few white bits still visible. So I used a marker pen as a second layer. it was a bit time-consuming but I am not that patient.
I should also mention that the ink pad ink did bleed around the edge of the cards now and again, but could easily be wiped from the matte lam surface even long after the edges were dry. The marker pen was more accurate, but slips to the face of the cards were permanent..
I know this because I decided to make another black edged deck, using pen only and was too slap happy and spoiled a few cards.

Actually while you are here, I might mention that the little oracle I am making is underway. Eight cards are complete. It is quite different to Bonefire. The old school tattoo look was not appropriate for this deck, but I think you will see that it is still definitely my work.
I have set myself a target to have this deck done by a certain time. I love deadlines. This makes the process very different from Bonefire, which required heaps of research and planning. I will not declare the date I wish to have the artwork done by as who knows what might crop up?!
If you want to follow the progress, it will be under "the Wyrd of Sarah Howard", (working title) in the tarot creation thread. I hope to scan a couple of cards later today (dang that day job!). I currently have no art software on my computer so the images will have very rough edges. So bare with me and check in later if you want a sneaky peak.

Cheers guys