the druidcraft tarot @ my local library


Oh, I didn't get my hopes up CN- haha.. I went to the library website and typed in "Tarot"- nothing. I typed in "Occult" -nothing. We still have a few "dry" counties here, but our county voted yes to liquor sales on Sunday- so we're moving on up.

when I was reading this post, and read "I typed in..." I thought, "what???" :confused: then I remembered. Most libraries have their items all computerized and that is how it is done 'now'. In both of our libraries, we still have card catalogs..............:p


I wonder if maybe that deck was a donation and the staff just decided to give it a whirl. I've never heard of anything like a Tarot deck to be available in libraries. But what a thought!


My library is VERY particular about all it's materials being checked. They examine them the moment you check them out and when they are returned, the REALLY check them and nothing slips by them.

I remember the days when we had enough staff to do that. Long gone. We've got self-service machines and even as we speak frontline staff are under review for downsizing. (Me included. I don't know if I'll have a job after April).